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This study investigated the moderating effects of supervisor–subordinate “guanxi” alongside relevant emotional regulation strategies, including cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression, undertaken by 402 firefighters experiencing burnout caused by work–family conflict, as revealed through the application and analysis of the job demands–resources model. According to the regression model for the moderating effects, high levels of supervisor–subordinate guanxi may improve the relationship between work–family conflict and burnout, while frequent suppression of expressivity may enhance this relationship. Moreover, when supervisor–subordinate guanxi is high, cognitive reappraisal may effectively mitigate the relationship between work–family conflict and burnout. To this end, both guanxi and cognitive reappraisal are crucial for supporting emotional regulation in the workplaces of ethnic Chinese societies.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships between employee categorization criteria and Chinese managers' allocation behaviors. Using a vignette approach and a four-factor within-subjects design, the effects of relationship (guanxi), loyalty, and competence, as well as their interactions with allocation context (private vs public) were examined. Results showed that subordinates who had a close relationship with the allocator, high loyalty, or high competence were rewarded more. Significant two-way interaction effects indicated that relationship, loyalty and competence interactively affected Chinese managers' reward allocation decisions. In addition, the moderating effects of allocation context on these three criteria were also significant. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research were discussed.  相似文献   
The study examines how subordinates’ perceptions of justice in Chinese working teams are influenced by the person–team fit (or the misfit) of the supervisor–subordinate guanxi (SSG). We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 1,086 employees from 149 work groups in one state‐owned enterprise; using a combination of cross‐level polynomial regression and response surface analysis. The results showed that subordinates’ perceptions of justice, in terms of procedural, interactional, and distributive justice, were higher when individual SSG was congruent with the average SSG in the team (TSSG) at a high level than when an individual SSG was congruent with TSSG at a low level. Meanwhile, in the misfit situation, subordinates’ perceptions of the three dimensions of justice were higher when the individual SSG relative to TSSG (relative SSG, or RSSG) was surplus (individual SSG exceeded TSSG) versus RSSG deficient (TSSG exceeded individual SSG). Nevertheless, the subordinates’ perceptions of distributive justice were the highest when SSG and TSSG were almost equal in high level, as observed by integrating the fit with the misfit line. These findings highlight the important boundary cultural conditions of the psychological processes of justice and provide useful insights for international managers conducting their business in China.  相似文献   


亲组织非伦理行为(UPB)作为一种非利己型的非伦理行为正逐渐受到学界的关注,当前研究大多围绕UPB的前因和形成机制展开,但缺乏对UPB结果变量的探讨。本研究通过对92名主管与399名员工的数据进行跨层次分析,探讨UPB对职业发展的影响机制。研究发现:UPB显著正向影响职业发展,上下级关系在UPB与职业发展之间起着部分中介作用,伦理型领导负向调节上下级关系对UPB与职业发展关系间的中介作用。  相似文献   
以杨中芳所构建的华人人际关系概念化理论模型为蓝本,并采用以往的实证研究方法为基础,揭示了当代华人对人际关系如何进行概念化及其潜在的认知维度。杨氏模型认为华人人际关系主要由既定成分、情感成分和工具成分组成。该研究以中国香港地区的大学生为被试进行调查,首先采用访谈的形式,分家族、学校及日常生活情境建立人际关系清单。然后采用多维量法(Multi-dimensional scaling)处理被试对关系进行分类的数据。结果发现,在不同的生活情境中,被试均依据情感程度对关系进行分类。在等级差异明显的家族和学校情境中,被试依据辈份和等级差异的突显性进行分类;而在等级差异小的生活情境中,则采用功利程度为标准。本文对被试在不同情境中所采用的不同维度进行了讨论,并提出华人人际关系的义务具有工具性质的实证结果。  相似文献   
The present study examined 33 teams with a total of 206 team members (excluding team leaders) to explore the effects of intrateam guanxi and trust networks on individual effectiveness in Taiwan. Guanxi networks included non-job, departmental and past team networks, while trust networks included affective and cognitive trust networks. Results showed that: (i) guanxi networks could better explain members' effectiveness compared with relational demography, and different guanxi networks had different effects; (ii) the more central an individual's position was in the cognitive trust network, the higher the individual's effectiveness; (iii) the past team guanxi network of a team member displayed a positive effect on the centrality of cognitive trust network, while non-job and departmental guanxi networks showed negative effects; and (iv) the effects of members' guanxi networks on individual effectiveness were mediated by the centrality of trust networks.  相似文献   
中国文化下组织政治技能的结构及问卷的编制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柳恒超  金盛华  赵开强 《应用心理学》2008,14(3):220-225,243
本文旨在探讨中国文化背景下,组织政治技能概念的内涵和结构以及编制相应测量工具。研究先对11人进行了关于组织政治技能概念内涵的半结构化访谈,然后以667人为被试,按照严格的心理测量学程序,探讨了中国文化背景下组织政治技能的结构,并编制了一套相应的组织政治技能量表。结果表明:中国文化背景下的组织政治技能为二阶因子模型,量表既包含了以往研究的成果,又体现了中国文化的独特性,具有较好的效度和信度,并具有广泛应用前景。  相似文献   
基于社会交换的理论视角, 以下属关系投入-主管资源回报的概念架构来展现组织中主管与下属关系互动的实质, 对主管-下属关系的运作效果与机制进行跨层次的实证研究。通过问卷法获得54个工作群体的426名下属与主管的对偶数据, 基于HLM分析的结果表明:下属在工作之余对主管的私人关系投入不仅能直接获得主管的工具性资源回报与情感性资源回报, 还能通过领导-成员交换(LMX)间接地获得主管的工具性与情感性资源回报, 而在工作群体内基于私人关系进行人力资源管理决策的特征对主管与下属之间的关系互动与关系质量也存在一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
卫旭华  邹意 《心理科学》2020,(2):423-429
当组织中做出不道德行为的人跟自己关系非常亲近时,员工可能不会揭发他们的不道德行为,进而给组织带来潜在的隐患。鉴于先前研究较少关注如何降低不道德情境中关系的包庇作用,本研究考察了组织和个体特征在削弱关系与揭发负向关系方面扮演的调节角色。结果表明,关系会抑制员工对不道德行为的揭发意向(研究1~3),且关系对员工揭发意向的负向影响受到了组织关系取向(研究1和3)与员工正直(研究2和3)的调节。随着组织关系取向的下降或员工正直程度的提升,关系对员工揭发意向的抑制作用逐步降低。这些结果对于组织内部揭发机制设计具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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