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以59家科技型创业企业368名知识员工为被试,从新型员工—组织关系模式下个体认知的视角,探讨了企业真实创新预览与知识员工可雇佣型建言的关系,以及知识员工之企业可雇佣性责任感的中介作用。PLSSEM分析结果表明:(1)企业真实创新预览对知识员工的企业可雇佣性责任感各维度、可雇佣型建言具有显著正向影响;(2)知识员工的企业可雇佣性责任感各维度中,基于角色内胜任力提高、基于角色外能力提升2个维度对知识员工可雇佣型建言具有显著正向影响,并在企业真实创新预览与知识员工可雇佣型建言之间起部分中介作用;而基于个人生涯发展维度对知识员工可雇佣型建言的影响不显著,其在企业真实创新预览与知识员工可雇佣型建言之间也不起中介作用。  相似文献   
Entrepreneurial intuition is the affectively charged recognition and evaluation of a business venturing opportunity arising as a result of involuntary, rapid, non-conscious, associative processing. This article integrates theories of dual-processing and models of the business venturing (opportunity recognition, evaluation, and exploitation) in a model of entrepreneurial intuition, which links intuitive expertise, cognitive style, somatic state, and the affect heuristic with System 2 interventions and the contingencies of the decision environment. Six research propositions are offered with suggestions for how they can be tested. The theoretical and practical implications of entrepreneurial intuition are discussed in terms of the unfolding of a research agenda relating to this important but under-theorized and under-researched construct in work and organizational psychology.  相似文献   
创业倾向影响因素研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
范巍  王重鸣 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1087-1090
本文是有关个体创业倾向与其社会环境、个性特征以及其它相关因素的研究。目的是为了探讨个体的个性特征以及环境、背景等因素对其创业倾向的影响。研究以国际前沿的理论为基础,以建立个体创业倾向的影响因素模型为目标。来研究个体创业倾向与社会环境、个性特征等影响因素的关系。  相似文献   
民营企业家职业倦怠内容和结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦雪艳 《应用心理学》2008,14(3):255-261
本文旨在探讨民营企业家创业过程中体验到的职业倦怠内容和结构。首先对19家来自不同地区和行业的19名不同背景的民营企业家进行了半结构化访谈,其次对访谈记录进行了内容分析,在文献研究和访谈研究的基础上设计了民营企业家职业倦怠问卷,对获取的125份预测数据和215份正式测量数据进行了统计分析。结果揭示了民营企业家职业倦怠的四因素结构模型,包括枯竭、去个性化、创业成就感和创业认同感。  相似文献   
Jörg Rüpke 《Religion》2016,46(3):439-442
This review article argues that the critique of contemporary discourses about religious self-improvement offered by Craig Martin cannot bear the claim that the notion of individual religion must be dropped. On the one hand, comparable phenomena are not restricted to a Western present, and, on the other, they do not disprove the utility of heuristic terms like religion or individualisation. However, a religious semantic of entrepreneurship might be a phenomenon well worth further research.  相似文献   
The article begins with an overview of the innovation process and the entrepreneurial process, each treated as separate but interrelated phenomena. The innovation process tracks the evolution of a new idea through time, whereas the entrepreneurial process tracks the activities that entrepreneurs develop to promote and defend the idea against its detractors. The model of innovation and entrepreneurship introduced distinguishes between individual and collective entrepreneurship and identifies two types of collective entrepreneurship: team entrepreneurship and functional entrepreneurship. A Minnesota case study demonstrates the power of both team and functional entrepreneurship. It also illustrates how important the linkages are between the entrepreneurs and their larger community. An innovative idea's development and survival depends on an “ecology of organizations” that provide “venture” capital for analysis and experimentation. The vast networks of contacts and associations represent a form of social capital just as important as the community's economic capital. In this case, both aspects of social creativity—the community resources and the network of social relations—were found to be instrumental in passing and implementing the first public school choice program in the country.  相似文献   
The Emerging Church movement (ECM) is sociologically interesting—not due to the size of its membership or the centrality of its congregations. Rather, the ECM is significant because it provides an opportunity to generate new concepts for the study religious innovation and social change. Using theoretical language, the ECM consists of institutional entrepreneurs who drive their religiously concerned movement by continually deconstructing and reframing beliefs, practices, and identities from “mainstream” Christianity while at the same time promoting newly formulated and broadly resonant religious imperatives. As Emerging Christians cultivate new or altered religious practices, these must be continually legitimized. Furthermore, their renegotiated beliefs (heterodoxies) require new forms of organization (alternative congregations). Such action is not the work of isolated individuals, nor is it independent of societal conditions. Ultimately, the ECM consists of Emerging Christians who creatively operate through diffuse network structures across wide geographic spaces and among disparate social groups to enact a collective institutional entrepreneurship that seeks to reimagine the assumptions of conventional Christian congregational life.  相似文献   
当代大学生创业意识问卷的初步编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究目的在于编制能够反映当代大学生创业意识结构特点的大学生创业意识问卷。文章首先分析了国内外对大学生创业意识的相关研究,在文献分析和开放式问卷的基础上形成大学生创业意识问卷,再经过847名大学生被试评定,对数据进行探索性因素分析显示,大学生创业意识问卷由21个项目组成,包括创业情感意识、创业需要和动机意识、创业价值意识、创业风险意识和创业素质意识等5个因素。对构成量表的项目分析的结果显示问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   
在高等教育学生满意度模型基础上,构建了高校创业教育学生满意度模型,利用天津市两所创业教育典型高校2052名已参与创业教育项目学生的问卷调查结果,采用PLS-SEM方法进行了实证分析,结果显示:学生期望、质量感知、价值感知对学生满意度均有直接且正向的影响,学生满意度对学生忠诚有直接且正向的影响;学校形象对于高校创业教育学生满意度没有直接影响,而是通过学生期望产生间接影响;学生满意度直接正向影响学生忠诚。学生满意度主要源自两方面:一是学生期望和质量感知产生的直接效用,二是学生期望通过影响质量感知和价值感知而产生的间接效用。根据研究结论,对提高高校创业教育质量提出了建议。  相似文献   
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