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中小学师生的校园暴力内隐观研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究用自编问卷对2386名中小学生和504名中小学教师进行了调查,结果表明,中小学师生普遍认可比较严重的身体攻击和性骚扰为校园暴力,不太认可言语攻击为校园暴力。学生的内隐观存在性别、城乡和年级差异,教师的内隐观基本不受性别、城乡、年级和学历影响。教师比学生更认可身体攻击为校园暴力,而学生比教师更认可言语攻击、财产破坏和一般性的体罚为校园暴力。  相似文献   




本文讨论了不同历史时期的心理学家对和平心理的看法,以“和平”为主线,追溯和平心理学思潮兴起的历史逻辑。毕达哥拉斯、恩培多克勒、柏拉图、奥古斯丁、夸美纽斯、康德等从本体论视角,确立了实现永久和平的理想追求。冯特的民族心理学重视研究原始人、战争英雄等的和平心理品质,早期的意动心理学重视人类和平意识研究,机能心理学强调通过建设学校“微型共同体”,提高儿童的和平意识。精神分析心理学则为战争与和平心理提供了新视角。人本主义心理学主张研究人的和平潜能、致力于世界和平冲突化解,推动了和平心理学的兴起。20世纪末的和平心理学主张用和平的方式实现和平,发生了“政治道歉”、和平冲突化解、“人类命运共同体”等研究趋向。  相似文献   
Many philosophers take experience to be an essential aspect of perceptual justification. I argue against a specific variety of such an experientialist view, namely, the Looks View of perceptual justification, according to which our visual beliefs are mediately justified by beliefs about the way things look. I describe three types of cases that put pressure on the idea that perceptual justification is always related to looks‐related reasons: unsophisticated cognizers, multimodal identification, and amodal completion. I then provide a tentative diagnosis of what goes wrong in the Looks View: it ascribes a specific epistemic role to beliefs about looks that is actually fulfilled by subpersonal perceptual processes.  相似文献   
This study reports the results of an exploration of the relationship of adult attachment dimensions (closeness, dependence, and anxiety) and world view assumptions (benevolence, meaningfulness, and worthiness) to psychological distress and psychological well-being in 142 parents (71 couples) of newborns recently hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. The results of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, hierarchical multiple regression, and mediation analyses showed that parents who were more comfortable with attachment-dependence and parents who held more positive beliefs about benevolence and worthiness had less psychological distress and more well-being. In addition, parents with partners who were more comfortable with attachment-dependence had less psychological distress and more well-being. Attachment-dependence partially mediated the relationships of benevolence and worthiness with psychological distress and the relationship of benevolence with psychological well-being, whereas worthiness had a direct relationship with psychological well-being.  相似文献   
This study examined the validity of situational view on culture‐specific behaviours focusing on self‐evaluation. Two experiments with American students as samples were conducted to examine whether priming their self‐construals would affect individuals' self‐evaluation. In Experiment 1, the participants' self‐evaluation was compared across different conditions of primed self‐contruals. In Experiment 2, the participants were split into 2 groups based on their initial default self‐consturals and, the self‐evaluations were compared across the 2 groups after priming self‐contruals. The results demonstrated that although the participants' self‐evaluation was initially in accord with their default self‐construal, it changed into accord with the primed self‐construals. The findings supported the proposed cultural game player view. Implications on situational view of self‐evaluation are also discussed.  相似文献   
许东 《管子学刊》2010,(2):124-127
自魏晋以来,儒释道三家思想并存发展成为了中国文化的显著特征之一。清末太谷学派作为流传于民间的一个学术派别,其三教观一直存在诸多争议。学派北宗传人张积中在山东肥城黄崖山聚徒讲学近十年,门人弟子遍及山左,现存遗著十九种,为太谷二传弟子中著述最多者。从张积中的三教观来看,他并非倡导三教合一,其三教观的核心是以弘扬儒家文化为基本理念,同时汲取佛道思想来完善其理论体系的太谷圣功之学,当属宋明"新儒家"思想在民间进行儒学传播的新尝试。  相似文献   
Points of View     
An adequate evaluation of argumentation requires identification of the object to which the argumentation pertains: the point of view. What are the distinguishing features of this object? In the pragma-dialectical argumentation theory, the object of argumentation is referred to by means of the notion ‘standpoint’. In other theories concerned with argumentation, reasoning, convincing or persuading, notions are used such as ‘thesis’, ‘conclusion’, ‘opinion’ and ‘attitude’. This paper is a survey of the characterisations of the object of argumentation given in the various theories. It discusses the pragma-dialectical argumentation theory, socio-psychological research on persuasion, cognitive research on reasoning, argumentative discourse analysis, two variants of informal logic, advocacy and debate, and the theory of communicative action. Next, it explores some relations between the notions used in these theories. Finally, it outlines some starting points for further research into the problems of identification.  相似文献   


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