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Biliana Popova 《Zygon》2020,55(4):977-995
This essay presents an analysis of different processes of machine learning: supervised, unsupervised, and semisupervised, through the prism of the epistemologies of several prominent Islamic philosophical schools. I discuss the way each school conceptualizes the ontological absolute (immortality, death, afterlife) and the way this shapes their respective epistemologies. I present an analysis of the different machine learning processes through the prism of the epistemological constructs of each of these philosophic traditions. I conclude with the argument that more scholars from the Islamic philosophical tradition should engage in the debates about the development of artificial intelligence and its implications, given that many Muslim countries are among the leaders in this development and its application in everyday life.  相似文献   
Neural networks can be used as a tool in the explanation of neuropsychological data. Using the Hebbian Learning Rule and other such principles as competition and modifiable interlevel feedback, researchers have successfully modeled a widely used neuropsychological test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. One of these models is reviewed here and extended to a qualitative analysis of how verbal fluency might be modeled, which demonstrates the importance of accounting for the attentional components of both tests. Difficulties remain in programming sequential cognitive processes within a parallel distributed processing (PDP) framework and integrating exceedingly complex neuropsychological tests such as Proverbs. PDP neural network methodology offers neuropsychologists co-validation procedures within narrowly defined areas of reliability and validity.  相似文献   
Murphy, Nancey and Ellis, George F. R. On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology, and Ethics
Haught, John F. Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation  相似文献   
The alleged conflict between religion and science most pointedly focuses on what it is to be human. Western philosophical thought regarding this has progressed through three broad stages: mind/body dualism, Neo‐Darwinism, and most recently strong artificial intelligence (AI). I trace these views with respect to their relation to Christian views of humans, suggesting that while the first two might be compatible with Christian thought, strong AI presents serious challenges to a Christian understanding of personhood, including our freedom to choose, moral choice itself, self‐consciousness, and the relevance of God to our beginning, being, and ending.  相似文献   
殷融  赵嘉 《心理科学进展》2021,29(7):1264-1278
语法是人类交流系统有别于其他动物的关键特征之一。行为比较研究表明, 除人类外的其他灵长目动物也能理解并掌握抽象的顺序排序规则; 神经生物学比较研究表明, 支持排序处理的神经机制来自人类与其他灵长目动物共同具有的脑区。因此语法所依赖的序列学习能力在人类与其他灵长目动物间具有进化连续性。词汇限制假说、事件感知假说与自我驯化假说分别从不同角度对人类语法的进化起源进行了解释。未来研究需要探讨人工语法任务中所发现的脑神经机制是否是层级结构加工的通用处理器, 并进一步澄清语义加工与语法加工的关系。  相似文献   
许多企业采用人工智能服务应答顾客需求, 然而多项研究指出用户并不总是对此感到满意。本研究围绕着用户对AI的心灵知觉的产生和影响, 探索了驱动用户对AI服务态度的关键因素及使用促进策略, 包括(1)机理分析层面:用户与AI早期接触的线索和体验因素如何使得人们产生了AI“擅长计算却缺乏感受”的心灵知觉?(2)调节作用层面:不同的用户内部状态和AI外部特征怎样调节了这种心灵知觉的形成和激活?(3)促进策略层面:将AI拟动物化和提供技术援助为何能借助心灵知觉使得用户在更广泛的场景中接受来自AI的服务?本研究试图在学理层面构建一个基于心灵知觉理论的新型AI服务接受模型, 为从理论上解释用户对AI服务的矛盾态度提供心理学参考; 同时试图在实践层面上借助心灵知觉理论提出两种促进用户接受AI服务的路径方法, 为企业在服务中提升AI的应用效能提供技术参考。  相似文献   
近年来, 人工智能技术的飞速发展及应用催生了“智能化心理健康测评”这一领域。智能化心理健康测评能够弥补传统方法的不足, 降低漏诊率并提高诊断效率, 这对于心理健康问题的普查及预警具有重大意义。目前, 智能化心理健康测评处于初步发展阶段, 研究者基于在线行为数据、便携式设备数据等开展主要以数据驱动为导向的探索研究, 旨在实现更高的预测准确率, 但是测评结果的可解释性等指标尚不够理想。未来的智能化心理健康测评需要强调心理学领域知识和经验的深度介入, 提高测评的针对性和精细化程度, 加强信效度检验, 这对于智能化心理健康测评工具的进一步发展和应用至关重要。  相似文献   
袁玉琢  骆方 《心理科学进展》2022,30(10):2303-2320
自闭症谱系障碍(Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ASD)的症状早在婴幼儿期就会显现, 越早发现, 越早干预, 治疗效果越好。传统自闭症早期筛查与诊断在评估方法、流程上存在局限, 无法满足大规模筛查和诊断需求。随着人工智能技术的快速发展, 使用智能化方法进行自闭症早期大规模无感筛查与诊断逐渐成为可能。近10年间, 国内外对自闭症智能化识别方法的探索在经典任务行为、面部表情和情绪、眼动、脑影像、运动控制和运动模式、多模态6个领域积累了丰富的研究成果。未来研究应围绕构建国内自闭症早期智能医学筛查与诊断体系, 开发针对婴幼儿患者的筛查工具, 构建融合多模态数据的自闭症婴幼儿智能化识别模型, 建立结合脑影像技术的自闭症精细化诊断方法等方面来开展。  相似文献   
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