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愉悦情绪体验是音乐活动中最普遍的心理现象。通过系统回顾相关的神经科学研究, 认为音乐愉悦体验与大脑奖赏系统的活动有关, 并涉及伏隔核与听觉皮层等其他脑区的交互。在这个过程中, 多巴胺的传递与音乐愉悦体验存在因果联系。基于预期视角, 奖赏预测误差理论和音乐信息理论模型可以解释音乐愉悦体验的产生机制。未来研究应进一步检验伏隔核及各皮层在音乐愉悦体验中的功能, 并整合不同的预期理论。  相似文献   
Depressed individuals are less reactive than healthy individuals to positive stimuli in the laboratory, but accumulating evidence suggests that they are more emotionally reactive to positive events in their daily lives. The present study probed the boundaries of this curious “mood brightening” effect and investigated its specificity to major depressive disorder (MDD) vis-à-vis generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), its closest boundary condition. We used ecological momentary assessment to measure reactions to positive events over one week in individuals with MDD (n = 38), GAD (n = 36), comorbid MDD-GAD (n = 38), and no psychopathology (n = 33). Depressed individuals responded to positive events with larger changes in affect, cognition, reported withdrawal (but not approach) behavior, and symptoms than healthy controls. More severe depression assessed before the sampling week predicted greater brightening. Altered reactivity to positive events was relatively specific to MDD when compared with GAD, similar to patterns found for other positive emotional processes. The robustness, scope, and relative specificity of the brightening effect highlights the need to resolve conflicting findings across laboratory and non-laboratory studies to advance understanding of altered reactivity in emotional disorders.  相似文献   
Two human associative-learning experiments investigated the relationship between the negative dimension of schizotypy and selective and nonselective prediction-error learning. Experiment 1 demonstrates that individuals low, but not high, on the introvertive anhedonia dimension of schizotypy demonstrate Kamin blocking, which has been taken to reflect the operation of selective learning (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). In complement, Experiment 2 demonstrates that individuals high, but not low, on the same dimension demonstrate asymmetrical learning about the components of a compound stimulus that differ in their associative history, which has been suggested to reflect the operation of nonselective learning (Rescorla, 2000). The implications of this double dissociation for understanding the nature of the cognitive deficit in schizophrenia and for theories of learning are considered.  相似文献   
从社会决策角度出发,依托博弈论的经典范式是研究抑郁症病人人际与社会功能障碍的一个切入点。Ruff和Fehr (2014)提出在社会决策中存在三类情境,即社会反馈、替代性评价、社会原则。我们从这个理论框架出发,发现抑郁症病人在社会反馈加工中存在社会性快感缺失,对社会拒绝的敏感性增强;在替代性评价过程中,共情和心理理论能力减弱;抑郁症病人对决策中的社会原则(公平、合作)存在适应不良现象,如过度利他性。未来的研究一方面可进一步探索抑郁症病人的社会性快感缺失现象,另一方面可采用经颅电/磁刺激与脑成像技术结合或超扫描技术,提高研究结果的解释力和生态效度。  相似文献   
抑郁症的内表现型:快感缺失及其测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快感缺失,指的是体验快乐的能力下降,广泛出现在抑郁症中,但同时也是其他如精神分裂症的重要症状。虽然快感缺失在精神病理学上非常重要,但较少受到研究重视。文章探讨了抑郁症和快感缺失的关系以及快感缺失个体的大脑奖励系统受损的神经机制,同时介绍了快感缺失可以进一步区分为期待性和消费性两种损害类型以及研究所用的主客观测量方法。指出快感缺失作为抑郁症最有可能的内表现型及其对疾病发展的作用,需要进一步研究深入。  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):105-118
Recent models propose reward system dysfunction as a key mediator of the relationship between sleep and depression and anhedonia. This study explored interrelationships among sleep disturbance, depressive symptoms, anhedonia, and reward responsiveness. Two-hundred and sixty undergraduate students completed questionnaires and a daily diary paradigm assessing sleep, reward responsiveness, depression, anhedonia, and positive affect over 1 week. Baseline sleep disturbance was associated with depressive symptoms, anhedonia, and reward responsiveness. Daily diary sleep parameters showed differential associations with anticipatory versus consummatory reward responsiveness and positive affect. Poorer sleep quality, shorter sleep duration, and longer awakening after sleep onset predicted blunted anticipatory and consummatory reward responsiveness, while increased sleep onset latency and lower sleep efficiency predicted only decreased consummatory reward responsiveness. All sleep indices, except sleep onset latency, were associated with positive affect. Findings demonstrate unique associations between disparate sleep disturbance and reward responsiveness elements, highlighting new treatment mechanisms for anhedonia and depression.  相似文献   
The Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) model for depression has become central to the empirical literature on depression. There are however inconsistencies in the literature concerning the robustness of the phenomenon of anhedonia following CMS procedures. We report that not only did our procedures (modeled on the original reports) fail to induce an anhedonia, but in fact led to increased sucrose consumption. Furthermore, corticosterone levels following CMS procedures were lower than following control procedures. Given that this is not the first report of such findings, it is important to evaluate whether and which aspects of the experimental methodology are necessary or sufficient to induce the state of anhedonia.  相似文献   
本研究选取949名8~12岁儿童进行自我报告测验,并从中选取83名被试完成行为实验。研究考察了认知重评策略以及增强正性情绪的重评使用效果在心理虐待与儿童快感缺失间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)心理虐待与儿童快感缺失呈正相关,认知重评策略、增强调节认知重评效果与快感缺失均呈负相关;(2)认知重评策略在心理虐待与快感缺失间起中介作用;(3)增强调节认知重评效果在心理虐待与快感缺失间起中介作用。上述结果表明,心理虐待可通过认知重评来间接影响儿童快感缺失。  相似文献   
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