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Schools have a significant effect on students' development, and serve as important social agencies for interventions for students facing disasters. However, little is known about the effect of students' school experience itself on their resilience when facing extreme negative events. The present study focused on students who were exposed to terror-related homicide with the aim of investigating the contribution of school climate resources to their resilience. Since resilience is associated not only with fewer negative outcomes, but also with positive change, the contribution of schools was studied as both inhibiting post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTS) and enhancing post-traumatic growth (PTG). A mixed-methods research design was used. The participants included 117 (52% girls) high school students (mean age = 14.54; SD = 1.49). Twenty-five of them were interviewed in addition to responding to the research questionnaires. Different aspects of the school climate were found to be associated with students' PTS and PTG, yielding two overarched factors explaining the school's role as a protective resource: sheltering and supporting. The former is associated with fewer PTS and the latter with higher PTG. The use of different resources for different forms of resilience is discussed.  相似文献   
青少年学生的人际信任度与家庭因素的相关研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
该文对青少年学生的人际信任度与家庭因素的关系进行研究,结果表明:1)青少年学生人际信任度的性别差异不显著;2)青少年学生人际信任度的年级差异显著:大学生的人际信任水平最低,初中生的最高,职业中专学生的与大学生的相近;3)青少年学生的人际信任度与其家庭环境的相关不显著。  相似文献   
中学生偶像崇拜与自我概念的关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究采用访谈法和问卷法.选取北京市428名中学生,考察偶像崇拜与自我概念的关系。研究发现:(1)有偶像的学生人数显著高于无偶像的人数,“歌星影星”与“著名人士”是其崇拜的主流。(2)有偶像的学生的自我概念显著高于无偶像的学生,主要在同性关系自我、异性关系自我、非学业自我概念上存在显著差异。(3)在有无偶像维度上,女生的同性关系自我、一般学校自我概念存在显著差异,男生的同性关系自我、一般自我、非学业自我和量表总分存在显著差异。(4)在有无偶像维度上,初一学生的体能自我、初二学生的数学自我、初三学生的语文自我和同性关系自我、高一学生的外貌自我存在显著差异。(5)不同偶像类型的学生的自我概念存在显著差异。  相似文献   
农村初中留守儿童心理健康问题研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用心理健康诊断测验和青少年心理健康素质量表对湖南省祁阳县两所农村初级中学280名学生进行整群抽样调查,结果表明:(1)留守初中生与非留守初中生在心理健康水平上存在显著差异,留守初中生出现更多的孤独倾向、自责倾向、过敏倾向和身体症状;(2)不同性别留守儿童在心理健康状态上存在显著差异,女生的心理健康水平低于男生;(3)留守初中生与非留守初中生在心理健康素质上不存在显著差异,除应对分量表外,各分量表得分都低于全国常模水平。  相似文献   
本研究通过初始问卷编制、项目分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等程序,编制普通高校大学生综合国防素质量表,并进行了相关实证测量。结果显示,量表有8个维度共35个题项。量表的α系数和重测信度均符合心理测量学指标要求,具有良好的结构效度、聚敛区分效度与校标关联效度,可用于大学生综合国防素质的测量。测量结果发现,大学生综合国防素质总体处于中等偏上水平,且存在显著的性别差异与年级差异。  相似文献   
Perceived social support is a multifaceted construct conceptualized as one's cognitive appraisal as to the existence of a connection to others, based on trust, on whom one can rely on when necessary. The aim of this paper is to examine the psychometric properties of perceived social support, using the following scales: Social Support Questionnaire-Short Form (SSQ6) and Social Provisions Scale (SPS), on a sample of 855 first year university students – 575 females and 280 males – enrolled in 16 professional degrees at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The SSQ6 Scale assesses the dimensions of perceived support availability and satisfaction, whilst the SPS Scale assesses its social support functions. The factor analysis conducted confirms the SSQ6 Scale's two-dimensional model and the SPS Scale's six-factor structure. Internal consistency of both scales is satisfactory, as is the evidence of validity obtained from the correlations between the two scales and their subscales. The results reveal that the Spanish version of the SSQ6 and SPS scales are reliable and valid measurements for assessing perceived social support amongst university students.  相似文献   
Training socially responsible professionals at university level has become a UNESCO-recognized mission. This paper reviews the study of Academic Social Responsibility from the Psychology standpoint, and develops a novel analysis approach for assessing the impact of higher education in acquiring social responsibility behaviors, based on a MIMIC analysis. Three scales were administered, based on an accidental non-probabilistic sampling and a transversal survey research: human values, multidimensional empathy and self-attribution of socially responsible behaviors. The sample included 860 students from Ibero-American Universities. The results show that university students display a high frequency of socially responsible behaviors but not a more prosocial intentionality in these behaviors. As regards frequency scale of socially responsible behavior, influence is evident of value dimensions, such as conservation and openness to change with the subscales of empathy perspective taking and personal distress. Regarding the intentionality scale, the variables that contribute to the self-attribution of socially responsible behavior are value dimensions: conservation and self-transcendence, along with the subscales of empathy appertaining to fantasy. Conclusion This research provides information on the psychological variables that have implications for humans to be socially responsible, which will allow the University to respond to the impact of training qualified professionals with great respect to their duty in the society.  相似文献   
This paper presents a psychometric study performing a confirmatory factor analysis of Gismero's Social Skills Scale. A background review is conducted on evaluation tools generally used for social skills, and the general characteristics of the scale are presented for the tool studied. A review is also conducted on psychometric properties of this tool. The sample consisted of 1206 college students at the Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using a polychoric correlation matrix, and the structure proposed by Gismero was analyzed. Reliability assessment procedures, such as internal consistency (Ordinal Alpha) and discriminant validity analysis, were also conducted using AF5 factors. The results show good internal reliability of the tool, suitability of the model to the data, and good discriminant validity. In conclusion, the Gismero's Social Skills Scale is considered as a suitable tool for assessing social skills in Chilean university students. A slight modification of the model structure in the second order factor level is proposed.  相似文献   
Australian Catholic schools are enjoying extensive popularity, with schools in general experiencing maximum enrolment capacities. The irony in this phenomenon is that Catholics are being attracted to non‐Catholic schools, and many non‐Catholics are seeking enrolment in Catholic schools. Moreover, the vast majority of Catholics in Catholic schools (parents, students, teachers) are not practising and those that do often hold a plurality of views in faith and morals that are inconsistent with Church teaching. Given this reality, the aims of the Australian Catholic school need to be re‐examined.  相似文献   
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