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Since the early 1980s, the interdisciplinary field of psychoneuroimmunology has explored the complex bi‐directional interactions between brain, behavior, and the immune system. Taken together, this research has expanded the limits of the questions we can ask about the organism by challenging the biomedical paradigm of the immune system as predominantly “autonomous”. Psychoneuroimmunology has played a key role in establishing a biological basis for the ancient idea that the mind can play a role in health and disease. This article describes the development of psychoneuroimmunology and reviews a number of key findings concerning psychological phenomena of potential relevance to understanding brain‐behavior‐immune interactions, including learning, emotions, stress, and the role of sensory processes.  相似文献   
Psychoneuroimmunology-based interventions are used to attenuated disease progression and/or side effects of pharmacological treatment. This systematic review evaluates the different therapeutic and/or clinical psychoneuroimmunology-based interventions associated to both psychological, neuroendocrine and immunological variables. The review was conducted for all English, Portuguese and Spanish language articles published between 2005 and 2015. Independent investigators analyzed 42 studies concerning human psychoneuroimmunology-based interventions. Decreased levels of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine (stress-related hormones) were associated to interventions like yoga, meditation, tai chi, acupuncture, mindfulness, religious/spiritual practices, cognitive behavior therapy, coping and physical exercises. Moreover, those interventions were also associated to reductions in inflammatory processes and levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in cancer, HIV, depression, anxiety, wound healing, sleep disorder, cardiovascular diseases and fibromyalgia. Despite the associations between PNI variables and clinical/therapeutic interventions, only one study evidenced significant effects on a disease progression.  相似文献   

Behavioral factors may have an effect on the course of infection in HIV-1 infected individuals. These effects can be mediated by the immune system of the host, which, based on psychoneuroimmunologic findings, can be affected by some psychosocial factors. We present a short review of some putative psychoneuroimmunologic pathways and their possible implications for HIV-1 infected individuals. We next summarize the findings of recent psychoimmunological work with HIV-1 seropositives and discuss the methodological problems in studying the psychoneuroimmunologic aspects of HIV-1 infection. Psychoneuroimmunologic research in HIV-1 seropositives is a rapidly developing field, yielding contradictory findings so far, but which in the long run could provide important knowledge for psychoimmunologic interventions, targeted at improving or preserving immune status and retarding disease progression, as well as optimizing psychosocial functioning.  相似文献   
近十年以来,音乐能够给人类带来健康的研究越来越多。其中,音乐对人免疫系统的影响属于较新的范畴。本文以音乐心理神经免疫学的视角,从内分泌反应、免疫反应以及免疫系统三个方面,探讨音乐是怎样增强人体免疫力的。音乐对于人体的生物学影响已经得到了公认,但是音乐的心理神经免疫学还是需要更多的量化证明,关于此方面的进一步的研究可能影响到我们医疗保健的整体模型。  相似文献   
抑郁症的心理神经免疫学研究:细胞因子的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
免疫系统在一些心理精神障碍中具有重要作用,抑郁症可看作是一种心理神经免疫紊乱性疾病。生理应激和心理应激能激活免疫系统,导致细胞因子的产生,从而影响中枢神经系统的多个方面,包括神经递质代谢、神经内分泌功能、神经可塑性以及与行为改变有关的信息过程。细胞因子不仅由免疫活性细胞分泌,也能被神经胶质细胞和神经细胞合成和分泌,它在抑郁症中的作用可能会在揭示抑郁障碍机制上有新突破,并可能作为今后药物治疗的靶点进入临床领域  相似文献   
条件反射性免疫调节的动物研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
李波  林文娟 《心理学报》1996,29(3):320-327
心理神经免疫学是一个新兴的跨学科研究领域,其研究内容涉及许多方面。其中条件反射性免疫调节是心理神经免疫学研究中最引人注目的研究领域。本文着重介绍了有关条件反射性免疫药理学效应及抗原作为非条件刺激所致的条件反射性的免疫效应的基本的实验设计和研究方法,讨论了对其实验结果的不同解释,对条件反射性免疫效应方向的预测及所包含的学习过程也进行了一定的分析。  相似文献   
心理神经免疫学研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
心理神经免疫学(Psychoneuroimmunology)是一门探索人类心身健康奥秘的新型边缘学科。它研究神经系统如何将心理因素转换为可以影响健康的生理状态的机制,特别是脑和行为如何影响免疫系统,又如何受到免疫系统的影响的。免疫系统和神经系统之间是否真正存在联系一直有争论,我们实验室围绕高级神经活动对免疫系统的作用开展了研究。工作包括:条件反射性免疫抑制和增强、情绪应激与免疫、心理行为干预与癌症等。这些工作不仅证实了心理调控,比如信号刺激、情绪和意念想象等,确实可以影响免疫系统的功能,而且对有关机制进行了探讨  相似文献   
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