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杜霞 《周易研究》2005,(1):23-29
本文通过对<周易·艮卦>的解释,说明其中静、观、止三义.然后略述宋儒沿袭<易传>而来的对于艮卦的阐说及其有别于佛老之处.最后本文试图立足于现象学,对艮卦所敞显的生存意义作一说明.  相似文献   
《周易》释“艰”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《周易》本经的六个“艰”字,不管是《噬嗑》卦九四爻辞、《大畜》卦九三爻辞、《明夷》卦卦辞的“利艰贞”,还是《泰》卦九三爻辞的“艰贞,无咎”、《大壮》卦上六爻辞的“艰则吉”、《大有》卦初九爻辞的“艰则无咎”,“艰”都当读为“限”,其义为限止.而《艮》卦的诸“艮”字,与“限”字同源,当为古今字,所以其音义亦同.以《周易》本经的“艰”字为“艰难”的旧训和以其本字为“暵”、“根”的新说,都是不能成立的.  相似文献   
以往对咸卦的解读多不能切近其本义。事实上,咸卦的主题是讲交往处事的道理或原则。关于卦辞,传统解读多基于男女相感来理解,其实卦辞着重强调的是屈身虚己、礼贤下士。关于初爻,诸家均未着眼于足拇趾与其他足趾的不同去体会“拇”的本质特征。依此角度理解,初爻讲的是要重视与外界的交往。解卦九四亦取“拇”象,且与“朋”象相合,比喻能力再强者遇到险难时往往也需要他人的配合支持。关于二爻,诸家多以腓体躁动取象,认为二爻“感物以躁”乃“凶之道”,实则二爻取象腿肚抽筋,喻勿与坏人、恶人相交。艮卦六二亦与腿肚抽筋有关,喻本当止而不得止之,是以有憾。关于三爻,诸家多以股随足或随身而动,不能自处,喻人无主见而听任摆布,基本得其正解。艮卦九三不取股象而取腰限之象,体现了取象的唯变所适之理,喻本不当止而强止之,将会导致严重后果。关于四爻,诸家皆以九四为有心之感而未及无心之感,其实四爻讲的是交往处事要心思端正、以心交心。关于五爻,诸家皆未抓住脢的本质特征。该爻实则是讲交往处事要有奉献精神,甘于做配角。关于上爻,诸家解读大致能得其正解,讲的是交往处事不能夸夸其谈,务必言实相符。  相似文献   
The concept of regression is considered with an emphasis on the differences between the positions of Freud and Jung regarding its significance. The paper discusses the results of experimental analyses of individual experience dynamics (from gene expression changes and impulse neuronal activity in animals to prosocial behaviour in healthy humans at different ages, and humans in chronic pain) in those situations where regression occurs: stress, disease, learning, highly emotional states and alcohol intoxication. Common mechanisms of regression in all these situations are proposed. The mechanisms of regression can be described as reversible dedifferentiation, which is understood as a relative increase of the representation of low-differentiated (older) systems in the actualized experience. In all of the cases of dedifferentiation mentioned above, the complexity of the systemic organization of behaviour significantly decreases.  相似文献   
黄绾一生为学三变,早年宗承程朱,后归王学,晚年自揭"艮止"之学.在易学上,黄绾以"圣人之学、忧患之枢"释<易>,认为<易>之微青,莫要于‘艮止'",目"艮止"为"体用俱全"之"存心之法",以"艮止"为"圣门开示切要之诀"的"圣圣相承"之道统本旨,终则以"收拾精神、归缩在腔子内"为"艮止"之修养工夫.其为学注重"经理世务",反对陷入"空疏支离"的宋明诸儒及王学末流,成为王学中具有自觉和批判精神的"异端".  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to analyze which maternal factors (depressive symptoms, effect of life events, maternal sensitivity and structuring) and infant characteristics (temperament, social withdrawal symptoms, interactive behavior, genotype, gender) contribute to shared pleasure (SP) in parent–infant interaction. Participants were 113 mother–infant dyads. The mothers filled in the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Infant Behavior Questionnaire, and the Life Events Questionnaire. The dyads were videotaped in a free-play situation, and the videos were analyzed using the Alarm Distress Baby Scale and the Emotional Availability Scales. The infants were genotyped for four genes involved in emotion regulation. The occurrence and duration of SP (SP-MD) in mother–infant interactions were analyzed from the videotapes. Higher maternal sensitivity and depressive symptoms, better infant responsiveness, and the infant having the GG variant of the gene tryptophan hydroxylase isoform 2 (TPH2) -307 were associated with the occurrence of SP. Lower level depressive symptoms, better maternal structuring, and greater infant involvement were associated with the longer duration of SP. Those dyads where the mother and infant were best able to read each other's positive cues and to respond to them were more likely to experience mutual positive affect, as seen in SP.  相似文献   
咸卦和艮卦的性心理学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易学在传统上一向释<咸卦>之"咸"为"感",今人李镜池、高亨、王明、刘正又提出了解释咸卦卦爻辞的三种新说,本文以现代性心理学关于"足恋"的知识为根据指出:咸当训为动,咸卦各爻辞叙述了一对青年男女在恋爱中互相抚摩对方身体各个部位直到亲吻的一连串的"镜头"或"场景",王明的解释是最得当的.由于艮卦爻辞与咸卦爻辞存在可以类推或平移解释的关系,本文从性心理学的角度对艮卦爻辞作了相应的解释.  相似文献   
朱熹对<周易>艮卦的阐释主要体现在:将卦辞"艮其背"解释为"止得其当止之所",由人的身体动静之规律而论道德实践行止之定律;强调"只是道理所当止处",反对人事所为中任何私欲的汁算对"道理"的遮蔽,提出艮卦"主静",并由"静"的吉凶训诫上升到"中有定止"的义理推明.这些阐释不仅反映了朱熹通过易学诠释对其哲学理本论的积极建构,而且体现了其理学视域下昕凸显的儒家价值取向,即对群体、社会以及宇宙生命的终极关怀.  相似文献   
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