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“忠”是孔子道德学说的一个重要范畴。孔子对“忠”的论述非常全面和系统,其中既包括对“忠”的学理性探讨,也包括对忠德的培育、践行等的方法论指导,构成了一个理论性与实践性兼备的完整体系。孔子的“忠”具有泛伦理特征,在他看来,“忠”是一切人都应具备的道德品格,不存在主体上的选择性;“忠”的美德不仅应当施于主体以外的所有人,而且应当施于主体所从事的工作和事业,施于自己的祖国。  相似文献   
Synthetic biology promises to eliminate the distinction between biology and engineering by delivering a philosophically interesting new kind of entity: a biological organism that is wholly designed and constructed by humans. The possibility of such organisms raises interesting questions in three domains: the analysis of (1) biological functions, (2) engineering functions, and (3) health and disease. This paper identifies and systematically answers these questions. This does not only establish how we should think about functions and health and disease in synthetic biological organisms, but it also reveals insights that are of broader relevance: (1) aetiological accounts of biological function need to omit or reinterpret reference to natural selection. This results in complete continuity between aetiological analyses of function in engineering and philosophy; (2) considering synthetic biology prompts interesting further questions about heritability, ancestry, and biological individuals; and (3) accounts of disease as biological dysfunction do not straightforwardly map onto our intuitive health and disease judgments regarding non-human animals. In response to the latter point I examine three possible avenues, and tentatively defend one on behalf of the ‘disease as dysfunction’ theorist.  相似文献   
The literature on cultivation processes assumes that second‐order judgments (e.g., attitudes) are repeatedly updated during viewing (i.e., on‐line) and can be reported when asked. In this article, we propose this reasoning only holds for people high in their need to evaluate (NTE). Low‐NTE individuals do not update their opinions on‐line and have to construct their attitudes memory‐based, limiting the likelihood of finding second‐order relationships. Results from a cross‐sectional survey among 226 adolescents indicate that crime drama viewing and scary world beliefs are only correlated among high‐NTE individuals. NTE does not moderate cultivation through nonfiction. The theoretical implications of memory‐based attitudes for second‐order cultivation are discussed, and suggestions are made for future research on attitudinal media effects.  相似文献   
移情是人际交往中情感的相互作用,是对他人情绪的觉察而导致自己情绪唤起的一种情感体验。培养儿童的移情对儿童的道德发展具有重要作用。本文从移情的概念入手,介绍和探讨儿童移情与道德发展的关系研究状况,并对儿童的移情培养提出建议。  相似文献   
在经济全球化、科技一体化、互联网普及化的情境下 ,世界的政治、经济、文明、宗教、制度等仍然持续多元化、多极化的趋势。是全球化的多元化 ,或多元化的全球化。人作为“会自我创造的和合存在” ,是创造世界文明的原动力和原载体。儒家文明孕育了中华民族精神的成长 ,担当着建构民族主体精神的重任 ,绵延着民族生命的智慧。儒家文明一言以蔽之 ,是以治平为本 ,以仁为核 ,以和为贵。从文明冲突到文明对话 ,是价值观念、思维方式、观照视角的转换。文明对话可依照和合学的“融突论” ,而不是二元对立的非此即彼论 ,它以承认、接纳“他者”的存在为前提。儒家文明在化解世界文明冲突中 ,以其“己所不欲 ,勿施于人”的和生、和处、和立、和达、和爱原理 ,发挥着重要的、独特的、整体的作用  相似文献   
作为教育家的孔子从教学、教材的角度认为《诗》不仅应当让人们学到知识,更重要的让人们提高自身素质和修养,但孔子这种强调诗的教育作用的思想被后世文人加以引申阐发,成为了中国传统诗学的核心思想。儒家诗教原则得以确立有一个过程,这既是中国封建社会发展的必然,也是历代儒家文人不断努力的结果。为实现教育教化功能,中国历代文人探寻出了“文以载道”的理论,并付诸于创作实践。强调文学的教化功能成为中国传统文学理论与实践的突出特点。  相似文献   
《论语》与《孔子诗论》的学术联系与区别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《孔子诗论》的诗学思想与《论语》既有联系又有区别。《孔子诗论》吸纳了《论语》诗乐教化和兴观群怨等学术观点。但在学《诗》目的上,它不像《论语》那样重视出使应对;在说《诗》方法上,它不像《论语》那样断章取义,而是直探诗旨本身;在对人性的看法上,它不像孔子不谈性,而是以子思学派的性情理论说《诗》。惟其学孔而不泥于孔,《孔子诗论》才能取得诗歌理论的巨大成就。  相似文献   
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