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The active intermodal mapping hypothesis suggests that intentional imitation is mediated by a highly efficient, special-purpose mechanism of actor-centered movement encoding. In the present study, using methods from stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility research, we found no evidence to support this hypothesis. In two experiments, the performance of adult participants instructed to imitate actorcentered spatial properties of head, arm, and leg movements was affected by task-irrelevant, egocentric spatial cues. In Experiment 1, participants imitated using the same side of their bodies as did the model, and performance was less accurate when egocentric stimulus location was response incompatible than when it was response compatible. This effect was reversed in Experiment 2 when participants imitated using the opposite side of their bodies. These findings, in line with general process theories of imitation, imply that intentional imitation is mediated by the same processes that mediate responding to inanimate stimuli on the basis of arbitrary S-R mappings.  相似文献   
Recent studies by Myors (1998, 1999) have concluded that the Microsoft Windows operating system is unable to support sufficient timing precision and resolution for use in psychological research. In the present study, we reexamined the timing accuracy of Windows 95/98, using (1) external chronometry, (2) methods to maximize the system priority of timing software, and (3) timing functions with a theoretical resolution of 1 msec or better. The suitability of various peripheral response devices and the relative timing accuracy of computers with microprocessors with different speeds were also explored. The results indicate that if software is properly controlled, submillisecond timing resolution is achievable under Windows with both old and new computers alike. Of the computer input devices tested, the standard parallel port was revealed as the most precise, and the serial mouse also exhibited sufficient timing precision for use in single-interval reaction time experiments.  相似文献   
In this study, an Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions Scale was developed to assess cognitive distortions in individuals' interpersonal relationships. The sample comprised 425 university students. A factor analysis yielded three factors: Interpersonal Rejection, Unrealistic Relationship Expectation and Interpersonal Misperception. To examine construct validity the correlations between the scores on the Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions Scale and the Automatic Thoughts Scale (.54), the Irrational Belief Scale (.54), and the Conflict Tendency Scale (.53) were estimated. The first factor, the second factor, and the total scale discriminated married individuals who had low and high conflict intensity and conflict frequency. The reliability of the scale was estimated by performing a test-retest correlation (.74). Cronbach internal consistency coefficient alpha was .67.  相似文献   
The expansion of integrated, collaborative, behavioral health services in primary care requires a trained behavioral health workforce with specific competencies to deliver effective, evidence-informed, team-based care. Most behavioral health providers do not have training or experience working as primary care behavioral health consultants (BHCs), and require structured training to function effectively in this role. This article discusses one such training program developed to meet the needs of a large healthcare system initiating widespread implementation of the primary care behavioral health model of service delivery. It details the Department of Defense’s experience in developing its extensive BHC training program, including challenges of addressing personnel selection and hiring issues, selecting a model for training, developing and implementing a phased training curriculum, and improving the training over time to address identified gaps. Future directions for training improvements and lessons learned in a large healthcare system are discussed.  相似文献   
本文通过亚伯拉罕·林肯的家人、亲属、邻居、朋友及政治伙伴等不同人的回忆和口述,呈现出了林肯个人在生活中和政治生涯中对于宗教信仰所持的怀疑的态度和做法,勾勒出林肯作为一个非宗教信仰者的人生轨迹.  相似文献   
The application of neuroscience to marketing, and in particular to the consumer psychology of brands, has gained popularity over the past decade in the academic and the corporate world. In this paper, we provide an overview of the current and previous research in this area and explain why researchers and practitioners alike are excited about applying neuroscience to the consumer psychology of brands. We identify critical issues of past research and discuss how to address these issues in future research. We conclude with our vision of the future potential of research at the intersection of neuroscience and consumer psychology.  相似文献   
The question of whether or not the need for self‐enhancement is culturally universal has been a controversial issue in cultural psychology. Though there have been numerous studies arguing that East Asians also have the need for self‐enhancement, the controversy remained. We contend that the field is ready to see a cohesive theory that integrates and explains when and why East Asians do and do not manifest their need for self‐enhancement. In this paper, we provide the theoretical logics of and rationales behind face and dignity cultures as the new theoretical proxies that integrate and explain East Asians' self‐enhancing behaviors, supplementing the former approach that uses the individualism‐collectivism dichotomy. In particular, four representative properties of face culture — humility, public (versus private) concern, prevention regulatory focus, and harmony — are discussed to explain cross‐cultural differences in the extent and ways of manifestations of self‐enhancement motivation between European Americans and East Asians. Theoretical corroborations and empirical findings supporting this approach are also discussed.  相似文献   
Suicide prevention especially with psychiatric inpatients is traditionally a very important aspect of psychiatric treatment. During the 1970s and 1980s there was a noticeable increase in so-called hospital suicides in Germany, especially suicides of schizophrenic inpatients. The number of psychiatric inpatient suicides has currently decreased again and a shift to more depressive suicides has also been observed. Furthermore questions which are asked in court are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
科学与宗教是人类文化上的两朵奇葩。它们之间的冲突达到了何种程度?同时,它们之间的调和达到了何种程度?人们对它们分界的公认意味着什么呢?是要求它们彼此不互相信任呢,还是要求它们共有一个公平一致的空间?如何才能最好地解决使它们产生分歧的大量问题?解决这些问题要通过什么样的不同途径?科学与宗教是否存在一些能够获得协调一致的意见呢?(这些一致的意见可以从他们广阔的哲学共通性上获得力量而又不破坏其根本的不同)。当然,科学与宗教产生分歧的很多问题主要涉及到被称之为有科学思想的怀疑论者和人文主义者。简单地说,有科学思想的…  相似文献   
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