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刘作 《现代哲学》2022,(1):72-78
普通人类知识在实践运用中出现自然辩证法,引发对定言命令有效性的怀疑,使纯粹实践理性批判成为必要。纯粹实践理性批判通过追问三个问题,防止实践理性的僭越,确立了定言命令演绎的实践的立场。这三个问题分别对应《道德形而上学的奠基》前面三节,说明道德法则除了自由之外,别无根据;自由除了道德法则之外,没有其他基础;追问对道德法则的兴趣,容易把情感当作道德法则的根据。这些观点与《实践理性批判》是一致的。康德从一开始就不是从理论的角度来演绎定言命令,也没有出现主流学界所批判的失败。  相似文献   
稳定性/发展性:气质研究视角的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左志宏  席居哲 《心理科学》2006,29(1):249-252
气质作为心理学研究的一个重要领域,传统研究注重突出气质的先天性与稳定性,而近期研究则逐渐开始强调气质是具有行为基础的发展性的行为特征,表现出与传统研究不同的视角转向。目前这种“暗流涌动”式的转向将对气质研究领域的拓展和深化具有重要的导向意义。  相似文献   
恐惧管理理论(TerrorManagementTheory,TMT)从人们对自己生命的意义感和价值感的需求角度对自尊进行了阐释。大量实证研究对该理论的基本假设进行了验证。该文对TMT的理论起源和基本观点进行了介绍,分析了TMT关于自尊的“焦虑缓解器假设”和“死亡突显性假设”以及“防御的双重加工模型”,并对TMT及其相关研究进行了评价和展望  相似文献   
“禘”乃历代礼学考究之难点。《论语》中论“禘”之处仅二,后儒原“禘”主要基于文献考证学层面,征引经传子史弄清禘祭制度的本来意义与形态,然众说纷纭,莫衷一是,尚无定论。而对于殷周禘祭的实态或者说隐藏在禘祭制度中的政治、伦理乃至意识形态的关注甚少,《论语》中的“禘”恰恰又集中于此。再有孔子是否知“禘之说”以及为何“禘自既灌而往者,吾不欲观之矣”亦成悬案。因此,对“禘”及其相关问题予以梳理与澄明,意义颇大。  相似文献   

A direct chill (DC) cast Al-15% Si alloy was processed by hot rolling with a single pass at a temperature of 520°C with a thickness reduction of 80%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to investigate the evolution of the sample’s microstructure. After hot rolling, silicon particles homogeneously distributed in the Al matrix with fine equiaxed grains of average size ~ 0.95?μm. High-angle boundaries (HABs) (about ~75.8% in percentage) dominate in the Al matrix structure. There is evidence for Si-particle-stimulated continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) during hot rolling.  相似文献   
Recent nanoindentation experiments on bulk samples as well as compression tests on micro-pillars indicate that the micron-sized material volumes exhibit a first yield point that strongly depends on the sample size. In this work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are carried out to investigate the onset of yielding in Ni3Al nano-sized pillars. The MD results show that dislocation generation is from the free surfaces of the micro-pillars, when thermal vibration induces too large a local interatomic displacement. The statistical distributions of the near-surface thermal atomic displacements gathered from the MD simulations are used in conjunction with a survival probability model to predict the yield conditions of real-sized micro-pillars in real time scales. The predicted results agree fairly well with experimental results in the literature.  相似文献   
大学是人类传承和创新知识的主要场所,自诞生以来就一直以科学理性为至高原则。在我国大学教育中,一定程度上存在着科学理性的缺失,不断加强的人文素质教育也没有改变这种状况。当前开展的大学科学理性教育,就是要帮助大学生确立科学理性信念,掌握科学理性知识,培养科学理性思维,激发科学理性追求。  相似文献   
研究以计算机仿真交流平台为工具,采用模拟情景方法,探讨了人际互动中相似性对人际吸引的影响和人际吸引机制。采用2×2组间设计,共32名被试。结果显示:(1)主我分享是态度相似的重要组成部分;(2)在人际交流与互动中,主我分享是影响人际吸引的重要因素;(3)情绪是主我分享影响人际吸引的中介变量,起部分中介作用;(4)人际互动情境模拟是研究人际交往的一种有效途径。  相似文献   
Given the current environmental situation and social change in China, we explored the relationships between the Dark Triad traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy) and environmental attitudes (beliefs regarding environmentally related issues), and the mediating roles of future orientation (the tendency to plan for meeting long‐term objectives) and place attachment (the emotional connection with the place of residence) in these relationships. Using a national sample from all 31 provinces of mainland China (N = 998), we found that the psychometric structure of the Dark Triad was well confirmed under Chinese culture. The Dark Triad as a whole was negatively related to environmental attitudes, but narcissism was not significantly associated with environmental attitudes when the three Dark Triad traits were considered as the predictors simultaneously. Future orientation and place attachment mediated the association between the Dark Triad and environmental attitudes. These findings enrich our understanding of the relevant variables of environmental attitudes and provide references for China's government and other developing countries to improve environmental issues. The uniqueness of narcissism could expand the understanding of the commonality and diversity among the Dark Triad traits, and an efficient tool of the Dark Triad was provided under Chinese culture.  相似文献   
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