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Drug-related memories persist long into abstinence and are potent elicitors of drug craving and relapse. We report two experiments examining whether heroin-dependent individuals are impaired in intentionally suppressing drug-related memories. Experiment 1 adopted the Item paradigm where addicts and healthy controls were presented with a list of words each followed by a remember or forget cue. Experiment 2 adopted the List paradigm where they studied one list of items and were then split into a remember group and a forget group. Both groups studied a second list, except that the forget group was told to forget the first list. Compared with controls, addicts showed a reduced directed forgetting effect in the Item method and a total absence of one measure of directed forgetting in the List method (List 2 benefits). Results indicate that heroin addicts are impaired in directed forgetting and that the deficits are likely associated with memory encoding as opposed to retrieval. Possible problems include reduced ability in actively suppressing/stopping encoding of irrelevant information into memory or inability in changing/resetting encoding strategies. In neither experiment did the addicts show any differential directed forgetting effects between drug-related words and neutral words, indicating the generic nature of their intentional forgetting deficits.  相似文献   
艾滋病污名由公众污名和自我污名两部分构成。前者指公众所持有的对艾滋病和艾滋病感染者的偏见、刻板印象和歧视; 后者指艾滋病感染者感知到的来自公众的偏见、刻板印象和歧视, 并由此产生的负面自我认知。测量主要从未感染者和感染者两个层面展开。艾滋病的公众污名与自我污名广泛存在于个人、家庭、医疗、媒体等诸多领域, 阻碍艾滋病的有效防治并损害社会平等。减少艾滋病污名的干预既需要消除公众的偏见、刻板印象和歧视, 改善社会环境; 也需要感染者自我的心理健康和治疗意愿, 提升生活质量。未来应该从未感染者和感染者的双重视角出发, 对其相互作用机制、测量工具、干预措施及连带污名等进行深入研究。  相似文献   
In order to obtain comprehensive performance, heavy elements were added into superalloys for solid-solution hardening. It is found that, rather than adopting random distributions, the heavy atoms prefer to form short-range ordered columns with heavy-element stripes 1–2 nm in length. This is supported by our ab initio calculations. Owing to the strong bonding strength between the refractory elements and nickel atoms, this short-range ordering may be beneficial to the mechanical performances of superalloys.  相似文献   
Both humans and non‐human animals exhibit sensitivity to the approximate number of items in a visual array, as indexed by their performance in numerosity discrimination tasks, and even neonates can detect changes in numerosity. These findings are often interpreted as evidence for an innate ‘number sense’. However, recent simulation work has challenged this view by showing that human‐like sensitivity to numerosity can emerge in deep neural networks that build an internal model of the sensory data. This emergentist perspective posits a central role for experience in shaping our number sense and might explain why numerical acuity progressively increases over the course of development. Here we substantiate this hypothesis by introducing a progressive unsupervised deep learning algorithm, which allows us to model the development of numerical acuity through experience. We also investigate how the statistical distribution of numerical and non‐numerical features in natural environments affects the emergence of numerosity representations in the computational model. Our simulations show that deep networks can exhibit numerosity sensitivity prior to any training, as well as a progressive developmental refinement that is modulated by the statistical structure of the learning environment. To validate our simulations, we offer a refinement to the quantitative characterization of the developmental patterns observed in human children. Overall, our findings suggest that it may not be necessary to assume that animals are endowed with a dedicated system for processing numerosity, since domain‐general learning mechanisms can capture key characteristics others have attributed to an evolutionarily specialized number system.  相似文献   
How does the affective nature of task stimuli modulate working memory (WM)? This study investigates whether WM maintains emotional information in a biased manner to meet the motivational principle of approaching positivity and avoiding negativity by retaining more approach-related positive content over avoidance-related negative content. This bias may exist regardless of individual differences in WM functionality, as indexed by WM capacity (overall bias hypothesis). Alternatively, this bias may be contingent on WM capacity (capacity-based hypothesis), in which a better WM system may be more likely to reveal an adaptive bias. In two experiments, participants performed change localisation tasks with emotional and non-emotional stimuli to estimate the number of items that they could retain for each of those stimuli. Although participants did not seem to remember one type of emotional content (e.g. happy faces) better than the other type of emotional content (e.g. sad faces), there was a significant correlation between WM capacity and affective bias. Specifically, participants with higher WM capacity for non-emotional stimuli (colours or line-drawing symbols) tended to maintain more happy faces over sad faces. These findings demonstrated the presence of a “built-in” affective bias in WM as a function of its systematic limitations, favouring the capacity-based hypothesis.  相似文献   
内隐联想测验:信度、效度及原理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test)是一种评估个体对两个概念的自动化联系强度的间接测量方法,近年来被广泛应用于内隐社会认知研究。有很多证据显示,较之于外显测验,IAT能为研究提供更多新的信息,但其信度、效度指标都有待改善,而且不同学者对其测验原理仍有不同解释。因此,研究者对IAT的应用及对其结果的解释需持谨慎态度。另外,文章还简单介绍了IAT数据处理的新方法和一些IAT的变式。  相似文献   
中枢白细胞介素-1在应激升压反应中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别在乌拉坦麻醉及清醒的雄性SD大鼠观察到:(1)脑室注射IL-113出现升压效应,(2)条件恐惧应激刺激、足电击及脑室注射IL-1β诱发的升压反应均被脑室注射0.5pg的白细胞介素-1拮抗剂IL-1ra明显衰减;(3)静脉注射0.5μgIL-1ra对足电击引起的升压反应无明显影响。以上结果提示中枢IL-1介导条件恐惧应激刺激、及足电击诱发的升压反应。  相似文献   
父母教育观念类型对幼儿个性相关特质发展的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对大连地区6所幼儿园400名3 ̄6岁幼儿父母教育观念的问卷调查及教师对幼儿个性的测评,探讨了父母教育观念类型对幼儿个性相关特质发展的影响。结果显示:(1)运用聚类分析法,可将幼儿父母教育观念分为三类:积极型、不协调型和低标准型;(2)各种教育观念对幼儿个性发展存在着不同的影响。积极型有利于幼儿个性的发展,不协调型与低标准型不利幼儿个性的发展。  相似文献   
张俊  邹泓 《心理科学》2012,35(2):376-383
目的:考察中学生消费价值观在家庭理财教育方式与消费决策风格之间的中介作用。方法:377名中学生完成了中学生消费价值观问卷、家庭理财教育方式问卷和中学生消费决策风格问卷。结果:父母积极的教育方式可通过树立合理的消费价值观来促进中学生形成理性的决策风格;父母消极的教育方式一方面通过树立不合理的消费价值观助长中学生非理性的决策风格,另一方面通过减弱合理的消费价值观来减弱其合理的决策风格。结论:中学生消费价值观在家庭理财教育方式与消费决策风格之间起中介作用。  相似文献   
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