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以597个核心家庭的父亲、母亲和青少年为研究对象,通过问卷调查探讨了母亲守门行为与父子依恋的关系以及父亲教养投入在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)母亲开门行为正向预测父子依恋,母亲关门行为负向预测父子依恋;(2)母亲开门行为通过正向预测父亲教养投入的部分中介作用间接预测父子依恋,而母亲关门行为通过负向预测父亲教养投入的部分中介作用间接预测父子依恋。研究结果扩展了母亲守门行为的作用效果研究,对家庭教育实践具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
A voluminous literature has documented the importance of emotion regulation for health and well-being. The studies in this literature, however, have generally focused on the down-regulation of negative affect. Few studies have examined the down-regulation of positive affect. In Study 1, we constructed a scale, the revised Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale (r–RESE), which assesses both the down- and up-regulation of positive affect, in addition to the traditional down-regulation of negative affect. In Study 2, we conducted an extensive validation of the r–RESE scale, using a multimethod approach with informant ratings, to illustrate that the down-regulation of positive affect represents a process independent of each of the other forms of emotion regulation. In Study 3, we provided evidence that the ability to down-regulate positive emotions provides added predictive utility when predicting indexes of impulsivity and adjustment. Across the studies, we illustrate the potential importance of the down-regulation of positive emotions as a topic of study for the field of emotion regulation.  相似文献   
情绪对错误记忆的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜建政  高妍春 《心理科学》2008,31(3):571-575
通过音乐诱发情绪,并给予预警指导语,采用DRM范式和信号检测论的研究方法,检验不同情绪组被试对学习词、无关词、关键诱词两两之间的辨别感受性.结果发现:积极情绪组较之消极情绪组会产生更多的错误记忆,并且消极情绪组对各类词之间的辨别感受性均高于积极情绪组.这说明编码过程和提取过程会共同影响错误记忆效应.研究结果较支持激活监测理论.  相似文献   
非文字内隐学习的优势效应   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
郭秀艳  邹玉梅  李强  黄佳 《心理科学》2003,26(2):292-296
本研究以大学生为被试,运用计算机将人工语法范式程序化,分别以色块串和色词串为材料,研究颜色内隐和外显学习的特点;并增设时间变量(单元)以了解学习的详细进程。结果发现:1.学习材料上存在主效应,非言语材料(包块)较言语材料(色词)更适合于内隐加工。2.时间变量上也存在主效应,整体呈递增趋势;3.指导语上不存在主效应,即内隐学习在不同材料上的优势效应依然存在。实验结果极好地支持了非文字内隐学习优势效应的假设。  相似文献   
卫旭华  邹意 《心理科学》2020,(2):423-429
当组织中做出不道德行为的人跟自己关系非常亲近时,员工可能不会揭发他们的不道德行为,进而给组织带来潜在的隐患。鉴于先前研究较少关注如何降低不道德情境中关系的包庇作用,本研究考察了组织和个体特征在削弱关系与揭发负向关系方面扮演的调节角色。结果表明,关系会抑制员工对不道德行为的揭发意向(研究1~3),且关系对员工揭发意向的负向影响受到了组织关系取向(研究1和3)与员工正直(研究2和3)的调节。随着组织关系取向的下降或员工正直程度的提升,关系对员工揭发意向的抑制作用逐步降低。这些结果对于组织内部揭发机制设计具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
家庭因素与青少年犯罪的关系研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着犯罪理论(如社会控制理论、依恋理论、社会学习理论和问题行为理论)的不断发展,家庭因素与青少年犯罪关系的研究重点已由最初的家庭结构变量(如家庭完整性、家庭经济状况)逐渐扩展并聚焦在家庭功能变量(如家庭气氛、亲子依恋和亲子沟通等)和家庭成员行为变量(如教养方式、父母监控等)。近年来该研究领域开始深入探讨青少年认知过程在教养方式与青少年犯罪之间所起的中介作用,以及儿童青少年的人格、社区环境、神经生物学等变量与家庭因素的交互作用。最后本文总结了该领域研究的最新趋势和以往研究的不足  相似文献   
邹大炎 《心理学报》1987,20(3):28-36
本文对我国最早的一部诗集《诗经》的文学心理学思想进行了初步探讨:一、《诗经》中的文学想象与联想,二、《诗经》中的情意描写,三、《诗经》中的人物性格描写。  相似文献   
应激的缓冲器:人格坚韧性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过去30年来,关注身心保健和组织行为的心理学家都对人格心理学中的一个概念发生了兴趣,就是人格坚韧性(hardiness),大量实证研究证明人格坚韧性可以有效地缓解生活应激给人们带来的身心不适,并有助于提高人们在各领域的工作表现。该文在回顾西方以往研究的基础上,介绍这一概念,以及这方面研究的不足之处,并提出在中国开展此项研究的思路。作为整体人格结构的一部分,人格坚韧性应该从人格“大五”或“大七”结构中探索。在中国已有研究发现,人格“大七”维度对身心健康有不同的影响,哪些维度构成人格坚韧性,这些问题有待进一步的研究  相似文献   
We propose and test a framework that describes the relationship between network structures and job performance. We provide an integration of the current conceptualizations of social capital as they pertain to job performance outcomes by taking a multi-dimensional view of job performance. We break down job performance into creativity, decision-making, task execution, and teamwork, and distinguish the effect of structural holes within and across the organizational boundary on these four job performance domains. In an analysis of 318 managers, we find that networks rich in structural holes that cross the organizational boundary had a positive association with creativity and decision-making, whereas networks with few structural holes within the organization had a positive association with task execution and teamwork. We discuss the theoretical implications for integrating the social capital, boundary spanning, and network structure literatures, as well as the practical benefits of giving much more precise advice to managers and employees regarding how to use networks to improve performance at work.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of flow stress for polycrystalline titanium silicon carbide (Ti3SiC2) has been investigated from room temperature to 1423K. An anomalous positive temperature dependence of flow stress was observed in this ceramic. This anomalous phenomenon is attributed to the change in the mechanism controlling the flow stress. However, it is not in good agreement with the widely accepted Kear-Wilsdorf mechanism.  相似文献   
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