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The effect of attentional focus on social anxiety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of attentional focus on social anxiety in a group of high and low blushing-anxious subjects. One hundred and fourteen psychology undergraduate students were screened using the Fear of Blushing subscale of the Blushing Questionnaire [B?gels, S. M., & Reith, W. (1999). Validity of two questionnaires to assess social fears: The Dutch social phobia and anxiety questionnaire and the blushing, trembling and sweating questionnaire. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 21, 51-66]. Those with the most extreme scores in the top and bottom 20% of the distribution were selected to form a high (n=22) and a low (n=22) blushing-anxious group. Subjects were randomly allocated to either a self-focused attention (SFA) condition or a task-focused attention (TFA) condition. They were asked to engage in a 5 min conversation with the first author, and were instructed to either self-focus (SFA condition) or task-focus (TFA condition). Levels of social anxiety and self-awareness were measured using visual analogue scales. Results suggest that the there was a significant condition by group interaction, with high blushing individuals showing considerably higher levels of social anxiety in the SFA condition compared to the TFA condition while low blushing individuals showed no significant difference across the two conditions.  相似文献   
Zou GY 《心理学方法》2007,12(4):399-413
Confidence intervals are widely accepted as a preferred way to present study results. They encompass significance tests and provide an estimate of the magnitude of the effect. However, comparisons of correlations still rely heavily on significance testing. The persistence of this practice is caused primarily by the lack of simple yet accurate procedures that can maintain coverage at the nominal level in a nonlopsided manner. The purpose of this article is to present a general approach to constructing approximate confidence intervals for differences between (a) 2 independent correlations, (b) 2 overlapping correlations, (c) 2 nonoverlapping correlations, and (d) 2 independent R2s. The distinctive feature of this approach is its acknowledgment of the asymmetry of sampling distributions for single correlations. This approach requires only the availability of confidence limits for the separate correlations and, for correlated correlations, a method for taking into account the dependency between correlations. These closed-form procedures are shown by simulation studies to provide very satisfactory results in small to moderate sample sizes. The proposed approach is illustrated with worked examples.  相似文献   
2009年10月23日至26日,由中国逻辑学会主办的“纪念中国逻辑学会成立30周年大会”在四川成都隆重举行。本次会议由四川省逻辑学会、四川大学成人教育学院、四川大学公共管理学院、西南财经大学人文学院以及绵阳师范学院文学与传播学院等5家单位承办,北京大学、清华大学等17家单位参与协办。本次会议盛况空前,来自全国的近200余位逻辑学界的专家、学者相聚蓉城,畅谈中国逻辑学研究30年发展的历程。  相似文献   
企业家资源——社会资本理论综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文回顾了国内外社会资本研究的相关文献,对社会资本的定义、层次和分析维度等进行了综合评述,指出了仅基于某一层次研究该理论的利弊,提出了社会资本的系统论观点.  相似文献   
社会支配倾向是社会支配理论中的一个概念,它反映了个体期望内群体优于和支配外群体的程度。高社会支配倾向者偏好加大不同群体间的阶层差异,并期望优势群体更多地支配劣势群体;低社会支配倾向者偏好缩小不同群体间的阶层差异以增加社会平等,并期望优势群体更少地支配劣势群体。因此,社会支配倾向会影响社会不平等的程度,并可以被用来解释偏见的形成。性别和群体地位等情境因素会对社会支配倾向产生影响,而且社会支配倾向与个体间的支配也是有关系的  相似文献   
杨治良  邹庆宇 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1314-1320
本研究以上海行政区为划分标准,探讨了"上海人"和"非上海人"群体的地域刻板印象以及"内-外群体效应"。结果发现:(1)IAT结果表明,被试在不相容条件下的反应时显著高于相容条件(t(25)=3.282,p<0.01);(2)SEB结果表明,被试对于不符合刻板印象的句子做出解释的次数显著多于符合刻板印象的句子(t(73)=2.844,p<0.01),且不同地域来源的被试做出的内、外归因也有显著差异(t(72)=3.172,p<0.01)。研究采用两种测验方法证实了地域刻板印象的存在,并且通过实践验证了SEB作为内隐社会认知研究方法的有效性。  相似文献   
武汉地区大学生社会能力的结构及其问卷编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘艳  邹泓 《心理学报》2005,37(4):502-510
从分析大学阶段的关键性发展任务出发,将我国大学生的社会能力分为事务处理能力、一般人际交往能力和建立与发展友谊的能力三个方面。以文献研究为基础,结合开放式问卷所获资料,分别提出了关于这三种社会能力结构的理论构想,编制了大学生社会能力问卷。武汉市1048名大学生参与了正式问卷的施测,结果表明,事务处理能力的四因素结构、一般人际交往能力的五因素结构和建立与发展友谊的能力的五因素结构是较为合理的,自编大学生社会能力问卷的信效度达到心理测量学要求。  相似文献   
应激对中国地鼠糖尿病发生的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究实验性应激、情绪性、笼架水平在中国地鼠糖尿病发生中的作用强度及其交互作用,以确定中国地鼠糖尿病发生危险因素。结果表明实验性应激(震动、旋转合并限制)能促使中国地鼠血糖水平显著升高,糖尿病发病率增加,发病年龄提前;高情绪性中国地鼠,随着实验时间延长,其发病率也逐渐升高,并稳定在一定水平;析因方差分析提示,实验性应激与动物情绪性的交互作用对实验后中国地鼠的血糖变化起主要作用。  相似文献   
社会救助制度的道德风险及防范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
道德风险普遍存在于社会生活的各个领域,社会救助制度的环境决定了社会救助制度道德风险的特殊性.社会救助制度的道德风险主要体现在救助依赖、"贫困陷阱"等方面.社会救助制度道德风险的规避策略包括:构建合理的社会救助责任主体的关系;强化社会救助的激励和约束机制;降低社会救助参与各方的信息不时称程度;坚持政府责任与个体责任的统一,实现社会救助制度中个体德性与制度正义的伦理生态.  相似文献   
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