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按学段自行编写生命教育活动课程教案,随机抽取7年级和10年级各一个班学生作为生命教育活动课程的实施对象,进行为期一个学期的生命教育。结果发现:(1)以生命教育为主题的课程实施提升了儿童对亲子关系和整体生命评价的满意度,从而使得青少年的生命认知得到进一步正向发展和积极深化;(2)通过生命教育,加强了青少年对生命过程和死亡现象的概念性理解和情绪性表达,推动个体从一种更具逻辑性的、积极的视角和态度去感恩生命的存在,理解死亡的必然。  相似文献   
通过眼动实验考察了语篇背景对不同类型句子语义整合过程的影响。句子类型有3个水平:(1)宾语违反了动词的选择性限制; (2)宾语符合选择性限制, 但是违反了世界知识; (3)无违反。语篇背景有2个水平:(1)中性背景; (2)校正背景。在中性语篇背景下, 句子(1) (2)是不合适的; 而在校正背景下, 三种句子都是合理的。24名大学生被试自然阅读的眼动数据表明, 违反动词选择性限制的目标词上的首次注视时间、回视路径时间和总注视时间, 在中性背景下比在校正背景下长, 注视点个数也更多; 而在非选择性限制违反条件下, 语篇背景的效应只在总注视时间和注视点个数两个指标上显著。这些结果表明, 当句子中的宾语违反了动词的选择性限制时, 语篇背景影响了宾语的早期和晚期加工。而当宾语只违反世界知识时, 语篇背景的作用体现在晚期阶段。语篇背景对当前信息的整合是动态的过程, 并不是只能在固定某个阶段起作用。  相似文献   
Numerous studies have demonstrated that negative emotional distracters impair inhibitory control. Nevertheless, two issues have emerged in prior studies. First, fear and disgust were inappropriately treated as a single category, which is particularly concerning given that they have been recently demonstrated to exert different impacts on inhibitory control. Second, inhibitory control might not be a unitary construct, as it can be further divided into proactive and reactive inhibition. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate whether fearful and disgusting distracters have differential effects on proactive and reactive inhibition. Twenty-four female participants were instructed to perform a modified stop-signal task superimposed on a fearful, disgusting, or neutral image cue. Results showed that fearful distracters improved reactive inhibition when compared to disgusting and neutral distracters, while disgusting distracters enhanced proactive inhibition when compared to fearful distracters. Further, reactive and proactive inhibition was positively correlated under fearful, disgusting, and neutral contexts. This study is the first to provide evidence that fear and disgust may affect proactive and reactive inhibition differently. These results add to a growing literature linking emotion and inhibitory control, and they expand our understanding of the relationship between emotion and inhibition.  相似文献   
There is a growing policy concern in Canada regarding the facilitation of foreign students’ transition from temporary residents to permanent residents. Interestingly, academic attention to the issue is somewhat lacking. By focusing on the Chinese undergraduate student at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, this study attempts to identify the factors which influence their migration intentions. The findings confirm the important effects of students’ demographic characteristics, premove traits, Canadian experiences, parental expectations, as well as related aspiration factors. In addition, we find that female and male students are different from each other in terms of the factors that determine their intentions to stay in Canada. In light of the findings, we suggest that, in spite of gender differences, social and emotional adaptations are as critical as economic adaptation in facilitating temporary residents’ intentions to stay. Furthermore, we contend that changes in immigration policy to attract foreign students to stay do motivate their immigration intention to some extent, but we also recommend that extended research needs to be done to examine the effects of most recent policy changes on foreign students’ intended or actual migration.  相似文献   
应香港蓬瀛仙馆邀请,2009年5月7日至13日,中同道教协会会长任法融一行5人及北京白云观经乐团23人赴港访问,参加香港蓬瀛仙馆八十周年馆庆系列活动.同时应邀出席活动的还有国家宗教局副局长蒋坚永、研究中心主任张训谋,台北指南宫董事长高忠信等.北京白云观经乐团与香港蓬瀛仙馆、台北指南官共同肩建的"两岸三地祈福法会"于5月8日至11日举行,祈愿世界经济早日复苏,流感疫情得以扑灭,并预祝年底在香港举行的东亚运动会圆满成功.  相似文献   
2010年,保护患者和可负担的照料法案是第111届国会立法的一项重大成就。通过规范私营保险公司之间的竞争,鼓励全民卫生保健覆盖,这一法案在结构上改良了美国的卫生保健系统。纵观变革的过程,首先令美国卫生保健政策评论员感到震撼的是,民主党的大多数上演了一些强烈反对变革的政治事件。  相似文献   
Using three experiments, the present study investigates the impact of social exclusion on attention. Specifically, we investigate whether social exclusion promotes attentional bias to social acceptance cues (smiling faces) or social exclusion cues (angry faces) among an Asian population. The Cyberball game was adopted to manipulate social inclusion or exclusion, and a dot‐probe task was used to measure individuals' responses to smiling or angry faces. In Experiments 1 and 2, each trial consisted of either a smiling or angry face that was paired with a neutral face. In Experiment 1, when the stimulus onset‐asynchronies (SOA) were 500 ms, the inhibition of return emerged, indirectly indicating that social exclusion promotes sensitivity to social acceptance cues. In Experiment 2, after setting the SOA to 200 ms, we found that social exclusion promotes attentional bias to smiling faces compared to neutral faces. In Experiment 3, both smiling and angry faces were shown during each trial, and we found that social exclusion promotes attentional bias to smiling faces compared to angry faces. Therefore, the present study extends our understanding of the relationship between social exclusion and attention. Overall, it appears that after social exclusion, the desire for social reconnection trumps the desire to avoid social exclusion.  相似文献   
对2006年1月~2012年6月《医学与哲学》(人文社会医学版)发表的275篇实证研究论文进行了统计,分析的主要内容包括研究方法、统计技术、数据呈现方式等研究设计方面存在的主要缺陷,以及研究选题分布情况、作者情况、基金项目情况等,分析结果揭示了目前医学人文社会科学实证研究方面存在的主要问题。  相似文献   
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