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"范蠡舟偏小,王乔鹤不群.此生随万物,何处出尘氛."这几句诗出自杜甫的<观李固请司马第山水图三首>之二,而李白也曾有"吾爱王子乔,得道伊洛滨"的诗句.  相似文献   
以武汉市三所普通小学四、五、六年级的505名学生为被试,用问卷调查、团体施测的方式,探讨亲子依恋与其同伴交往的关系,结果发现:儿童的母—子依恋安全性得分和对父母的信赖有显著年级差异,表现为随着年级的增长而下降,同时母—子依恋安全性得分显著高于父—子依恋;在儿童友谊质量、社交焦虑方面,父、母均有影响,在社会交往行为表现及好朋友提名分方面母亲的作用也是显见的;与双亲建立了双重安全依恋型的儿童获益最大,双重非安全依恋型的儿童损失最惨重。  相似文献   
按学段自行编写生命教育活动课程教案,随机抽取7年级和10年级各一个班学生作为生命教育活动课程的实施对象,进行为期一个学期的生命教育。结果发现:(1)以生命教育为主题的课程实施提升了儿童对亲子关系和整体生命评价的满意度,从而使得青少年的生命认知得到进一步正向发展和积极深化;(2)通过生命教育,加强了青少年对生命过程和死亡现象的概念性理解和情绪性表达,推动个体从一种更具逻辑性的、积极的视角和态度去感恩生命的存在,理解死亡的必然。  相似文献   
There is a growing policy concern in Canada regarding the facilitation of foreign students’ transition from temporary residents to permanent residents. Interestingly, academic attention to the issue is somewhat lacking. By focusing on the Chinese undergraduate student at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, this study attempts to identify the factors which influence their migration intentions. The findings confirm the important effects of students’ demographic characteristics, premove traits, Canadian experiences, parental expectations, as well as related aspiration factors. In addition, we find that female and male students are different from each other in terms of the factors that determine their intentions to stay in Canada. In light of the findings, we suggest that, in spite of gender differences, social and emotional adaptations are as critical as economic adaptation in facilitating temporary residents’ intentions to stay. Furthermore, we contend that changes in immigration policy to attract foreign students to stay do motivate their immigration intention to some extent, but we also recommend that extended research needs to be done to examine the effects of most recent policy changes on foreign students’ intended or actual migration.  相似文献   
应香港蓬瀛仙馆邀请,2009年5月7日至13日,中同道教协会会长任法融一行5人及北京白云观经乐团23人赴港访问,参加香港蓬瀛仙馆八十周年馆庆系列活动.同时应邀出席活动的还有国家宗教局副局长蒋坚永、研究中心主任张训谋,台北指南宫董事长高忠信等.北京白云观经乐团与香港蓬瀛仙馆、台北指南官共同肩建的"两岸三地祈福法会"于5月8日至11日举行,祈愿世界经济早日复苏,流感疫情得以扑灭,并预祝年底在香港举行的东亚运动会圆满成功.  相似文献   
戢宗鹤 《中国道教》2005,(4):55-55,57
世上大学问多的是,但作为人的第一件大事就是要学会说话;善于用语言来表达自己的思想和观点。会不会与人沟通交流,除与环境和对象有关以外,关键一点在于自己是否有言谈,会辩的技巧;这种技巧主要体现在表达的能力上。常言道:会说话的人不抢着讲,不会讲话的人争着说。其实这一来说明自己态度不谦虚、没礼貌;二来说明个人的表现欲很强;三者说明没有表达涵养。太上爷曰:“知者不言,言者不知。”有智谋的人遇事沉稳,并不急于表现自己;同时说明夸夸其谈只不过是“纸上谈兵”、故弄玄虚、卖弄自己而已;空话一大堆,只会招来别人的厌恶、心烦。进一步…  相似文献   
Background: Informed by the Gelberg-Andersen behavioral model for vulnerable populations, this study examined the prevalence of and factors associated with not having a family physician among transgender (trans) people in Ontario, Canada.

Methods: Data were drawn from a respondent-driven sampling (RDS) survey of trans Ontarians age 16 and above (n = 433) conducted between 2009 and 2010. All analyses were weighted using RDS II methods. Prevalence ratios were estimated using average marginal predictions from logistic regression models.

Results: An estimated 17.2% (95% CI, 11.0 to 22.9) of trans Ontarians (median age = 28.7, 77.3% White) did not have a regular family physician. In multivariable analyses accounting for other predisposing and need-related factors, transfeminine persons (trans women and non-binary persons assigned a male sex at birth) who were Indigenous and/or persons of color were less likely than other transfeminine persons to have a family doctor. In addition, trans persons who were homeless or had unstable housing were less likely to have a family doctor than those who were adequately housed.

Conclusions: These results provide the first quantitative evidence of health disparities by race and gender within a Canadian transgender population and suggest a social gradient in access to care within Ontario's “universal health insurance” system.  相似文献   

3月8日,中国道教协会会长办公会议在北京白云观召开.国家宗教事务局副局长齐晓飞莅会并发表讲话.出席会议的有中国道教协会会长任法融,副会长张继禹、黄信阳、黄至安、丁常云、唐诚青、赖保荣、刘怀元、林舟、张金涛、张凤林及协会驻会副秘书长张立光、孙同昌、冯正伟、李兆彩、王炳旸等.在京参加全国政协十一届二次会议的湖北省道教协会名誉会长李光富列席了会议.  相似文献   
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