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Research regarding prevention strategies for Hispanic youth stress the importance of family interventions because of the particular importance of family as a protective factor within the Hispanic community. Starting in 1995, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention conducted the National Cross-Site Evaluation of High Risk Youth Programs, a 5-year drug and alcohol prevention study with a sample of approximately 10,500 youth, including nearly 3,000 Hispanic youth. Youth were surveyed regarding their alcohol use patterns and risk and protective factors, with several measures of family relationships, including family connectedness, family supervision, and parental attitudes toward their child's alcohol use. Analyses indicate that family factors are highly linked to alcohol use among Hispanics, particularly among Hispanic females. Longitudinal growth curve analyses indicate that improving the connections that young Hispanic females have to their parents can have positive long-term effects on delaying or reducing their alcohol use. This evaluation was conducted under the direction of Dr. Soledad Sambrano, Ph.D. of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention under contract #2777-95-5002 with EMT Associates, Inc. and ORC Macro. The views expressed herein represent the opinions and analyses of the individual authors and may not necessarily reflect the opinions, official policy, or position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, or the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.  相似文献   
The conventional binormal model, which assumes that a pair of latent normal decision-variable distributions underlies ROC data, has been used successfully for many years to fit smooth ROC curves. However, if the conventional binormal model is used for small data sets or ordinal-category data with poorly allocated category boundaries, a "hook" in the fitted ROC may be evident near the upper-right or lower-left corner of the unit square. To overcome this curve-fitting artifact, we developed a "proper" binormal model and a new algorithm for maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of the corresponding ROC curves. Extensive simulation studies have shown the algorithm to be highly reliable. ML estimates of the proper and conventional binormal ROC curves are virtually identical when the conventional binormal ROC shows no "hook," but the proper binormal curves have monotonic slope for all data sets, including those for which the conventional model produces degenerate fits. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Judgments ofsame anddifferent on a comparison task have been found to be subject to response competition if an irrelevant stimulus is presented in the display along with the target stimuli. For example, the reaction time for judging two letters the same is markedly increased if a different but irrelevant letter is also present in the display (C. W. Eriksen, O’Hara, & B. [A.] Eriksen, 1982). We have made use of this competition effect to map the visual attentional field in two dimensions. In two experiments, we varied the size of the attended area by varying the separation of the comparison stimuli. The boundaries of the attended area were mapped by varying the location of a response-competitive irrelevant noise letter. On this task, the attended area was found to be elliptical in shape, with the location of the target stimuli defining the major axis. The minor axis of the ellipse increased in direct proportion to increases in the major axis. Rather than interpret these field effects in terms of areas of enhanced processing, we propose that instead they represent the limits or failures in inhibition of competing stimulation.  相似文献   
潘建忠 《心理科学》2000,23(6):672-676,668
本研究根据图式理论设计转折复句的教学实验。实验对象是54个小学五年级的学生。研究发现:实验组无论在转折复句的辨认、改正和写作的表现.都明显地优于控制组。其中以改正能力的差异最明显,而且辨认、改正和写作能力的相关系数也很高。  相似文献   
就在前不久的2005年2月26日,中央电视台新闻联播播放了一条新闻,表扬华中科技大学“建设网络教育新型平台,拓展思想政治教育领域”。报道中,华中科大党委副书记刘献君说:“过去我们的人文讲座,是在教室里面。现在大学生自己把它搬到网上直播……扩大了覆盖面,提高了教育效果。”点评:所谓“过去我们的人文讲座”,不知是否包括那个  相似文献   

The maintenance of information in visual working memory has been shown to bias the concurrent processing in favor of matching visual input. The present study aimed to examine whether this bias can act at an early stage of processing to enhance target feature perception in single-item displays. Participants were sequentially presented with two distinct colored stimuli as memory samples and a retro-cue indicating which of the two samples should be maintained for subsequent memory test. During the retention interval, they had to discriminate the gap orientation of a Landolt target presented through a single visual stimulus that could match one or neither of the two samples. Across two experiments, we consistently found that discrimination performance was more accurate when the Landolt target was situated within a stimulus that matched the sample being retained in visual working memory, as compared with when the target was not. This effect cannot be attributed to the mechanism of passive priming, because we failed to observe priming effects when the stimulus containing the target matched the sample that was retro-cued to be irrelevant to the working memory task, as compared to when the stimulus matched neither sample. Given the fact that target stimuli were presented in single-item displays wherein external noise was precluded, the present findings demonstrate that the working memory bias of visual attention operating in the absence of stimulus competition facilitates early perceptual processing at the attended location via signal enhancement.

采用《儿童学习适应性调查表(I)、(II)》和《学习习惯与应试技能自我测查表》对231名学优儿童的学习适应性及其相关因素进行调查。结果表明:(1)学优儿童和学习不良儿童的学习适应性、学习习惯和应试技能存在显著性差异;(2)城市学优儿童的学习生活、学习习惯、学习方法、阅读习惯和技能明显优于农村学优儿童;(3)学优女生在学习适应性明显好于男生,但女生有独立性差、情绪障碍等症状,而学优男生则在学习习惯方面不如女生。在学习习惯与应试技能方面则不存在显著的性别差异;(4)除了对学校的态度因子外,学优儿童学习适应性与其学习习惯和学习方法、阅读习惯和技能、准备与应试等有显著性相关。  相似文献   
论审美文化与社会时尚   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘智彪 《现代哲学》2006,(5):121-126
当审美文化与社会时尚相遇合时就形成审美时尚。审美时尚的背后往往有某种社会文化心理与之相伴随。审美时尚以社会时尚为背景,以社会文化思潮为情感动力。审美时尚的形成,有着深刻的社会原因和心理原因。审美时尚直接影响到个体审美观念的形成,影响到个体审美趣味的取向。不同年龄、性别的审美个体受审美时尚的影响各有差异。审美时尚还体现为审美欣赏与审美创造实践中的一种趋势、潮流。审美时尚,作为一种渠道或方式,有效地实现着社会心理对时代审美意识的影响。  相似文献   
不确定性风险选择的抱负水平—相对效用整合理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘霞  潘晓良 《心理科学》1998,21(5):412-414,419
本文认为不确定性风险决策备择方案的选择标准既不是规范效用理论所主张的效用最大化,也不只是研究者们基于西蒙有限理性决策理论而提出的抱负水平,而是存在于决策不同阶段上的、由启发式策略控制着的这两种标准的整合,我们称之为抱负水平-相对效用整合标准。为此,我们在研究抱负水平结构的基础上提出了负险选择的抱负水平-相对效用整合理论及其支持性研究证据,并就有关问题进行了讨论与思考。指出抱负水平-相对效用整合是风  相似文献   
潘明 《心理学探新》2009,29(4):68-71
采用分层回归分析方法检验“大五”人格对薪酬公平感与工作满意度的关系影响。通过薪酬公平感量表、工作满意度量表、“大五”人格量表对高校300个教师样本进行结构化问卷调查,结果表明:“大五”人格中开放性和神经质对薪酬公平感与工作满意度的关系起到一定程度的缓冲作用。  相似文献   
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