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肖玮  苗丹民  贡京京  武圣君 《心理科学》2007,30(1):139-141,127
基于信息加工速度理论自编征兵用数字搜索测验,使用该测验对全国15735名应征青年及190名新兵进行了测量,3个月新兵营训练结束时由228上级对1900名士兵的智力相关工作绩效情况进行了调查,通过对上述数据的分析确定了测验方法及划界分数,并进行了信、效度检验。结果表明:缺失不同数字对题目难度有影响;划界分数为197秒正确应答27题以上;该测验的内部一致性α系数为0.864;预测符合率为95.7%。  相似文献   
胡锦涛同志关于社会主义荣辱观的重要论述,树立了社会风尚的道德标杆,对新形势下加强高校思想道德教育具有重要的理论意义与现实意义."八荣八耻"为当代大学生指明了成长的方向,对促进校园文化建设和良好社会风尚的形成提供了有力保障.高校应以"八荣八耻"教育为着力点,帮助大学生全面提高思想道德素质.  相似文献   
何为真心?何谓妄心?二者是何关系?智旭认为众生现前一念,既是虚妄分别之心,亦即妙明真精妙心.众生心性本是妙明真精之心,然由于无始妄想所熏,真心遂成为妄心.究实而论,真心与妄心相依而存,妄心依真心显现,真心依妄心求得,真妄本来一如.修行的关键,在于了达妄心本无自性,即所谓全妄即真,即妄求真.  相似文献   
采用理论分析和开放式问卷调查等方法提出中学生感知到的数学教师支持的基本结构并编制问卷项目。先以302名中学生为被试,对自编初始问卷进行预测,结果显示,中学生感知到的数学教师支持问卷包括情感支持、自主支持和认知支持3个维度。再对347名中学生正式施测,进行信度和验证性因素分析,结果显示,总问卷α系数为0.92,三个维度α系数在0.75~0.89之间,验证性因素分析各项拟合指标较为理想,具有较好的结构效度。因此,编制的问卷具有较好的信效度,是测量中学生感知到的数学教师支持的有效工具。  相似文献   
基于进化领域的生命史理论,采用两种实验启动的途径探讨性别比、童年经济状况和女性长短期择偶偏好间的关系。结果表明:女性在长期择偶中更为重视男性的“好爸爸”和“好资源”,在短期择偶中更为重视男性的“好基因”;性别比在女性长期择偶的“好爸爸”偏好上具有显著主效应,在“女多男少”情境下女性对“好爸爸”的偏好水平会较“男多女少”时明显提高;性别比和童年经济状况在女性长期择偶“好爸爸”偏好上的交互效应显著:童年贫穷女性在“女多”情境下会明显提高对长期择偶“好爸爸”的偏好水平,童年富裕女性在性别失衡情境下对长期“好爸爸”的偏好保持相对稳定。  相似文献   
Drawing upon social identity and status characteristic theories, we examine the reactions of vertical dyad members to shared dialect group identity in Taiwan. Supervisors and subordinates in 179 vertical dyads independently reported their dialect group identity and their perceptions of leader–member exchange (LMX) and self‐disclosure. Results indicate that subordinates reported a more positive LMX with, and greater self‐disclosure to, supervisors who shared their dialect group identity. Supervisors reported greater self‐disclosure to subordinates with the same dialect group identity, but not a more positive LMX. We also discuss implications for organizational demography theory and research.  相似文献   
Stress induces cardiac dysfunction and cardiomyocyte injury, and while current data indicate that mitochondria play a key role in this process, the mechanisms remain unknown. In this study, we found that in rats, restraint stress induced nerve growth factor-induced clone B (NGFI-B) translocation from the nucleus to mitochondria in cardiomyocytes. This translocation promoted cytochrome c release from mitochondria to the cytoplasm, which ultimately resulted in cardiomyocyte apoptosis. We also found that stress induced oversecretion of glucocorticoids and activated the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway in cardiomyocytes. Enhanced PKA activity increased NGFI-B serine phosphorylation, which caused NGFI-B to translocate from the nucleus to mitochondria. Moreover, a PKA peptide inhibitor blocked NGFI-B serine phosphorylation and translocation. Our data demonstrate that stress affects cardiomyocytes by inducing NGFI-B mitochondrial translocation via serine phosphorylation, which in turn initiates mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to identify meaningful subtypes of psychopathy among Chinese female offenders. A Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) based on the scores of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathic Scale was performed in a sample of Chinese female prisoners (N?=?279, M age?=?45.43, SD?=?8.62). The LPA yielded three profiles: “low psychopathy group” (27.6%), “moderate psychopathy group” (66.7%), and “high egocentricity and antisocial group” (5.7%). These profiles differed on all outcome variables including anxiety, depression, reactive aggression, and proactive aggression. The high egocentricity and antisocial group had a greater risk for anxiety, recidivism, impulsiveness, and aggression. Overall, the findings support the existence of psychopathy subtypes in non-Western cultural contexts, suggest gender similarities in the manifestation of psychopathy traits, and further the understanding of psychopathy typologies.

教育政策程序公正是指在制定与实施教育政策的过程中,按照合理的顺序、方式与步骤,以有效实现公共教育利益的行动秩序总和.教育政策程序公正是实现教育政策结果公正的理性考量,同时,更是对掌握公共教育权力的政策主体行为的一种必要约束.一般而言,教育政策程序公正包括:多方参与、平等对待、公开透明、价值"中立"、程序自治与科学合理等基本要求.  相似文献   
德性伦理学的特征与维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中西伦理思想史上,主导性的规范伦理学都是德性伦理学,即"人是什么"或人"应当成为什么"的问题处于规范伦理学的中心地位.同时,"是什么"包括了"做什么"的问题.对于行为,义务论强调了道德原则的重要性,功利论强调了后果的重要性,德性论则强调对人的判断的重要性.同时,德性伦理学的重点在于对德性的研究,德性指的是人的内在品性的规定性.  相似文献   
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