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北京地区中学生学习策略水平的调查研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
本研究采用中学生学习策略量表测查了542名中学生的学习策略使用情况。结果表明:(1)中学生学习策略量表有着较高的信度和效度,分量表项目间有良好的一致性。(2)从初三到高三,学生的学习策略水平没有表现出随年级增长而提高的趋势,甚至在时问管理、焦虑、信息加工等分量表方面有下降的表现。(3)女生在态度,动机,学习辅助和自我测试分量表上的得分明显高于男生;男生在信息加工分量表上的得分明显高于女生。(4)优差生在学习辅助和自我测试两个分量表上的得分没有明显差异,在其余分量表上均有显著差异。  相似文献   
在改革开放之初,对于伦理学基本问题曾有过热烈的讨论。在前人所提出的观点的基础上,我们认为,个人与社会的关系是伦理学的基本问题。个人生存于社会,没有个人,就没有社会,同样,没有社会,也就没有现实意义的个人。个人有着自己的生存权利与利益,同样,社会也有着自己的结构与利益。个人与社会从来就是伦理思考的两极。相对于个人,社会又可区分为他者与社会整体这样两个层次。儒家和基督教伦理,是从他者的角度,从仁爱或爱人来达到社会或人类之爱;柏拉图、亚里士多德则从社会共同体维度进行论证,强调社会整体正义或社会共同体的善的至上性。霍布斯与曼德维尔则从个人维度为个人的存在与幸福进行论证。卢梭则将自爱与博爱和人类之爱贯通起来思考,提出自爱为前提,而同情心是从自爱到博爱(仁爱)的关键。  相似文献   
双语与认知发展关系的近期研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
双语与认知发展的关系一直是心理学家关注的一个重要问题。该文从双语的概念入手,介绍了双语的几种重要的分类、双语和认知发展及元语言意识发展的关系、相关的理论解释以及双语儿童认知优势的内在机制,最后对已有研究进行了评述并提出了需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
宗教与政治有着密切的现实关联。明初扶持正统宗教与镇压白莲教等民间秘密宗教的政策使庐山传统佛教信仰中心——东林寺由修复走向没落。而帝王在庐山的神灵塑造活动使天池寺骤然兴起,地方信仰在此基础上得到重构。明中后期,庐山天池寺的国家祭祀活动逐渐泛化为普遍的民间信仰,天池寺成为新的地方佛教信仰中心。这一个案说明明初宗教依附于政治,神权从属于皇权的政教关系得到进一步深化。在国家强化宗教控制的过程中,庐山佛教信仰中心的空间转换与信仰重构使地方信仰成功纳入新兴王朝规制之中,国家由此实现了对宗教及地方社会的有力控制。  相似文献   
通过研究左前额叶在非相关同对的语义编码过程中的作用,探讨近红外光学成像技术用于脑高级认知活动检测的可行性。被试在两种实验条件下分别学习视觉呈现的20个汉字非相关词对,要求被试或将词对组成一个有意义的句子(深加工),或判断两个词是否具有相同的结构组合(浅加工)。光学成像器即时记录连续光透过额骨及前额皮层后760nm和850nm的漫射光强变化,以此推测相应脑组织的血容量变化。结果表明,与浅加工相比,左下前额叶在深加工时的血容量增多,尤其是背外侧部分。  相似文献   
研究选取了注意缺损多动障碍(ADHD)儿童39名,正常儿童40名,采用两项选择任务,考察在无反馈和有反馈的情况下,ADHD儿童的错误监控能力是否存在缺损。结果发现,(1)无论是否提供反馈,与正常儿童相比,ADHD儿童的错误察觉能力正常,但是错误更正能力落后,这可能是由于ADHD儿童动作调节控制能力落后导致的;(2)反馈提高了ADHD儿童和正常儿童的认知加工速度,但同时降低了他们的警醒水平,导致错误监控能力下降。  相似文献   
This study investigates whether the object-based negative compatibility effect (NCE) originates from involuntary or voluntary inhibition. We hypothesised that both supraliminally presented primes (the prime is a mug with its handle pointing either left or right) and experimental instructions (i.e., ignoring the prime) in previous studies might induce participants to develop a voluntarily inhibitory strategy that is responsible for the object-based NCE. To test this hypothesis, we conducted 3 experiments. Experiment 1 confirmed a suitable paradigm. Experiment 2 altered participants’ strategies by varying the frequency of compatible trials across blocks. The results revealed a significant NCE for the low-frequency condition, which suggested that voluntary strategy might be primarily responsible for the object-based NCE. Experiment 3 combined a free-choice target with an object-based NCE paradigm. The results showed equivalent frequencies and mean response times between the free-choice responses that corresponded to or were opposite from the orientations of the mug handle. Combined with the results of response time quartiles, which revealed NCEs in fast responses (Q1–Q3) but no compatibility effect in slow (Q4) responses, we concluded that the object-based NCE might be primarily based on voluntary inhibition. Moreover, this inhibition might take effect earlier than that of the arrow-based NCE.  相似文献   
Zhao  Qin  Gong  Liming  Chen  Tao 《Social Psychology of Education》2021,24(6):1585-1606
Social Psychology of Education - The current study examined how growth mindset of intelligence and concern with performance impact resilience to chronic self-doubt in American and Chinese students....  相似文献   
Immoral behaviors make individuals abominate and punish transgressors. Inspired by the associations between the Val66Met polymorphism of brain‐derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) gene and emotional responses following negative events, we investigated whether this polymorphism was also associated moral emotions such as punishment and forgiveness following interpersonal transgression. To do so, we categorized 340 individuals according to the BDNF Val66Met and assessed moral emotions by using 12 hypothetic scenarios in different conditions of intention and interpersonal consequence. The results indicated that this polymorphism was significantly associated with moral aversion and punishment towards transgressors. Victims with the Val/Val genotype expressed less aversion and punishment than the Met carriers, regardless of intention and interpersonal consequence. Moreover, this polymorphism was associated with forgiveness. Victims with the Val/Val genotype expressed more forgiveness than the Met carriers. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of the BDNF Val66Met to moral emotions.  相似文献   

This study aims to discuss the effect of ethnicity on child maltreatment trauma in China and to contribute to international knowledge on the quality of life of children. The data come from a survey of 1763 rural children (Mage = 12.34, 50.0% boys) in three multi-ethnic counties in western China that was conducted from November 2019 to January 2020 with the modified versions of the “Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire” Scale. There are three important findings of this study. First, child maltreatment is significantly related to child depression in China. The depression score and rate of severe depression symptoms (SDS) are 2.09 times and 3.82 times higher, respectively, for maltreated children than children without maltreatment. Second, the effects of maltreatment on child depression differ significantly among the ethnic groups. The negative effect of maltreatment is most influential among the Han population and least influential among the Zhuang population. Third, ethnic disparities are also found in the effects of the influencing factors on child depression. The effect of intergenerational relationships on child depression is significant only in the Han and Tibetan populations, while the negative effect of peer support is found only among Han, Tibetan, and Miao children. Based on the confirmation of ethnic disparities in trauma due to maltreatment, this study suggests that it is necessary to establish a high-quality psychological intervention system in China’s multi-ethnic counties.

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