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本文用主成分分析法对韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本(WAIS-RC)的城市与农村两个常模以及WAIS和WAIS-R进行因素分析,发现这三套测验都负荷较高的g因子;常识,领悟,相似性和词汇测验负荷较高的A(言语理解)因子,填图,木块图,图片排列和物体拼凑测验负荷较高的B(知觉组织)因子,而数字广度,算术和数字符号测验负荷较高的C(记忆/集中注意)因子。因子模型是极相似的,这说明WAIS-RC具有较好的结构效度,保持了原量表的功能。同时,所建立的因子模型也为使用者在使用测验和分析解释结果时提供了有用的参考资料。  相似文献   
采用生理心理学的实验方法.对强噪音下四组不同处理背景大鼠的旷场反应、援食、饮水、排泄和尿生物化学等方面进行比较。结果发现:①Ⅰ组(强刺激组)的各类指标均发生情绪性(恐惧)改变。与2组(预防训练Ⅰ组)、3组(预防训练Ⅱ组)、4组(控制组)以及自身基线(MAO)比较差异显著;②适应性训练有助于防止大鼠恐惧发生及上述各类指标发生异常.③由于训练的方法不同,预防的效果也不同。3组与4组比较无显著差异,2组与4组比较某些指标有显著差异。④1组和2组部分大鼠出现皮肤、消化道病变。  相似文献   
情绪活动和某些生理机能或心理过程的关系很久以来就已进行过大量的研究。外科手术前患者的情绪状态及其相应的生理机能的变化,也曾受到注意。患者在意识清醒状态下进行针麻手术,他的情绪状态对针麻过程及其效果的作用如何,这种情绪状态和某些心理、生理机能有什么联系?这是针麻临床上和理论上应予探讨的问题之一。本工作试图综合分析患者的情绪状态和与之伴随的某些生理生化指标变化,以探讨  相似文献   
对儿童认知发展水平诊断工具IPDT的信度效度检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
修订了以皮亚杰认知发展理论为基础的儿童认知发展诊断工具IPDT的信度效度资料,在390名北京小学生样本中的修订结果表明,该测验具有稳定的信度、良好的效度、适当的难度和理想的区分度,适合作为小学生认知发展诊断工具。对应用的范围、存在的问题和未来的研究需要进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Theories relating to self-efficacy have developed rapidly since Bandura first proposed the concept in 1977. In the past two decades, psychologists have carried out numerous studies to research the cultural and psychological changes in social development. The research topic of this study is whether self-efficacy changes over time. This study uses a meta–meta analysis and includes 13 meta-analyses, including 536 effect sizes, with a total sample size of 421,880. We find that individual self-efficacy increases over time, which may be related to social development trends. However, the effects of interventions on self-efficacy remain similar (Qmodel = 1.807, df = 1, p > .05), and a possible explanation is that time effects of self-efficacy confuse the effects of intervention, because both in the intervention group and control group, the average of self-efficacy increases over time. And we find that a general decline in the predictive effects of self-efficacy (Qmodel = 5.117, df = 1, p = .024), especially the ability to predict relatively objective variables (e.g. job performance, teaching effectiveness, and transfer of training). A possible explanation is that as social development people tend to overestimate their self-efficacy. Another possible explanation is that the effect sizes in the original studies being overrated, may due to intentional selective reporting or unintentional statistical errors.  相似文献   
国外道德社会学研究述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方源远流长的道德研究早已突显寻找确定性的价值指向,E.迪尔凯姆承继着自孔多塞经孔德和古雷利开辟的实证主义的、道德统计的方法论传统,借鉴了威廉·冯特的研究,建构了道德社会学的理论与方法论,使道德社会学真正成为一门相对独立的学科.迪尔凯姆之后,道德社会学方面的专题研究方兴未艾,主要集中于社会秩序的价值基础、道德失范、道德社会化、价值观、社会信任以及后现代道德的社会学定位等方面.另外,苏联及东欧国家的道德社会学研究也取得了一些成就,值得关注.  相似文献   
《管子》对《淮南子》的影响,体现在文本和思想两个方面。《淮南子》中,既有对《管子》文本的袭用,也有对《管子》思想的继承。这与汉初的社会思潮和该书的编撰意图有关,也与淮南王刘安门下聚集了一部分来自齐地的学者有直接关系。  相似文献   
Many studies have suggested that emotional stimuli orient and engage attention. There is also evidence that animate stimuli, such as those from humans and animals, cause attentional bias. However, categorical and emotional factors are usually mixed, and it is unclear to what extent human context influences attentional allocation. To address this issue, we tracked participants' eye movements while they viewed pictures with animals and inanimate images (i.e., category) as focal objects. These pictures had either negative or neutral emotional valence, and either human body parts or nonhuman parts were near the focal objects (i.e., context). The picture's valence, arousal, position, size, and most of the low-level visual features were matched across categories. The results showed that nonhuman animals were more likely to be attended to and to be attended to for longer times than inanimate objects. The same pattern held for the human contexts (vs. nonhuman contexts). The effects of emotional valence, category, and context interacted. Specifically, in images with a negative valence, focal animals and objects with human context had comparable numbers of gaze fixations and gaze duration. These results highlighted the attentional bias to animate parts of a picture and clarified that the effects of category, valence, and picture context interacted to influence attentional allocation.  相似文献   
He D  Wu Q  Chen X  Zhao D  Gong Q  Zhou H 《Brain and cognition》2011,77(1):80-88
The objective of this study investigated cognitive impairments and their correlations with fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) in patients with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) without visible lesions on conventional brain MRI during acute relapse. Twenty one patients with NMO and 21 normal control subjects received several cognitive tests to assess cognitive function. Head diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of all patients with NMO were collected with a 3-T MR system. Correlations of cognitive test scores and whole brain FA and MD were examined by voxel-based analysis. Region-of-interest analysis was applied to the significantly correlated regions which the most frequently appeared. We found that NMO patients without visible brain lesions had significantly impaired learning and memory, decreased information processing speed, and damaged attention compared with normal control subjects. These impaired cognitive domains were significantly correlated with FA and MD in local regions of corpus callosum, anterior cingulate and medial frontal cortex. In corpus callosum of NMO patients, mean FA was significantly lower and mean MD higher than normal control subjects. Our findings suggest that cognitive impairments in learning and memory, information processing speed and attention occur in NMO patients without visible brain lesions during acute relapse. The impairments in immediate and short-term memory in NMO patients may be due to information encoding deficits in the process of information acquisition. The corpus callosum of such patients may have local microscopic damages that play a role in cognitive impairments during acute relapse.  相似文献   
职业乐观是影响个体职业适应的重要因素之一。尽管以往文献大多认为职业乐观是有利的,然而职业乐观的个体也会出现求职行为,导致对现有工作的专注程度降低的负面影响。为了探讨职业乐观的双刃剑效应及其边界条件,通过2个时间点问卷调查法对581名企业员工进行调查,结果发现:(1)职业乐观对求职行为和组织承诺均有正向影响;(2)易变职业生涯定向在职业乐观对求职行为影响中起中介作用,工作归属感在职业乐观对组织承诺影响中起中介作用;(3)心理授权在职业乐观对易变职业生涯定向的影响中起负向调节作用,在职业乐观对工作归属感的影响中起正向调节作用。  相似文献   
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