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Pakistanis suffering from major medical problems and non-patient controls responded to two factors from the Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiousness that operationalised religious coping. Punishing Allah Reappraisal correlated positively with Poorer Psychological Functioning and External Control and negatively with Self-Adjustment. Factor analytic procedures demonstrated that the Islamic Positive Religious Coping and Identification subscale (IPRCIS) contained three dimensions. These Positive Islamic Coping, Islamic Identification, and Extra-Prayer Commitment factors displayed similar linkages with single-item measures of religious orientation and religious interest. Positive Islamic Coping also had noteworthy implications for understanding Muslim religious coping. These data most importantly demonstrated that the IPRCIS is a multidimensional construct, that Punishing Allah Reappraisal is maladaptive, and that the influences of beneficial Muslim forms of coping may be complex.  相似文献   
A thorough TEM analysis has been carried out to study the dislocations cutting into γ′ phase in a single-crystal superalloy during uniaxial tensile creep under high-temperature and low-stress conditions. It is proved that the a〈100〉 edge superdislocation originates from the interfacial a〈100〉 dislocations and moves into the γ′ phase by pure climbing. And the dissociation of the a〈100〉 superdislocation core into two a/2〈101〉 superpartial dislocations during uniaxial tensile creep has been identified by HRTEM method for the first time.  相似文献   
3月25日,《中国道教文化之旅》文化丛书论证会在北京召开。国家宗教事务局一司副巡视员赵燕华,中国道教协会副会长张继禹、秘书长王哲一、副秘书长王炳旸,华夏出版社副社长陈振宇等出席了会议;来自全国各地50多座宫观的负责人约100余人参加  相似文献   
1月19日下午国家宗教事务局局长叶小文,副县长局长王作安、齐晓飞、蒋坚永,在局办公室主任张乐斌、一司司长徐远杰、人事司司长庞贵林等的陪同下,来到北京白云观看望慰问中国道教协会负责人,并与之进行了座谈.  相似文献   
<正>12月12日上午,位于北京地安门外什刹海东岸的千年古观火德真君庙(俗称火神庙)前人头攒动,瑞气升腾,中国道教协会在这里隆重举行火德真君庙修复竣工开放暨神像开光庆典。国家宗教事务局副局长齐晓飞、一司司长徐远杰,中央统战部二局副局长袁莎,《中国宗教》  相似文献   
正念是一种以不批判的态度全然接纳当下体验的觉察力,正念训练对改善不良饮食行为的积极作用正日益受到研究者的广泛关注。本文对正念在改善不良饮食行为中的积极作用与机理,以及基于正念的不良饮食行为矫正方法进行了梳理与归纳。在已有研究的基础上,未来研究需要进一步探索正念对健康饮食行为的作用、从生命周期的视角考察正念对饮食行为的影响、基于思维压抑视角探讨正念的作用机制以及检验正念不良饮食矫正效果的边界。  相似文献   
2月10日上午,国家宗教事务局局长王作安,副局长齐晓飞、蒋坚永,在局办公室主任张乐斌、一司司长徐远杰、人事司司长庞贵林等的陪同下,来到北京白云观看望慰问中国道教协会负责人,并与之进行了座谈.  相似文献   
基督教在华传教与中西文化的交流和对话,是中国学术界在思想认知上分歧较大的问题。人们通常较为强调在政治领域的社会及文明冲突,以及基督教由此而有的负面影响。但从人类文化交流的角度来看,也必须注意基督教对中西文化交流的历史推动和在中西文化对话中的积极参与。本文以《马礼逊文集》的出版为契机,从马礼逊在近代中西文化交流与对话中的作用及意义来思考基督教在华存在和在中国文化中如何定位等问题,以便能为正确处理今天基督教与中国社会文化的关系提供思路和启迪。  相似文献   
1月14日上午,中共中央统战部常务副部长朱维群在二局局长周宁等的陪同下,来到北京白云观看望慰问中国道教协会负责人,并与之进行了座谈.`朱维群副部长首先代表中共中央统战部向中国道协负责人和全国道教界祝贺新春佳节.他说,刚刚过去的2008年,是我们国家事业发展进程中很不寻常的一年.一年来,我国发生了很多大事,其中有喜事,也遇到了不少难事.包括道教界在内的全国各族人民团结奋进,取得了显著的成绩.  相似文献   
Furthering a prior research on two‐person bi‐level multi‐objective decision‐making problems of the leader‐follower Stackelberg game, we present an extended model of bi‐level multi‐objective decision‐making with multiple interconnected decision makers at the lower level. In the model, the upper level decision maker acts as a leader and the lower level decision makers behave as the followers, and inter‐connections and interactions exist among these followers in decision‐making scenarios. Following the rules of leader‐follower Stackelberg game, we develop an interactive algorithm of the model for solving multi‐objective decision‐making problems and reflecting the interactive natures among the decision makers. Finally, the authors exemplify the model and algorithm, and draw a conclusion on points of contributions and the significance of this study in decision‐making and support. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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