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Many studies have found that narcissism is negatively related to agreeableness in Western samples. Four experiments explored this relationship in a Chinese population. In Study 1, 228 junior high school students reported their narcissism and Five Factor Personality traits. In Study 2, participants recruited through the internet completed the measures of narcissism and agreeableness. In Study 3, 145 college students completed the measures of narcissism and agreeableness, as well as self‐esteem and social desirability. In Study 4, 204 senior high school adolescents reported their own narcissistic and agreeableness personality traits. They also received peer‐ratings of agreeableness. We found that narcissism was positively related with self‐reported agreeableness (Study 1, 2 and 4), but not with other ratings of agreeableness (Study 4). Chinese narcissists perceived themselves as agreeable, and their self‐perceptions of agreeableness were more positive than their peers rated them. We discuss the current findings in relation to the Chinese cultural context and underscore cultural roots of narcissism.  相似文献   
言语产生中双词素词的语音编码   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周晓林  庄捷  于淼 《心理学报》2002,34(3):22-27
采用同音判断和音节监控方法 ,考察言语产生中双词素词语音激活的特点。选用以偏正结构的双词素词为名称的图片和与双词素词中首尾两个词素同音的两组探测字作为实验材料 ,探测字在图片呈现后 5 0毫秒 (实验一 ) ,或图片呈现前 130 0毫秒 (实验二 )出现 ,要求被试判断出现的字是否与图片名称中任何一个词素同音。实验结果与绝大部分言语产生理论的预期相反 ,对图片名称第一词素的反应慢于第二词素。考虑到首尾两个词素对整词意义贡献的差别 ,作者把实验结果解释为词素意义对语音激活的作用 :第二词素的语义重要性决定了对应音节激活的快速性 ,双词素词中词素音位激活的速度和时间性受词义和词素意义激活程度的影响 ,而不完全取决于词素发音的序列性。实验不支持音位编码从左到右、序列进行的观点  相似文献   
使用词汇情绪启动的实验范式,通过两个行为实验探讨了不同SOA(100ms、300ms和500ms)条件下情绪唤醒度在情绪启动效应中的作用,以及情绪启动效应是否受到任务形式的影响。结果发现,在情绪效价判断任务中,SOA为100ms时高唤醒和低唤醒启动词都出现了情绪启动效应,SOA为300ms时只有高唤醒启动词出现了情绪启动效应。在真假词判断任务中,无论高唤醒还是低唤醒启动词都没有出现情绪启动效应。唤醒度是影响词汇情绪启动效应的重要因素,但这种效应不是完全自动化的过程,会受到SOA和任务导向的影响。情绪启动效应可能来自于启动词与目标词在反应趋向上的一致性趋势。  相似文献   
为探讨社交网站使用、线上积极反馈、友谊质量和青少年孤独感的关系,采用社交网站使用强度问卷、线上积极反馈问卷、友谊质量量表和孤独感量表对538名中学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)社交网站使用与线上积极反馈和友谊质量都呈显著正相关,而与孤独感显著负相关,线上积极反馈与友谊质量显著正相关,而且两者都与孤独感显著负相关;(2)社交网站使用对孤独感没有直接的预测作用,但能通过两条路径的间接作用影响青少年孤独感:通过线上积极反馈的中介作用;通过线上积极反馈和友谊质量的链式中介作用。研究结果揭示了社交网站使用对青少年孤独感的影响及其作用机制,能为网络时代的青少年降低孤独感提供有益启示。  相似文献   
采用问卷法,通过分层抽样对347名不同性别、专业及年龄段人群的孝道心理进行调查。结果显示:(1)人们总体上对孝道高度认同,其中女性的"尽孝程度"自评显著高于男性;(2)人们心中"极力反对的孝行"、"不符合当代潮流的孝行"及"不易做的孝行"三者高度一致;(3)人们心中"孝子应该做的孝行"、"能充分展现孝心的孝行"及"当代社会仍非常重要的孝行"三者也很一致。通过与黄坚厚等人的研究对比发现:自1982年以来,中国人的孝道心理并未发生根本改变。  相似文献   
The authors explored the phenomenon of unintentional changes in the equilibrium state of a multijoint effector produced by transient changes in the external force. The subjects performed a position-holding task against a constant force produced by a robot and were instructed not to intervene voluntarily with movements produced by changes in the robot force. The robot produced a smooth force increase leading to a hand movement, followed by a dwell time. Then, the force dropped to its initial value leading to hand movement toward the initial position, but the hand stopped short of the initial position. The undershoot magnitude increased linearly with the peak hand displacement and exponentially with dwell time (time constant of about 1 s). For long dwell times, the hand stopped at about half the total distance to the initial position. The authors interpret the results as consequences of a drift of the referent hand coordinate. Our results provide support for back-coupling between the referent and actual body configurations during multijoint actions and produce the first quantitative analysis of this phenomenon. This mechanism can also explain the phenomena of slacking and force drop after turning visual feedback off during accurate force production task.  相似文献   
建国以来,中国的伦理学在马克思主叉理论的指引下,传承中国优秀传统伦理,吸收圆外先进伦理理念,其学科经历了形成、发展、繁荣的过程.新中国伦理学理论建设丰富了哲学学科的人文内容和现实关怀,推动了哲学学科的发展,同时在实践层面上,为推动社会主义市场经济健康发展,培育良好社会风尚,塑造新时代的道德人格,做出了巨大贡献.  相似文献   
再利用本土化的人格工具CPAI,对中国社会现代化发展时间进程和城市现代化水平差异与中国人群体人格特征模式之间的关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明,中国人的群体人格特征正在随着社会发展而成现出相应的变化,表现为更为多元化、个性张扬、人际关系的束缚在减弱。当然,现代化进程的时间和空间特征对人格变化的影响可能存在差异性。因此,在研究社会发展与人格间关系时,应该同时关注社会变迁的时间与空间两个维度。研究显示,随着中国社会的发展,具有开放性、多样性人格特征的新一代中国人正在形成过程中,他们反过来也会对中国的现代化进程产生影响  相似文献   
汉字早期字形加工中的部件数效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周新林  曾捷英 《心理学报》2003,35(4):514-519
探讨部件数效应是否在汉字早期字形加工中存在。要求被试识别重复速示方式下的具有不同部件数的汉字字形。大学生为被试。在实验1中,发现4部件字比在通透性、笔画数、字频和像素数上匹配的2部件字更容易识别字形;在实验2中,2部件字的通透性比4部件字更好,此时没有识别成绩上的差异。上面的结果表明在字形加工中存在着部件数效应,它指部件越多越容易识别汉字字形。在讨论部分提出了一个字形加工的部分线索模型,它指被试可以根据汉字的部分线索(例如部件)识别整个汉字。  相似文献   
Seventy-two Sprague–Dawley rats were used to investigate the multidimensional features of the context shift effect and the forgetting of stimulus attributes in a Pavlovian differential fear conditioning paradigm. One day after training, a change in either conditioning box or room context resulted in substantial decrements in performance similar to that induced by a shift of both box and room contexts. Two weeks after training, a shift of either box or room context exerted no significant detrimental effects on responding. However, a combined shift of both box and room contexts still induced a severe performance deficit. These results suggest that changes in various components of the stimulus context can result in similar retention deficits, that several aspects of stimulus attributes are forgotten over a delay, and that changing several aspects of the stimulus complex can synergistically impair performance.  相似文献   
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