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The present study used a Truth Value Judgment Task to investigate whether changes in sentence structure lead to corresponding changes in the assignment of scope relations by Mandarin-speaking children and adults. In one condition, participants were presented with ordinary negative sentences containing disjunction; this condition was designed to verify the existing claim that disjunction is a positive polarity item for adult speakers of Mandarin, but not for child speakers. In a second condition, participants were presented with negative sentences where the disjunction phrase was preposed from object position; this condition was designed to examine the extent to which changes in sentence structure can result in changes in scope assignments to negated disjunctions. The results indicate that the preposed disjunction phrase undergoes reconstruction for children, whereas reconstruction is blocked for adults. This finding also suggests that Mandarin-speaking children and adults exhibit different scope preferences for negated disjunctions, regardless of where the disjunction phrase appears in the surface syntax.  相似文献   
The present studies sought to investigate the mapping relations between language and cognition by focusing on how Mandarin-speaking children acquire the mapping between their conceptual knowledge of possession and their linguistic expressions of possession. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 used a comprehension task to explore whether young children are able to map their knowledge of possessive constructions onto their interpretation of possessive relations. Experiment 2 employed a production task to examine whether they are able to map their knowledge of possessive relations onto their linguistic expressions of possession. The findings were that 4-year-olds exhibited correct comprehension and production of possessive DE constructions, indicating that by age 4, Mandarin-speaking children have already established the mapping between their conceptual knowledge of possession and their linguistic expressions of possession. By contrast, 3-year-olds exhibited response patterns that suggest a developmental stage where they use noun–noun compounds to represent possessive relations before they map possessive relations onto possessive constructions.  相似文献   
This study tested the relationships of individualism, power distance, and mastery orientation to 2 employee attitudes (organizational trust and organizational commitment) that are associated with employees’ psychological benefits within the organization. Results from university employees (N = 706) showed that individualism negatively, whereas mastery positively, related to trust and commitment. Power distance positively related to trust only. The moderating role of mastery was also identified. These findings can help employment or organizational counselors to appreciate value‐related factors that facilitate employees in psychologically integrating into the organization and to explore new ways for employers to foster employees’ positive attitudes.  相似文献   
Self-other merging can arise not only between acquainted people but also between strangers. To date, the factors determining self-other merging between strangers remain to be elucidated. We investigate whether strangers’ facial appearance (i.e. gaze direction) modulates such initial processes of self-other merging. In the two experiments, participants viewed strangers’ faces whose gaze either directed to or averted from them. The extent of self-other merging was measured in terms of perception of face resemblance, Inclusion of the Other in the Self (IOS) scale, and correlations of personality judgments. We found that direct gaze blurred the self-other boundaries at both facial and conceptual levels. Participants felt a stranger who directly gazed at them to be closer and more similar to themselves about face and personality.  相似文献   
关系语义是相干逻辑中最为重要的语义学之一,但是关系语义一开始就以"纯粹"的形式语义的面貌出现,其中三元关系R的直观意思是什么并不清楚,于是出现了关于关系语义的多种解释。我们认为,R所代表的是推理规则集、前提集和结论集三者之间的关系,据此提出了推理语义。推理语义以推理的形式结构为背景,有明确的直观意义。本文以相干逻辑系统R+为例,证明出推理语义是与关系语义等价的语义。从推理语义与关系语义的这个等价关系上看,推理语义完全可以作为对于关系语义直观解释的一个中间环节。由此不仅使得关系语义有了推理结构的解释,同时说明了相干逻辑是一种关于推理的逻辑。这与相干逻辑产生的历史也完全吻合。  相似文献   
Besides the well-known cube-on-cube orientation relationship (OR) between M23C6 carbide and matrix, we have determined a new OR named as the twin-related OR in a long-term ageing Ni-based superalloy on the basis of the extensive and detailed electron diffraction analyses. Furthermore, by means of atomic-resolution high angle annular dark-field imaging technique which is implemented in the aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope, we elucidated the interfacial characteristics between M23C6 and matrix for above two types of ORs. Taking into account of the interfacial characteristics, we propose that the twin-related OR possesses a higher total interfacial energy. Thus, its frequency of occurrence is lower than that of the cube-on-cube OR though both ORs are usually seen in the long-term ageing samples.  相似文献   
Subjective career success has long been of interest to scholars because of its importance in the career area. However, the subjective career success literature suffers from the lack of measurement. To fill this void, after reviewing the limitations of the existing instruments, the current study developed a three‐dimensional scale of subjective career success based on the framework of Zhou et al. Three independent studies were conducted using three separate samples (N = 244; N = 411; N = 254) in China to examine the reliability and validity of the developmental scale. The results provided evidence of internal homogeneity, structural validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and incremental validity of the developed scale. To conclude the study, the limitations of the article and implications for future study were discussed.  相似文献   
玄学究竟为附着于经学抑或与其对立,是魏晋经学史上的一个重要问题。在魏晋时期,经学与玄学之间的边界是"内在性"的而非"外在性"的,其界限是"流动"的而非"停滞"的,显现儒道两家在思想上具有"相互否定""相互依存""相互融合"之特点,两者的差异性最后统一在广义的"经学"中,因此,玄学是经学发展到魏晋时期的一个环节和阶段。儒道两家在魏晋时期的"对立"和"界限"本身就是内在于经学之中的,两者的人为隔离在此时被打破,并重新被融合与汇通。  相似文献   
姜复宁  周琦玥 《法音》2020,(5):57-60
<正>自佛教传入中土以来,便与中国既有文化开启了富于特色的交融历程。这种交融既表现在内容上,也表现在形式上。在形式上的表现之一,乃是佛教文献与具有中国特色的文献载体的融合,例如具有中国韵文特质的偈语、碑刻、佛教序跋等。这些文献既记录了佛教思想、佛教发展流传史,又具有一定的文学、文献价值。但这种文献类型往往不为文学研究者重视,在编辑断代性文学总集时,也往往未收碑志、铭刻、摩崖等相关内容。对这些佚文进行研究,既可以补充文学总集,扩充作者序列和诗文篇目,又可以为佛教研究提供新的史料。笔者平  相似文献   
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