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There has been considerable research into the ability of nonhuman primates to process sequential information, a topic that is of interest in part because of the extensive involvement of sequence processing in human language use. Surprisingly, no previous study has unambiguously tested the ability of nonhuman primates to encode and immediately reproduce a novel temporal sequence of perceptual events, the ability tapped in the immediate serial recall (ISR) task extensively studied in humans. We report here the performance of a rhesus macaque on a spatial ISR task, closely resembling tasks widely used in human memory research. Detailed analysis of the monkey’s recall performance indicates a number of important parallels with human ISR, consistent with the idea that a single mechanism for short-term serial order memory may be shared across species.  相似文献   
王珏 《世界哲学》2009,(5):126-142
“海德格尔哲学中的身体问题”所问及的与其说是海德格尔关于身体的看法,不如说仅仅是一个疑问:“为什么海德格尔的主要著作中缺乏关于身体的研究?”本文将首先对这个极具争议性问题的研究现状作一个全面的评述,并指出当前研究中的最大问题就是身体主题总是不自觉地被现成化了。在这种背景下,本文试图另辟蹊径,不仅仅是去定位海德格尔对身体问题的论述,更是要随同海德格尔一起去揭示身体现象。本文最终表明,身体现象与世界现象处于动态的相互促进的结构中,从这个角度上看,身体维度凭借其大地式的特质成为海德格尔哲学中的一个关键枢纽,其中隐含着重大的思想契机。  相似文献   
消费观念是人们对待其可支配收入的指导思想和态度以及对商品价值追求的取向。消费观念的形成既是民族文化长期积淀的结果,又是社会现实的直接反映。《管子》的俭侈消费思想内容丰富,见解独到,是我国传统文化的精髓。《管子》关于正常条件下应当节俭,一定条件下应当扩大消费的观点、关于俭侈都不能过度的观点、关于消费反作用于生产的观点,不仅具有历史影响,而且具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
通过两个实验就视觉系统能否像计算平均数那样高效地计算其他统计量的问题进行了探讨。实验—保持—组圆的平均大小不变而改变众数,考察平均数估计是否受众数变化的影响;实验二采用与实验一相同的刺激,直接考察被试估计众数的绩效。结果发现:(1)对平均数的估计不受总体众数变化的影响;(2)对众数的估计往往不如对平均数的估计准确,估计值受平均数变化的影响;(3)在估计众数的任务中,被试成绩受总体极大值的影响。上述结果表明,视觉系统不存在针对众数的自动化加工机制。根据本实验的结果可以进一步推测,视觉系统并非对所有统计量都可做高效加工,而可能存在针对平均数的特异加工机制。  相似文献   
Most research on immigrant acculturation has been conducted with cross-sectional samples, using statistical designs that may not capture different trajectories for the components that contribute to this complex concept. The purpose of this study was to examine change over time in acculturation for 226 women from the former Soviet Union who had lived in the US fewer than eight years when recruited. Using self-report data from four annual waves, growth trajectories were examined in four components of acculturation (American behavior, Russian behavior, English language proficiency, and cultural generativity). Results indicate that these components changed at varying rates. Acculturation is a process with multiple distinct components which should be measured separately to obtain a full profile of change over time.  相似文献   
The myth of Er at the end of Plato's Republic is usually conceived as an eschatological one set in a philosophical context.It thus reveals the relationship between philomythos and phylosophos,and the interaction between myth and philosophy in a creative manner.Engaging and thought-provocating as it is,it is deployed to stir much reflection on the possible aspects of the human soul in terms of justice and injustice.In addition,it well demonstrates how Plato applies it as one of many typical cases to his post...  相似文献   
Evidence indicates that systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces brain inflammation, ultimately resulting in cognitive deficits. Ursolic acid (UA), a plant-derived pentacyclic triterpenoid, is well known to possess multiple biological functions, including antioxidant, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activities. In the present study, we assessed the protective effect of UA against the LPS-induced cognitive deficits in mice. We found that UA significantly improved cognitive deficits of LPS-treated mice in open field, step-through passive avoidance and Morris water maze tasks. One potential mechanism of this action was attributed to the decreased production of pro-inflammatory markers including COX-2, iNOS, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2 and IL-6 in LPS-treated mouse brain. Mechanistically, UA markedly inhibited LPS-induced IκBα phosphorylation and degradation, NF-κB p65 nuclear translocation and p38 activation in mouse brain, but did not affect the activation of TLR4, MyD88, ERK, JNK and Akt. Taken together, these results suggest that UA may be useful for mitigating inflammation-associated brain disorders by inhibiting pro-inflammatory factors production, at least in part, through blocking the p38/NF-κB signaling pathways.  相似文献   
本文结合汉、藏、蒙等各种文献,探讨了藏传佛教传入卫拉特蒙古的时间、内齐托音一世在蒙古地区传教的特点及其对世俗权力阶层的矛盾心理和与萨迦法王的争斗等问题.从中不仅可以了解藏传佛教在蒙古社会传播的情况,更有助于具体认识蒙藏关系的发展脉络.  相似文献   
In his widely reprinted paper “On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B,” Kerr argued that vividness was one of the major reasons for distorted rewards. Using both archival and survey data, the present paper directly tests Kerr's proposal by investigating whether, how, and why highly visible behaviors are over‐rewarded and less visible, but similarly (or more) important behaviors are under‐rewarded. The National Basketball Association (NBA) was chosen as the domain of this study because scoring is particularly vivid, even though both non‐scoring and scoring performances are critical for winning games. Findings from four studies demonstrated that the scoring performance of NBA players was weighed more heavily than their non‐scoring performance. Scorers were rewarded with higher salaries and received more support in the NBA All‐Star balloting than defenders, even though they might not necessarily make more contribution than their teammates. This pattern of findings suggests that the vividness effect may lead to pronounced differences in people's judgments, especially when they face abundant real‐world information with similar validity. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
人格特质与主观幸福感:情绪调节的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1163名大学生被试进行人格特质、情绪调节策略的使用以及主观幸福感的测查,本研究探讨了气质性人格特质(神经质和外倾性)这种稳定的内在心理结构对主观幸福感产生影响的可能机制。结果发现:(1)除直接影响个体的主观幸福感外,神经质和外倾性还会通过重新评价策略的使用间接影响主观幸福感;(2)人格特质和重新评价策略的使用可以有效预测个体主观幸福感的变异;(3)习惯性地使用表达抑制策略对个体的主观幸福感并没有显著的影响。这些结果表明重新评价策略的使用在人格特质对主观幸福感的影响中具有重要的中介作用。该发现对进一步制定改善和提高个体的主观幸福感的干预措施具有重要的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   
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