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强化治疗是最近几年反复提到的话题.很多临床试验研究各种强化治疗对心血管疾病预后的影响,但结果显示强化治疗并未能带来更多的益处,甚至有害.因此我们必须理性地看待这些所谓的强化治疗.更应该倾向于个体化治疗、综合治疗,包括控制各种危险因素,改善生活的方式.把治疗的眼光放到疾病发生的早期,早治疗,以求更多获益.  相似文献   
文化与人格研究中的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“文化与人格”包含着“文化中的人格”和“人格中的文化”两个命题。当今人格与文化研究中存在几个问题:人格特质的跨文化普遍性问题;人格与文化研究中的文化问题;人格与文化的作用机制问题。要解决这些问题:1.将主位研究与客位研究结合起来;2.将文化看作动态的过程;3.考虑到文化与人格之间起作用的中间机制;4.加强人格心理学与其它学科的联系。  相似文献   


Subtended angle has been assumed to be an important factor in both response programming time and kinematic characteristics of aiming movements. Support for this assumption has come mainly from studies in which circular targets have been used. However, with circular targets, the subtended angle covaries with the size of the target in the principal direction of the movement (tolerance width). The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of tolerance width and subtended angle on aiming movement with multiple targets. Participants first hit a 5-cm-diameter circular target located 8 cm to the left of a starting position and then moved another 8 cm left to hit either a 5-cm diameter circular target or a 5- x 1-cm rectangular target oriented either horizontally or vertically, depending on the condition. Analysis showed that reaction times and movement times were longer for the vertical rectangular target, which had a smaller tolerance width than the other two targets. In addition, the vertical rectangular target also showed a greater percentage of secondary-submovement trials, lower movement velocity, and higher peak vertical displacement. Overall, the results indicate that the tolerance width of the target may impose more constraints on aiming movements than subtended angle.  相似文献   
全真道在王重阳创教初期,只是一个民间"隐修会",屡受金廷的打压甚至罢禁.至丘处机出任第五代掌教时,因得到蒙古国成吉思汗的尊崇而逐步走向兴盛.在丘处机等全真高道的努力下,全真道的经济实力日益壮大,教团管理日趋成熟,戒律体系和官观管理规制不断完善,遂道由组织松散的民间宗教逐渐转变为戒规完备、管理成制的官方宗教.  相似文献   
季中 《管子学刊》2008,(3):28-33
作为战国时期齐国著名的高等学府,稷下学宫的兴衰与田齐政权的存亡相始终,在它一百五十年的兴衰史中,稷下学宫创造了一个诸子蜂起、百家争鸣的局面,不仅促进了古代文化、教育、学术的繁荣发展,也以其独特的人才培养模式、出色的教育典范对后世产生了深远影响。稷下学宫在养士、用士方面的创造性举措,对我国人才队伍建设、用人机制改革具有重要的参考价值。本文结合稷下学宫的历史经验,从制度层面上分析了其对当前我国人才选择、培养、管理工作中的启示、借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Previous research suggests that narrow identification with one’s own racial group impedes coalition building among minorities. Consistent with this research, the 2008 Democratic primary was marked by racial differences in voting preferences: Black voters overwhelmingly preferred Barack Obama, a Black candidate, and Latinos and Asians largely favored Hillary Clinton, a White candidate. We investigated one approach to overcoming this divide: highlighting one’s negational identity. In two experiments simulating primary polling procedures, Asians and Latinos randomly assigned to think of and categorize themselves in negational terms (i.e., being non-White) were more likely to vote for Obama than participants focused on their affirmational identity (i.e, being Asian or Latino), who showed the typical preference for Clinton. This shift in voting preference was partially mediated by warmer attitudes towards other minority groups. These results suggest that negational identity is a meaningful source of social identity and demonstrate that whether one thinks about “who one is” versus “who one is not” has far-reaching impact for real-world decisions.  相似文献   
杨青松  钟毅平 《心理科学》2008,31(2):415-417
目前,事件相关电位(ERP)技术在态度研究领域中所取得的成果可总结为:(1)在情感评价上,与情境一致的刺激相比,不一致的刺激诱发了一个更大的ERP,并且ERP波幅会因一致性程度的差异而变化;(2)评价性和非评价性分类加工所诱发的ERP在头部分布上存在差异,同样,评价性分类加工中积极和消极刺激所诱发的ERP也存在差异;(3)ERP对外显的和内隐的评价性分类加工的检验都反应敏感.在此基础上,文章对当前研究中所存在的问题及其对策进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   
国内心理治疗和咨询专业人员及工作状况调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究的主要目的是考察国内目前心理治疗和咨询的人员及专业工作方面的地区差异,并做出比较.调查包括全国29个省、市、自治区的1543名被试.按照行政区域分为华北、东北、华东、中南、西南和西北六个地区.本研究采用自编的调查表对心理治疗师/咨询师个人情况和专业工作情况进行了调查.结果发现各地区发展确实存在不均衡的状况,华北、华东地区的相关人员专业水平较高,专职工作比较完善;而西北地区则相对比较落后,体现在治疗师倍询师专职化、专业化程度较低等方面.  相似文献   
图形视觉与心理表象眼动模式的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟娟  高湘萍 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1454-1457,1470
本研究通过比较图形视觉和心理表象以及不同认知框架下表象加工的眼动参数,揭示图形视觉加工和心理表象加工的特点.结果表明,从视知觉到视觉心理表象,眼动被币新编码,眼动模式更加简洁,视觉心理表象具有一定的概括性;认知框架影响视觉心理表象加工的眼动模式.  相似文献   
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