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释本性 《法音》2020,(5):23-25
<正>今天,2020年5月21日。二十年前的今日,赵朴初大德世缘已尽,往生净土。赵朴老曾任全国政协副主席、中国佛教协会会长、中国佛学院院长,是个著名爱国者、卓越宗教家、杰出佛教徒,堪称"当代维摩诘"。比丘本性,曾蒙赵朴初大德诸多关怀。而今,斯人虽去,恩德长在。念兹在兹,没齿难忘。为此,特撰此文,以为纪念。于佛教中,菩提树是觉悟之树、神圣之树。因为,佛陀是在菩提树下实证戒定慧而明心见性的,见菩提树如见佛。因此,在原始佛教国家,寺院必需三大圣物具足。这三大元素就是佛陀圣像、圣菩提树与圣舍利塔。  相似文献   
释传印 《法音》2020,(4):6-7
<正>提及中国佛教,时人每以唐宋佛教兴盛为荣,而以近现代佛教衰败为耻。故学佛者多尊唐宋而薄现代,大似近现代佛门大德,其道德、修证皆不及古德前贤者,实则不然。个中既有好古薄今之习气使然,亦有时势之整体黯淡所致。譬如天心之月,今古皆同,而时有朔望、气有明晦,故月亦有阴晴圆缺之象;此非月之过,乃时势之异也。俗言,时势造英雄,岁寒方知松柏而后凋,时艰方显英雄之本色。况以"不忍众生苦,不忍圣教衰"为本怀之菩萨行者,又岂肯目睹大厦之将倾、法船之将没,而无动于衷乎?须知,佛法衰败之际,正是菩  相似文献   
1月8日至11日,中国道教协会会长任法融一行应邀赴港参加香港啬色园黄大仙祠90周年纪庆系列活动。随同任会长访港的有中国道教协会副秘书长李兆彩、北京白云观管委会主任李信军等9人。  相似文献   
应意大利道教协会的邀请,中国道教协会副秘书长孟至岭道长和编辑部副主任尹志华博士于3月4日抵达意大利卡塞塔省(Provinciadi Caserta),出席2011年道教节世界庆典开幕典礼。出席典礼的还有新加坡道教协会和马来西亚沙巴  相似文献   


Given the increased usage of mentoring programs in multi-cultural settings, including the Chinese workplace, the present study examined Chinese employees’ understanding of mentoring relationships and whether mentoring played a role in their occupational stress process.  相似文献   
Shi  Lin  Zhang  Chenguang 《Pastoral Psychology》2012,61(5-6):959-974
Pastoral Psychology - In today’s world, Western medicine has a dominant place in most people’s lives, and that is true in contemporary China. However, many Chinese people also seek...  相似文献   
The present study used longitudinal data on 182 adults between the ages of 20 and 54 (104 men, 78 women) from the Rochester Adult Longitudinal Study (RALS), assessed on four occasions, to test the hypothesis that identity and intimacy during the course of early and middle adulthood predict well-being at midlife. A cross-lagged panel model was estimated yielding the following findings: (a) Scores on both scales during the college years predicted midlife satisfaction-intimacy directly, and identity through the course of development from ages 20 to 54; moreover, identity in midlife, but not intimacy, was significantly linked with well-being at this same point in time; and (b) identity and intimacy unexpectedly did not predict one another over time, having been controlled for factor stability in identity and intimacy over time. The findings are discussed in terms of Erikson's psychosocial theory of development and the developmental moments and historical cohorts that characterize the present sample.  相似文献   
To examine whether the intervention effects of Familias Unidas, compared to community practice, on Hispanic adolescent alcohol and drug use varies by nativity status (i.e., U.S.-born and foreign-born). A total of 213 eighth grade Hispanic adolescents with behavior problems and their primary caregivers were assigned randomly to one of two conditions: Familias Unidas or Community Control. Participants were assessed at baseline and at 6, 18, and 30 months post baseline. Results showed that, the effects of Familias Unidas on alcohol use was moderated by nativity status. Specifically, Familias Unidas was efficacious in preventing/reducing alcohol use for U.S.-born youth, but not foreign-born. No moderating effects were found for drug use. These findings suggest that prevention interventions may be more efficacious in preventing/reducing alcohol use among certain Hispanic adolescent subgroups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   
To validate the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (SUSCEP) scale in China, questionnaires were administered to 1114 adult employees and 350 university students. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence scale had a stable three‐factor structure (i.e. the utilitarian, value‐expressive, and informational dimensions) in both samples, while the original two‐factor structure could not be retrieved. Using Chinese samples, the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence scale and its three sub‐scales demonstrated acceptable internal reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. Positive correlations between the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence scale (as well as its sub‐scales) and attention to social comparison information also indicated good convergent validity. The distinction between utilitarian dimension and value‐expression dimension in Chinese samples as well as the non‐significant correlations of the utilitarian dimension with self‐esteem and the informational dimension with self‐esteem revealed cultural differences between the East and the West.  相似文献   
An often‐neglected perspective is that work–family incompatibilities are not only intrapersonal role conflicts but also typically involve interpersonal conflicts. This study adopts an episodes approach and uses the theory of cooperation and competition to understand the interaction that promotes resolving work–family conflict incidents. Two‐hundred and four Chinese dual‐career parents each described a specific work–family conflict incident and responded to specific questions to code the interaction. Structural equation analyses indicated that cooperative goals facilitated constructive controversy that in turn promoted high quality resolutions, strong relationships, and confidence in the future of their work and family lives.  相似文献   
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