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工作记忆与认知能力、智力和学习能力有密切的联系.本研究采用横断研究的方法,测量了213名8岁到成年期被试的数字、词语和视空间工作记忆广度,探查了工作记忆广度的发展情况.结果发现,数字工作记忆广度在此期间持续增长,词语广度在18岁达到最高,视空间工作记忆广度在14-16岁达到高峰.不同任务的工作记忆广度具有相似的发展趋势,但工作记忆的平均广度分数与Pascual-Leone模型的预测并不一致.  相似文献   
伊宝  史宏蕾 《法音》2021,(2):45-52,I0001-I0004
山西晋中太谷县城西南约4公里的中咸阳村西北有一座寺院名曰圣果寺,县志记载圣果寺在县南十里东咸阳村,金皇统八年建[1],民国太谷县志中记载此寺建于东咸阳村,但实际所处为中咸阳村,此外还有南、西、东三个咸阳村,与县志记载有出入,北咸阳村应当曾经有过设置。  相似文献   
奘真 《法音》2020,(2):30-30
新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以后,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视疫情防控工作。1月25日,中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议,对疫情防控工作再研究、再部署、再动员。1月27日,习近平总书记作出重要指示,强调必须牢记人民利益高于一切,不忘初心、牢记使命,紧紧依靠人民群众坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。这为疫情的防控注入了强大信心和动力。疫情防控工作牵动着全国人民的心。  相似文献   
释宗宙 《法音》2021,(3):70-71
一、观察修和止住修的关系“南无观世音菩萨”这一句圣号,含摄了无量的法义。正如禅宗参“念佛是谁”一样,若能体悟“观世音菩萨”圣号的深义,则对我们的修行有巨大的助益。所谓“修”,实际上可分为两种修法,即止住修和观择修。如果我们是以止住修为主时,则不应去思择观世音菩萨的意思是什么,他是怎么“观”的,“世音”是什么意思。  相似文献   
释来浩 《法音》2021,(1):54-55
前些天与几位法师在北京三圣庵相逢,合儒师谈起我也曾亲近过一诚老和尚,时逢其圆寂三周年,何不写篇文章出来以示纪念?一老确实有很多令人钦佩的地方,也值得大家来追思纪念。同为虚云老和尚门下的一脉法孙,这篇文章我本也应当写。  相似文献   
以往不作为惯性领域的研究发现, 当个体没有获得先前更优机会是源于他人或外界等不可控因素时, 个体仍会倾向于继续放弃当前次优机会, 且后悔情绪未能对此进行解释。本研究认为失望情绪适用于解释此种情况下的不作为惯性, 或可成为后悔情绪解释的有效补充。本研究通过两个实验首次探讨了失望情绪在不作为惯性产生中的作用。结果发现, 各自变量对失望情绪(体验失望和预期失望)和作为可能性均具有一致的影响力, 且预期失望在不作为惯性的产生中具有中介作用。本研究表明, 失望情绪可能也是导致不作为惯性的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
Self-determination theory proposes that autonomy support in the classroom is critical for students’ optimal motivation and performance. However, the literature has not adequately demonstrated the psychometric qualities of the most popular measurement for autonomy-supportive classrooms, the Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ) and its short version. Using the graded response model in item response theory (IRT), the current study evaluates the short version of the LCQ with a large sample (N?=?13570). IRT and classic psychometric analyses show that the scale is generally satisfactory in measuring latent learning climate, with the exceptions that Item 4 appears to be inadequate and that the scale is relatively weak in distinguishing highly autonomy-supportive classrooms. We provide suggestions for future studies, such as dropping Item 4 and including more items that tap into instructional practices located on the higher end of the latent autonomy support spectrum. Implications of the current findings for the conceptualization of autonomy support are also discussed.  相似文献   

For over two decades, despite the downward crime trend, the American public has persisted in believing crime is on the rise. Cultivation theory holds that the media is responsible for the public’s crime trend perceptions. Previous cultivation studies heavily rely on cross-sectional data, which may lead to spurious conclusions due to reverse causation and omitted variable bias. This study aims to address these issues by utilizing longitudinal analyses. Drawing on three waves of the 2008–2009 American National Election Survey, we test the cultivation hypothesis using traditional OLS, OLS with lagged crime trend perceptions, fixed effects, and dynamic panel models. Newspaper and TV news consumption are related to crime trend perceptions in traditional OLS models. In other models, media consumption is not related to crime trend perceptions. The results do not support the cultivation hypothesis. It is likely that the cultivation effect of media has been overstated in the previous cross-sectional research.  相似文献   
The microstructures of 304 stainless steels with different amounts of nanocrystalline and microcrystalline austenite prepared by an aluminothermic reaction casting, without and with annealing at 1073?K for 8?h, have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, an electron probe micro-analyser, a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The steels, both without and with annealing, consisted of different dual nanocrystalline and microcrystalline austenite combinations and a little nanocrystalline δ ferrite, while the average grain size of the nanocrystalline austenite increased from 19 to 26?nm and volume fraction of the microcrystalline austenite increased from 17 to 30% after annealing. The tensile strength of the steel was dramatically increased from 500 to 1000?MPa and the tensile elongation ratio increased from 8 to 12% after annealing. However, the tensile strength was decreased to 600?MPa and the tensile elongation ratio increased from 12 to 22% after an annealing at 1273?K. The combination of dual nanocrystalline and microcrystalline austenite obtained after the annealing at 1073?K results in the best tensile properties.  相似文献   
The Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin method is employed to study the cut-off frequencies of the horizontal shear waves in a freestanding functionally graded piezoelectric–piezomagnetic material film with the electrically and magnetically open boundary conditions. An analytical solution, which could be used in analyzing the problems of various functionally graded materials, is proven to have high precision by analytical analysis and a numerical example. The results reveal that the set of cut-off frequencies is a series of approximate arithmetic progressions. A theoretical foundation based on the relationship between the cut-off frequencies and the materials’ gradient property is established for nondestructive evaluation.  相似文献   
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