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宋颖  曾衍桃 《法音》2020,(2):52-55
自18世纪工业文明以来,严峻的生态环境问题促使人们重新审视人与自然的关系。面对物理、人文与精神危机,基督教文化较早地作出学理化回应,Lynn White提出,现代西方的生态危机的思想根源是西方宗教思想中人对自然的宰制。[1]传统的有关自然的"西方——基督教范式"正在受到新生态学模式的反思。[2]叔本华、赫胥黎、池田大作等思想家亦强调了东方生态智慧的重要性。  相似文献   
企业以牺牲相关群体的利益来攫取最大利润的经营方式直接造成了大规模裁员、直接排污、圈地毁林、血汗工厂、两极分化等社会问题,将原本应由企业完全或部分承担的就业、环保、劳工、三农、慈善等社会责任推给了政府和社会.即使是完善的政府法规、强大的舆论压力也只能从外界限制企业的这些行为,并不能使企业自愿、自觉地承担其社会责任.本文旨在通过将佛学缘起法则及其衍生的相关原理与具体案例相结合,尝试说明企业的发展、企业家的命运与其相关群体的利益是荣辱与共、休戚相关的.  相似文献   
春秋时期,管仲辅佐齐桓公创立了“九合诸侯,一匡天下”的丰功伟业。坚持以民为本而治国,是其重要原因之一。深入探讨之,对于落实“三个代表”思想及树立科学发展观,具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
杨松 《伦理学研究》2013,(2):54-58,141
摩尔在《伦理学原理》中关于"善是非自然性质"这一观点的阐述并不令人信服,遭到了布劳德等人的批评。摩尔在与他人的讨论中,一方面承认自己的不足,另一方面吸收他人的合理见解,思想上产生了不小的变化。尽管摩尔并没有很好地解决自己的问题,但是就其对西方元伦理学的贡献和其"踏实求真"的学术态度而言,他仍然不失为一位伟大的思想家。  相似文献   
田单与田横是中国古代历史上的两个重要人物,他们分别生活在战国末年和秦朝末年,对中国古代历史的发展都产生了重要的影响。对两人进行比较研究,不仅有利于我们加深对两人及其所处历史时代的认识,而且更重要的是能从两人的成败得失中得到启迪。  相似文献   
This article brings Gillian Brock and Alex Sager's recently published books into conversation with my book, Immigration and Democracy. It begins with a summary of the main normative arguments of my book to set the stage for critical engagement with Brock and Sager's books. While I agree with Brock's Justice for People on the Move that state power must be justified to both insiders and outsiders, I think she gives too little weight to the value of collective self-determination. I distinguish between justice and collective self-determination and argue that each is an important component of legitimacy. Sager's Against Borders focuses on immigration enforcement and contends that violence is inherent in border controls. Every legal system is backed by the threat of the use of force; the question is whether the use of force by state agents is justified. In contrast to Sager, I argue that the proper response to the injustices of current immigration enforcement is reform, not abolition, of the immigration system.  相似文献   
Altruism is an effective method of coping with threats. This research explored the relationship between childhood socioeconomic status (SES) and altruism under different situations. The results of five studies provided reliable evidence that safety-threat conditions moderated the relationship between childhood SES and altruism. Individuals with higher childhood SES exhibited higher altruistic intentions (Studies 1 and 2) and behaviors (Study 3) when they were manipulated to imagine a safety threat scenario (Study 1), when viewing pictures of disasters (Study 2), and when they were manipulated to believe that their health was under threat (Study 3). However, their childhood SES had no significant impact on their altruistic intentions and behaviors in relatively safe environments (Studies 1–3). This effect was again tested in more realistic environmental conditions using a large-scale survey in Study 4. In Study 5, we explored the underlying mechanism behind the earlier findings (i.e., temporal discounting).  相似文献   
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