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采用词汇判断法,考察双字多义词各意义间的联系程度对词汇判断时间的影响,同时考察,意义间联系程度不同的多义词与单义词的词汇判断时间的关系。实验结果表明:汉语中双字多义词意义间联系程度的高低没有对多义词词汇判断的时间产生影响。在低频词的条件下,双字多义词,不管其意义间联系程度的高低,词汇判断的时间都快于单义词的判断时间,这表明汉语词汇识别中,存在低频多义词的识别优势效应。  相似文献   
苏轼的仙气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
千古名篇《前赤壁赋》中写道:“白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止;飘飘乎如遗世独立,羽化而登仙。”苏轼好道,对神仙道教充满了无限向往,希求进入神仙境界直言不讳。《留题仙都观》吟道:“真人厌世不回顾,世间生死如朝暮。学仙度世岂无人,餐霞绝粒长辛苦。安得独从逍遥君。泠然乘风驾浮云,超世无有我独行。”也表达了同样的思想感情,乐意登上神仙境界。正如《左庵词话》中的评价,“此老不特兴会高骞,直觉有仙气缥缈于毫端。”读苏轼的作品,我们确实感到仙气缥缈,如风如雾,与长歌曼韵相伴。那么…  相似文献   
前人的研究发现,汉语时间-空间隐喻的加工表现出一定的垂直偏向性。本文两个实验采用空间启动的范式,考察汉英双语者二语(英语)经验对汉语时间-空间隐喻加工偏向性的影响。实验1以中国内地汉英双语大学生为被试,结果发现,在垂直空间启动条件下,被试的反应时更快,垂直性时间问题的反应时最短,正确率最高,即表现出时间-空间隐喻加工的垂直偏向性,这说明英语经验未影响汉语时间-空间隐喻加工的垂直偏向性。实验2采用英语熟练程度更高,来自我国港、澳地区的汉英双语大学生为被试,得到了和实验1类似的结果。两个实验结果表明,对于非平衡的汉英双语者而言,英语经验并未对汉语母语时间-空间隐喻加工的偏向性产生影响,汉语时间-空间隐喻加工的垂直偏向性表现出相当程度的稳固性。  相似文献   
This longitudinal study explores heterogeneity of middle school students by identifying subgroups of youth characterized by distinct truancy trajectories and by determining disability profiles that distinguish these subgroups. Participants comprised an entire 7th through 9th grade student population, with approximately 58,000 students, in a large urban school district. Latent class growth analysis was used to identify subgroups of truant youth. This analysis yielded five distinct truant subgroups: Very-Low (37 %), Low (43.4 %), Declining (3.3 %), Rising (12.8 %), and Chronic (3.6 %). Further, differential disability profiles were found in each subgroup with the control of demographic characteristics (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity, free/reduced lunch, Limited English Proficiency, grade, and prior school absences), students with serious emotional disturbance and learning disabilities demonstrated amplified risks of being classified in the Chronic or Rising subgroups, which show chronic or incremental upward truant trajectories over time. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research.  相似文献   
对幼儿从电视中伴随学习单词的可能性及其影响因素进行了初步的探讨。40名小班幼儿和46名大班幼儿参加了实验,他们在接近自然的状态下观看有字幕的动画片。结果发现:幼儿在无任何指导的情况下观看有字幕的动画片,能伴随学习到汉字,这表明,电视对幼儿的词汇发展有着积极的影响;不同性别的儿童都能同等程度地从电视中伴随学习到单词;词义的伴随学习受幼儿原有的词汇水平和幼儿对目标词熟悉程度的影响;词音的伴随学习只发生在词汇水平较高的幼儿当中,并且随着幼儿对目标词熟悉程度的增加而增加;词音和词义的伴随学习存在频度效应。  相似文献   
This study adopted a role-based perspective in examining whether changes in performance over time (i.e., dynamic criteria) were a function of changes in individual leadership role responsibilities. Longitudinal data from captains in the modern era of the National Hockey League ( N = 201) were used to test a dynamic criterion hypothesis using multilevel growth modeling. Time ( k = 10) was modeled as a random effect, whereas captain status (i.e., leadership role responsibility) was included as a time-varying covariate. Individual performance was measured as the adjusted points (goals scored plus assists adjusted for individual and historical effects). Results of a series of model building steps that included the examination of alternative complex error structures indicated an overall negative performance trend. Those seasons in which a player assumed formal leadership responsibilities (i.e., team captain) were associated with better performance compared to seasons in which the player had no leadership responsibilities. These results were found to be robust even after controlling for individual performance in the previous season. Results are discussed in terms of the possible positive implications for individual performance and the motivation to lead through developing a culture in which leadership positions are highly valued by the organization, visible to others on the team, and where leadership responsibilities do not interfere with task performance.  相似文献   
陈坚 《宗教学研究》2005,46(3):91-97
谈"善"论"恶"是宗教中的永恒话题,但宗教中的"善恶"并非仅仅是伦理学意义上的善恶,而是包括宗教修持意义上的"善恶".一般而言,"善"是有助于宗教修持的,但是贝施特和智顗却分别站在犹太教和中国佛教天台宗的立场揭示了"恶"对于宗教修持的积极作用,阐明了"恶"的宗教价值,尽管他们所说的"恶"的内涵不同.其中贝施特主张"恶"中分有"善"的神性,通过"恶"可以回归上帝;智顗主张"恶"中本具"善"的"实相",通过观"恶"的"烦恼心"可以达到解脱.可以说,在"恶"的宗教价值这个问题上,贝施特和智顗进行了一次跨宗教的对话.  相似文献   
元认知这一概念是由美国发展心理学家弗莱维尔(Flavell)在1976年正式提出来的。至今,学者们对其进行了广泛深入的研究,无论是在理论还是实证方面都取得了丰硕的成果。文章首先对元认知(metacognition)的概念作了阐述,接着陈述了当前关于元认知的结构比较认可的两分法以及三分法,并提出了关于元认知结构的看法。然后对目前国内元认知的相关研究做一综述,最后文章在分析过去研究所存在问题的基础上提出了对元认知研究的展望。  相似文献   
恻隐之心:“同感”、“同情”与“在世基调”   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、问题的提出恻隐之心,人皆有之(《孟子·告子上》);无恻隐之心,非人也(《孟子·公孙丑上》):最能体现儒家对人性理解的一个关键词,莫过于恻隐之心。因此,把握恻隐之心的深刻内涵,对我们理解儒家的人性论至关重要。究竟何为恻隐之心?它与孟子提到的其他三种心(羞恶之心、辞让之心恭敬之心、是非之心[参见同上])关系如何?近年来,西方学者往往从同  相似文献   
The present study examined the effects of orthographic neighborhood (N) size on the cognitive processes underlying Chinese character reading. Previous research has shown increasing N size facilitates word naming and recognition performance in alphabetic languages. Experiment 1 revealed that a large N size was associated with a general inhibition of processes underlying character reading, in contrast to previous findings with alphabetic languages. This inhibitory effect was influenced by regularity and consistency. Experiment 2 sought to assess the effects of higher-frequency neighbors on character naming performance. The results revealed that higher-frequency neighbors with different pronunciation to the target interfered with the phonological retrieval of targets. We propose that this type of interference may have caused the N size effect observed in Experiment 1. The results of Experiment 3 revealed that a large N size facilitated target naming in the absence of higher-frequency neighbors. The current results shed light on the processes underlying character naming, and we propose possible cognitive mechanisms of the N size effect on Chinese character naming.  相似文献   
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