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该研究利用功能磁共振脑成像(fMRI)技术,比较在新颖语言学习和母语学习过程中大脑皮层参与的异同。实验设置德语学习和汉语学习两个条件,采用跨通道联结学习范式,要求被试在听到听觉词汇后,按键判断屏幕上所呈现的图片是否与所听词汇匹配。行为数据显示,被试在六段实验后基本掌握了德语语音和语义之间的联结关系;脑成像数据显示,两种学习任务都激活了语言加工的主要脑区,而德语词汇学习过程相比汉语参照条件对应的颞叶激活强度与范围有较大的差异,并且比汉语条件表现出更显著的前额叶区域激活。  相似文献   
王永德 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1150-1153
采用语言实验方法,探索外国留学生的母语和汉语输入在习得中作用问题。选择了母语为英语、日语和韩语,汉语水平为初等的留学生为被试。研究发现,母语在习得汉语的前期有重要作用。母语相关语言规则与汉语补语差别最大的留学生,他们对汉语补语不同水平间差别反应的敏感性最高;差别最小的,敏感性最低;介于其间,则敏感性为中等。此外,汉语输入对习得也有作用,其难易影响习得的效果。  相似文献   
In typical statistical learning studies, researchers define sequences in terms of the probability of the next item in the sequence given the current item (or items), and they show that high probability sequences are treated as more familiar than low probability sequences. Existing accounts of these phenomena all assume that participants represent statistical regularities more or less as they are defined by the experimenters—as sequential probabilities of symbols in a string. Here we offer an alternative, or possibly supplementary, hypothesis. Specifically, rather than identifying or labeling individual stimuli discretely in order to predict the next item in a sequence, we need only assume that the participant is able to represent the stimuli as evincing particular similarity relations to one another, with sequences represented as trajectories through this similarity space. We present experiments in which this hypothesis makes sharply different predictions from hypotheses based on the assumption that sequences are learned over discrete, labeled stimuli. We also present a series of simulation models that encode stimuli as positions in a continuous two‐dimensional space, and predict the next location from the current location. Although no model captures all of the data presented here, the results of three critical experiments are more consistent with the view that participants represent trajectories through similarity space rather than sequences of discrete labels under particular conditions.  相似文献   
We investigated three issues with respect to the long-term serial recall of adults. First, retention interval was manipulated to obtain uncontaminated measures of long-term serial recall. Second, we compared serial recall of concrete and abstract nouns to determine how these materials might interact with various learning strategies over time. Third, control group participants were asked to describe the learning strategies used, allowing a comparison of technical mnemonic techniques with the spontaneously generated strategies of adults. We found that the delayed recall performance of participants who spontaneously used organizational or imagery-based strategies was comparable to that of those instructed in the method of loci and pegword technique. Word concreteness did not interact with any other variable. These results are discussed with regard to their implications for serial learning in educational settings.  相似文献   
Observers made systematic heading judgments in two experiments simulating their translation through an environment with only two trees. When those trees converged or decelerated apart, observers tended to follow the invariant information and make heading judgments outside the near member of the pair. When those trees accelerated apart, however, observers tended to follow the heuristic information and make judgments outside the far member, although this result was tempered by the angular separation between the trees and their relative acceleration. The simultaneous existence and use of invariants and heuristics are discussed in terms of different metatheoretical approaches to perception.  相似文献   
In this study, we examine the suitability of a relatively new imaging technique, arterial spin labeled perfusion imaging, for the study of continuous, gradual changes in neural activity. Unlike BOLD imaging, the perfusion signal is stable over long time-scales, allowing for accurate assessment of continuous performance. In addition, perfusion fMRI provides an absolute measure of blood flow so signal changes can be interpreted without reference to a baseline. The task we used was the serial response time task, a sequence learning task. Our results show reliable correlations between performance improvements and decreases in blood flow in premotor cortex and the inferior parietal lobe, supporting the model that learning procedures that increase efficiency of processing will be reflected in lower metabolic needs in tissues that support such processes. More generally, our results show that perfusion fMRI may be applied to the study of mental operations that produce gradual changes in neural activity.  相似文献   
Inhibition of return (IOR) has long been viewed as a foraging facilitator in visual search. We investigated the contribution of IOR in a task that approximates natural foraging more closely than typical visual search tasks. Participants in a fully immersive virtual reality environment manually searched an array of leaves for a hidden piece of fruit, using a wand to select and examine each leaf location. Search was slower than in typical IOR paradigms, taking seconds instead of a few hundred milliseconds. Participants also made a speeded response when they detected a flashing leaf that either was or was not in a previously searched location. Responses were slower when the flashing leaf was in a previously searched location than when it was in an unvisited location. These results generalize IOR to an approximation of a naturalistic visual search setting and support the hypothesis that IOR can facilitate foraging. The experiment also constitutes the first use of a fully immersive virtual reality display in the study of IOR.  相似文献   
Clark and Beck (1999) and Williams et al. (1997) have come up with quite different conclusions regarding which cognitive processes are most affected by negative self-schemata and negative knowledge structures. In order to increase the understanding of differences in effortful and automatic processing in depression, we compared never depressed (ND), previously depressed (PD) and clinically depressed (CD) individuals on free recall, recognition and fabrication of positive and negative self-statements. The results showed that: (i) overall NDs and PDs recalled more positive self-statements than CDs, whereas CDs correctly recognized more negative self-statements than NDs and PDs; and (ii) CDs and PDs fabricated more negative than positive self-statements, whereas no difference was obtained for NDs. The results seem to be in line with Clark and Beck's suggestions. However, there are several aspects of the present findings that make the picture more complicated.  相似文献   
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