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民航飞行员、飞行学员动态空间能力加工水平检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动态空间能力是对运动客体的反应和处理.采用距离判断任务和相对到达时间判断任务探讨了民航飞行员、飞行学员和普通大学生的动态空间能力的加工水平.结果表明:在距离判断任务上,飞行员成绩好于飞行学员,飞行学员好于普通大学生;在到达时间判断任务上,飞行员成绩好于飞行学员和普通大学生,而飞行学员和普通大学生之间无差异.研究提示飞行训练可提高飞行员动态空间能力的加工水平,现有民航招飞选拔还应重视和引入同时权衡了距离和速度的时间判断测试.  相似文献   
采用固定窗口技术探讨在文本阅读过程中时间信息的变化对事件边界知觉的影响以及这种事件边界对记忆提取能力的影响.结果表明:在阅读记叙文的过程中,读者能够将记叙文中的时间变化知觉为有意义的活动单元之间的事件边界,并且时间变化影响读者对先前信息的提取能力.  相似文献   
演绎推理是指假设在某些前提成立的条件下推测必然会出现的结论,它是人类重要的思维形式.不同的认知理论对人在推理过程中表现出的逻辑和非逻辑特性作出了相应的解释和预测,而来自认知神经科学的研究也进一步揭示了推理行为的脑机制,对演绎推理的认知理论进行了验证和发展.本文通过对国内外有关演绎推理认知与脑机制研究现状的回顾,以期能促进该领域研究的不断深入.  相似文献   
We explored children’s early interpretation of numerals and linguistic number marking, in order to test the hypothesis (e.g., Carey (2004). Bootstrapping and the origin of concepts. Daedalus, 59-68) that children’s initial distinction between one and other numerals (i.e., two, three, etc.) is bootstrapped from a prior distinction between singular and plural nouns. Previous studies have presented evidence that in languages without singular-plural morphology, like Japanese and Chinese, children acquire the meaning of the word one later than in singular-plural languages like English and Russian. In two experiments, we sought to corroborate this relation between grammatical number and integer acquisition within English. We found a significant correlation between children’s comprehension of numerals and a large set of natural language quantifiers and determiners, even when controlling for effects due to age. However, we also found that 2-year-old children, who are just acquiring singular-plural morphology and the word one, fail to assign an exact interpretation to singular noun phrases (e.g., a banana), despite interpreting one as exact. For example, in a Truth-Value Judgment task, most children judged that a banana was consistent with a set of two objects, despite rejecting sets of two for the numeral one. Also, children who gave exactly one object for singular nouns did not have a better comprehension of numerals relative to children who did not give exactly one. Thus, we conclude that the correlation between quantifier comprehension and numeral comprehension in children of this age is not attributable to the singular-plural distinction facilitating the acquisition of the word one. We argue that quantifiers play a more general role in highlighting the semantic function of numerals, and that children distinguish between numerals and other quantifiers from the beginning, assigning exact interpretations only to numerals.  相似文献   
The consensus definition of autonomy in the psychological literature emphasizes self-governance through free volition, not separation or independence from others. Since the concept of self may differ cross-culturally, several researchers have tried to incorporate types of self into the notion of autonomy; however, only the dual model of autonomy has been able to do this while retaining an emphasis on volition. The dual model describes two distinct forms of autonomy-individuating and relating-each with superior function in a specific domain of individual functioning. Individuating autonomy represents a volitional capacity to act against social constraints and offers a route to achieve an independent self-identity by expressing individualistic attributes and distinctions. Relating autonomy represents a volitional capacity to act by emphasizing the harmony of self-in-relation-to-others, the quality of interpersonal relationships, and self-transcendence. These two forms of autonomy have been shown to coexist at the individual level in a Taiwanese sample. This study takes the next step, with a cross-cultural test of the coexistence and domain superiority hypotheses of individuating and relating autonomy. Participants included 306 college students from Taiwan and 183 college students from the United States. Structural equation modelling by multigroup analyses confirmed the cross-cultural equivalence of the two-factor individuating autonomy and relating autonomy measurement model. Across both samples the two forms of autonomy were shown to be mutually inclusive and not exclusive or independent. The domain-superior function of each form of autonomy was also confirmed cross-culturally; each form of autonomy has a dominant, but not necessarily exclusive, domain of functioning. Specifically, individuating autonomy was more associated with intrapersonal than interpersonal domain dependent variables, while relating autonomy was more associated with interpersonal than intrapersonal domain dependent variables. Limitations of the study and considerations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine stability and change in genetic and environmental influences on reactive (impulsive and affective) and proactive (planned and instrumental) aggression from childhood to early adolescence. The sample was drawn from an ongoing longitudinal twin study of risk factors for antisocial behavior at the University of Southern California (USC). The twins were measured on two occasions: ages 9–10 years (N=1,241) and 11–14 years (N=874). Reactive and proactive aggressive behaviors were rated by parents. The stability in reactive aggression was due to genetic and nonshared environmental influences, whereas the continuity in proactive aggression was primarily genetically mediated. Change in both reactive and proactive aggression between the two occasions was mainly explained by nonshared environmental influences, although some evidence for new genetic variance at the second occasion was found for both forms of aggression. These results suggest that proactive and reactive aggression differ in their genetic and environmental stability, and provide further evidence for some distinction between reactive and proactive forms of aggression. Aggr. Behav. 35:437–452, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
To investigate maturational plasticity of fluid cognition systems, functional brain imaging was undertaken in healthy 8-19 year old participants while completing visuospatial relational reasoning problems similar to Raven's matrices and current elementary grade math textbooks. Analyses revealed that visuospatial relational reasoning across this developmental age range recruited activations in the superior parietal cortices most prominently, the dorsolateral prefrontal, occipital-temporal, and premotor/supplementary cortices, the basal ganglia, and insula. There were comparable activity volumes in left and right hemispheres for nearly all of these regions. Regression analyses indicated increasing activity predominantly in the superior parietal lobes with developmental age. In contrast, multiple anterior neural systems showed significantly less activity with age, including dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal, paracentral, and insula cortices bilaterally, basal ganglia, and particularly large clusters in the midline anterior cingulate/medial frontal cortex, left middle cingulate/supplementary motor cortex, left insula-putamen, and left caudate. Findings suggest that neuromaturational changes associated with visuospatial relational reasoning shift from a more widespread fronto-cingulate-striatal pattern in childhood to predominant parieto-frontal activation pattern in late adolescence.  相似文献   
探讨应对策略及社会支持在心理干预对哮喘患者生活质量提高中的作用。采用随机对照的方法,将374名哮喘患者分为实验组(228人)及对照组(146人),实验组除进行常规的药物治疗外,配合以系统的心理干预方法。选用生活质量问卷、医用应对问卷及社会支持评定量表对治疗前后的生活质量状况、应对策略及社会支持水平进行测量。治疗后,在生活质量总分及各维度、社会支持总分以及对社会支持的利用度上,实验组和对照组得分都有所提高.但实验组提高的分值要显著大于对照组;在回避应对上,实验组和对照组都有所降低,但对照组的降低程度要显著大于实验组,在屈服应对上,实验组和对照组也都有所降低,但实验组的降低程度要显著大于对照组。多元逐步回归分析的结果显示,屈服的降低和对社会支持利用度的提高能够显著预测哮喘患者生活质量的提高。  相似文献   
为检验中文版乌特勒支恋家症量表在大学生群体中的信效度,使用样本1(n=1071),进行信效度检验与测量等值性,使用样本2(n=177,连续5期)检验跨时点的纵向测量等值性。结果表明中文版乌特勒支恋家症量表为五因子结构,包含想家、孤独、想念朋友、适应困难和关于家庭的沉思5个维度,具有良好的信效度、效标效度与测量等值性。意味该量表适合在我国大学生群体中使用,并能够用于跨性别、年级以及时点的相关研究。  相似文献   
航空安全文化评估新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安全文化作为组织文化的重要组成部分,是影响组织成员安全态度和行为的核心价值体系,通过个体变量对组织安全保健和安全绩效产生深远的影响。在安全态度与价值观层面上利用问卷调查的形式探讨航空安全文化的结构成份,不仅揭示了安全文化现象背后的基本隐形内涵,同时也有助于我们理解特定文化因素在现代航空安全管理中的重要作用。该文阐述了安全文化与航空安全管理的关系问题,介绍了不同航空组织内安全文化的作用及评估机制,并进一步指出了目前研究中存在的不足和对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   
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