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Feminist philosophers have challenged a wide range of gender injustices in professional philosophy. However, the problem of precarity, that is, the increasing numbers of contingent faculty who cannot find permanent employment, has received scarcely any attention. What explains this oversight? In this article, I argue, first, that academics are held in the grips of an ideology that diverts attention away from the structural conditions of precarity, and second, that the gendered dimensions of such an ideology have been overlooked. To do so, I identify two myths: the myth of meritocracy and the myth of work as its own reward. I demonstrate that these myths—and the two‐tier system itself—manifest an unmistakably gendered logic, such that gender and precarity are mutually reinforcing and co‐constitutive. I conclude that feminist philosophers have particular reason to organize against the casualization of academic work.  相似文献   
Metastable-state alloy powders are usually synthesised by milling and occur as products of mechanical alloying (MA), but they are rarely used as starting materials for other MA processes. In this work, metastable-state alloy powders, including supersaturated solid-solution Cr(Mo)s and amorphous Cr(Mo)a were prepared in advance. Then, the Cr(Mo)s/Cr(Mo)a powder mixture was mechanically alloyed with elemental Cu to form Cu–Mo–Cr alloy. The effects of the metastable-state powder Cr(Mo)s/Cr(Mo)a on MA of the immiscible Cu–Mo–Cr system were evaluated. Phases and microstructures of the milled powders were analysed by XRD and TEM, respectively. The results show that amorphous Cu-60wt.%Cr(Mo) and supersaturated solid-solution Cu-20wt.%Cr(Mo) alloy powders can be synthesised by MA. It is concluded that MA of the Cu–Mo–Cr ternary alloy system is significantly promoted when elemental Cu powder is milled with metastable-state alloy powder Cr(Mo)s/Cr(Mo)a. Furthermore, the promoting effect of amorphous Cr(Mo)a on MA the Cu–Mo–Cr alloy system is much greater than that of supersaturated solid-solution Cr(Mo)s, during the milling process.  相似文献   
为探究情绪与职业数量对不同职业生涯延迟满足个体职业决策过程的可能潜在影响,分别对40名高、低职业生涯延迟满足倾向的大学生被试诱发正、负性情绪并完成信息板技术模拟的职业决策任务。结果显示:1)高延迟满足个体的搜索深度和搜索模式显著大于低延迟满足个体;2)不同延迟满足的个体在正性情绪或低职业数量条件下都表现出更好的搜索深度和搜索模式;3)在不同情绪及职业数量条件下,高延迟满足个体在不同职业属性间的搜索更多。职业生涯延迟满足倾向作为与未来规划密切联系的概念,揭示了个体职业生涯规划对其职业决策过程可能存在的影响。  相似文献   
郑佳佳 《法音》2021,(2):12-16
北宋云门宗禅僧契嵩,生于宋真宗(997-1022在位)景德四年(1007年1月22日-1008年2月9日),圆寂于宋神宗(1067-1085在位)熙宁五年六月初四(1072年6月22日),世寿六十六,僧腊五十三。作为中国禅宗史上颇具影响力的一代高僧,其生平行迹[1]却仍存有待厘清之处。本文拟以契嵩传记和其他旁涉材料为中心,考证契嵩生平行迹里存在的若干问题。  相似文献   
A qualitative study was conducted with 48 Chinese counselors and psychotherapists who were interviewed in 2006 and an independent sample of 50 participants who responded to a survey in 2014. This study aims to explore how the new emerging expansion of mental health practice is related to issues and challenges of dual role relationship and how the well-engrained values and social characteristics of Chinese culture influences perceptions and resolution of ethical dilemmas. The participants identified similar dual relationships in 2006 and 2014: (a) Incidental boundary crossings, a sexual or romantic relationship, a dual social relationship, and a professional dual relationship were the most frequently reported types of dual relationships encountered by Chinese practitioners, and (b) the socioeconomic and cultural context and the development trajectory of counseling and psychotherapy in China play a significant role in shaping practitioners’ behaviors. The comparison of the data in 2006 and 2014 indicated that practitioners in psychotherapy and counseling have an improved awareness and understanding of ethical issues, evidenced by the decreasing cases of romantic and sexual relationships and increasing cases of social dual relationships influenced by the interrelatedness of traditional Chinese culture.  相似文献   
当前俄罗斯维果茨基心理学思想研究的现状表现为:(1)对维果茨基心理学遗产的整理出版及其现代意义的研究;(2)维果茨基心理学思想发展阶段与维果茨基概念的逻辑结构研究;(3)对维果茨基心理学思想的发展;(4)俄罗斯心理学界对维果茨基及化历史心理学的批评。作认为,在当前俄罗斯对维果茨基的研究远不及西方“维果茨基热”有其重要的原因:当前俄罗斯的社会现实因素;西方维果茨基热是由于西方心理学自身的缺陷;与现代西方心理学的化转向有关。  相似文献   
眼下,针对官腐败、道德滑坡的社会现实,人 们呼吁要架构新的社会道德体系,以保障社会主义 市场经济体制改革和小康社会建设的顺利进行。这 本来是针对时弊、意在振兴、利国利民的高尚之举, 是符合人民需要和国家长远发展要求的基础建设, 值得大力提倡,但在如何架构新的社会道德体系上, 却存在截然不同的态度。其中,一种错误的认识认 为,我国目前存在种种不如人意的现象,主要归因 于无神论。认为: "彻底的唯物主义使人无所畏惧,  相似文献   
婴儿的动、名词词类学习存在跨文化差异,但是很少研究从注意偏好角度解释这类差异。本研究利用习惯化范式考察汉语婴儿在6-8个月和17-19个月时对事件中人物,动作和物体的区分。结果发现,6-8个月的婴儿仅能区分动作变化,对人物和物体无法区分,而17-19个月的婴儿对三类变化均可以区分。本研究提供了婴儿早期注意偏好发展的实验依据,同时为儿童早期单词获得提供了新的理论基础。  相似文献   
写作心理学理论研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今写作心理研究的重点已从写作作品的研究转向写作过程的研究,主要有三种观点表达观点,社会观点和认知观点.Hayes和Flower建构的写作模型(1980,1996)是最有影响的写作模型,为写作心理的研究提供了理论框架.写作心理研究随着研究方法的提高,将会取得更大的进步.  相似文献   
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