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主体心理学是俄罗斯心理学发展的新方向,其主要理论特征体现在:研究作为主体的人;强调主体积极性;具有鲜明的人文特征;注重对群体主体问题研究;关注社会问题;重视心理学的理论研究。  相似文献   
该研究以293名年龄在60-97岁老人为研究对象,通过开放式问卷和探索性因素分析得到老年人的身体自我量表,包含六个因素:运动特征、相貌特征、功能特征、身材特征,性特征,行为特征。检验了量表内部一致性系数和严格平行模型的信度系数及两个效标,发现该量表具有较好的信度和效度。对老年人身体自我特征分析表明,研究中,老年人在总体上对身体较满意,且不存在性别、年龄和体型指数的差异。但在身材特征上,存在性别和年龄的交互作用,性别和体形指数的交互作用,性别、年龄和体形指数三者的交互作用。其它五个维度均不存在性别、年龄和体形指数的差异。  相似文献   
陆沉 《宗教学研究》2007,1(1):79-86
本文着重讨论了佛家唯识学是如何通过建立第八识及其种子学说,以解决众生的生死轮回与觉悟解脱等等问题。  相似文献   
海南省道教第一次代表会议于2006年12月30日在海口市隆重举行,海南省道教协会正式成立。国家宗教事务局给会议发来贺电。中共海南省委常委、省委统战部王守初部长,省政府符桂花副省长,省政协张海国副主席出席了会议。省直有关部门负责同志到会祝贺。全省各市县宗教事务部门的同志列席会议。全国人大常委、中国道教协会副会长张  相似文献   
企业社会责任的诸方面内涵显现了和谐的特征,这是构建社会主义和谐社会可资利用的重要伦理资源.同时,企业社会责任与构建和谐社会之间存在着紧密的内在联系,以人为本是和谐社会与企业社会责任的共同价值目标,营造以社会责任为核心的和谐企业文化是构建和谐社会的要求,企业社会责任与和谐社会所倡导的伦理原则具有一致性.正确认识企业的社会责任,制定和完善有关强化企业社会责任的政策法规和实践机制以及加强企业诚信建设是构建和谐社会中企业社会责任的实现途径.  相似文献   
论和谐伦理精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐伦理精神是和谐伦理的高度凝练,它对伦理关系、伦理行为和制度伦理的和谐程度和发展具有引领作用.和谐伦理关系是和谐伦理精神在人与自然、人与人、人与社会、人与自身的伦理关系中的具体体现.和谐伦理行为是和谐伦理精神的"内化于心、外践于行",是和谐伦理精神在人们行为方式上的体现.和谐的制度伦理不仅对和谐伦理精神的实现起着保障和促进作用,而且是和谐伦理精神转化为现实行为的价值导向和评价体系.  相似文献   
We examined behaviorally induced expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in area CA1 of the hippocampus. Sprague-Dawley rats were trained in a contextual fear conditioning (CFC) task, sacrificed 4h later, and their brains were processed for immunohistochemistry. We found distinctively high levels of BDNF immunoreactivity in a small number ( approximately 1%) of CA1 neurons in untrained animals. The number of these exceptional neurons, which are identified as BDNF(++) in this study, was increased by up to approximately 3% after CFC. This increase was blocked in the presence of a memory-impairing dose of a NMDA receptor antagonist (MK801 0.3 mg/kg, i.p.) given 30 min prior to training. The BDNF signal intensity in BDNF(++) neurons correlated with that of surrounding glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65. This correlation between GAD65 and BDNF signal intensities suggests that BDNF upregulation was associated with increased signaling via inhibitory GABAergic synapses that would lessen further intervening neuronal activity. Our observation that neurons which upregulate BDNF expression following a learning experience are rich in GAD65-enriched afferent synapses suggests that these neurons may have distinct roles in memory consolidation.  相似文献   
The present study examined the reliability and the construct validity of a questionnaire designed to measure the attitudes toward computers in everyday life. A total of 2,050 participants responded to the questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis suggests that attitudes toward computers are composed of three dimensions: sense of benefit, sense of dependence, and sense of harm.  相似文献   
The current study developed a psychometrically sound multidimensional measure of Internet addiction: the Chinese Internet Addiction Inventory (CIAI). Data were collected from 1,029 Chinese undergraduate students from 14 universities and colleges. The initial sample was split randomly into two samples (N1=516; N2=513). An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted on the two samples respectively. Findings from the EFA suggest that this measure assesses three dimensions of Internet addiction: conflicts, mood modification, and dependence. Items in each dimension showed high internal consistency and acceptable test-retest reliability. Findings from the CFA further confirmed the three-factor measurement structure of CIAI. Test of criterion-related validity also showed good abilities for all three CIAI subscales to discriminate between an Internet addictive group and non-Internet addictive group. The theoretical and clinical implications of CIAI and its limitations are discussed.  相似文献   
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