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A general modeling framework of response accuracy and response times is proposed to track skill acquisition and provide additional diagnostic information on the change of latent speed in a learning environment. This framework consists of two types of models: a dynamic response model that captures the response accuracy and the change of discrete latent attribute profile upon factors such as practice, intervention effects, and other latent and observable covariates, and a dynamic response time model that describes the change of the continuous response latency due to change of latent attribute profile. These two types of models are connected through a parameter, describing the change rate of the latent speed through the learning process, and a covariate defined as a function of the latent attribute profile. A Bayesian estimation procedure is developed to calibrate the model parameters and measure the latent variables. The estimation algorithm is evaluated through several simulation studies under various conditions. The proposed models are applied to a real data set collected through a spatial rotation diagnostic assessment paired with learning tools.  相似文献   
从最初对西方身体转向的应激反应,到开始关注中国古代哲学的身体维度,再到多角度、宽领域深入开掘中国传统哲学的身体特质,作为中国哲学研究的新视野,中国哲学的身体性研究展现出了非凡的活力.关于这一研究的新进展,海峡两岸"中国哲学研究的身体维度"会议从三个方面,即"身体与伦理"、"体感与体知"、"身体与语文"作了细致的探讨,不仅深化了中国哲学的身体性研究,也推进了海峡两岸学者在这一领域的学术交流,中国哲学的身体性研究已成为建设当代文化的重要资源.  相似文献   

Although a large body of research demonstrates the role of language in emotion processing (e.g. emotional facial expressions), how emotion-laden words (e.g. poison, reward) and emotion-label words (e.g. fear, satisfaction) differently impact affective picture processing is not clear. Emotion-label words label affective states straightforwardly, whereas emotion-laden words engender emotion via reflection. The current study adopted the masked priming paradigm to examine how Chinese emotion-laden words and emotion-label words distinctively influence affective picture processing. Twenty Chinese speakers decided the valence of the pictures with their cortical responses recorded. Emotion-label words facilitated affective picture evaluation behaviourally. Moreover, pictures that were preceded by emotion-laden words generated larger electrophysiological activation than those preceded by emotion-label words. Combined behavioural and ERP evidence revealed that emotion word type modulated affective picture processing, suggesting different roles of emotion-laden and emotion-label words in how emotion is shaped by language.  相似文献   
神秘主义,从灵学史的角度来考察,是一个世界现象。所以考察俄罗斯神秘主义的流行,就必须放在一个大环境下来思考。俄罗斯神秘主义流行与前苏联的演变有密不可分的关系,与美苏的争霸及世界格局的变迁也息息相关。本文即是从与前苏联的比较研究中,寻找可以借鉴的历史教训。  相似文献   
为检验语境信息在面部表情加工和识别中的作用,通过两个实验考察语境信息的情绪性和自我相关性对中性以及不同强度恐惧面孔情绪加工的影响。结果发现,积极语境下中性情绪面孔效价的评分更高,自我相关语境下中性面孔唤醒度的评分更高;消极语境下面孔的恐惧情绪更容易被察觉。因此,面部表情加工中的语境效应表现为对中性情绪面孔的情绪诱发和增强作用,以及在情绪一致情况下对不同情绪强度面孔判断的促进作用。  相似文献   
大卫·施特劳斯(D.F.Strauss,1808-1874年)青年黑格尔派主要成员,杜宾根学派的主要代表。本期选读的是他的名著《耶稣传》。该选读内容分为两个部分,本文是第二部分。文章选读了他用科学的普遍性对基督教宣称的特殊性进行了分析,并对耶稣的虚构历史形象进行了阐述。  相似文献   
天人关系是中国古代思想史的基本主题。天主要指自然之天,人主要指人类及其所创造的文明。天人学探讨了自然界与人类社会之间的关系。早在先秦时期,思想家们一致坚持天人相别说。孔子罕言天道、远离鬼神,从而倡导人道。孟子以为天时不如地利、地利不如人和,以天然之天取代自然之天,回避天道。荀子明确提出天人相分。《老子》以为天道无亲,以区别于亲亲之仁道。《庄子》提出天人不相胜,以为天人之道不同,主张存天道而灭人道。墨家将世间分为天、鬼与人三等,在区别天人的同时,力图将人道输入天道,看似统一二者,实则弘扬人道。这便是先秦儒墨思想家们别天人的目的:通过分别天人,削减天道对人道的影响力,以突出人道的地位。  相似文献   
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