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两个实验分别操纵四卡问题中四类卡片(P、-P、Q、-Q)的数量或Q卡与-Q卡之间的比率,以探讨四类卡片的数量关系对经典四卡问题解决的影响,从而间接推断被试解决经典四卡问题时所采用的策略。实验一等比率地增加P卡、-P卡、Q卡、-Q卡的数量,结果发现,等比率地增加P卡、-P卡、Q卡、-Q卡的数量,使得P卡和Q卡被选择的比率减小,而-P卡和-Q卡被选择的比率不存在显著变化。实验二按不同比率操纵Q卡和-Q卡的数量,结果发现,当Q卡和-Q卡出现的比率不同时,Q卡数目越多,Q卡被选择的平均比率越小,但没有影响到P、-P卡和-Q卡被选择的比率。这些结果表明被试解决经典四卡问题时采用了"匹配偏向"策略。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to analyze the effects of both personality and environmental variables on the imagination of video/film major university students; and (2) to test the mediator effect resulting from the variable of social climate. The results of this study supported both indicators of imaginative capabilities and environmental influences. The hypothesis of the study—that the variable of social climate mediates the effects of personality/environmental predictors and both types of imagination—was partially supported. The structural model also showed that most personality traits have direct effects on imagination, whereas most environmental predictors have indirect effects. Practical applications of this study were suggested, future inquiries were discussed, and limitations were acknowledged.  相似文献   
Lin  Zhe  Ma  Minghui 《Studia Logica》2022,110(5):1255-1289
Studia Logica - A cut-free Gentzen sequent calculus for Ewald’s intuitionistic tense logic $$\mathsf {IK}_t$$ is established. By the proof-theoretic method, we prove that, for every set of...  相似文献   
Liang  Yue  Zhou  Nan  Cao  Hongjian  Li  Jian-Bin  Dou  Kai  Wu  Fushuang  Liu  Qingqi  Wu  Qinglu  Nie  Yangang  Ning  Zhijun  Wang  Guodong 《Journal of child and family studies》2022,31(5):1373-1386
Journal of Child and Family Studies - Adolescents’ career development is associated with various contextual factors, among which career-related parenting practice is particularly important....  相似文献   
李亮  李红 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1038-1049
羞怯指个体在社交情境下的抑制, 是个体参与社交的阻碍。近年来, 关于羞怯的认知神经科学研究增多, 学者基于元认知模型、社会适应模型、侧化脑-体情绪模型等理论, 探讨了大脑结构和功能以及几种与感知觉和注意相关的ERP成分与羞怯的关系。但当前关于羞怯认知神经科学的理论和实证研究尚处于起步阶段。基于上述提出羞怯的心理发展模型; 未来应从人格和情绪双角度研究羞怯, 并在开发研究范式的基础上, 加大羞怯认知神经机制的探讨。  相似文献   
Throughout life new neurons are generated in dentate gyrus of hippocampus. Previous studies have found that spatial tasks can rescue newly born neurons from death. However, it is still unknown whether new neurons are similarly affected by all types of hippocampal-dependent tasks. Here we investigated the possible effects of working memory task (WMT) on immature neurons. Mice were trained in reference memory task and WMT respectively. The reference memory task used the classical hidden platform (HP) water maze task, while WMT used a delayed matching-to-place (DMTP) water maze task. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was administrated during the early or late phase of training, or 1week prior to training, in order to label dividing proliferating cells. After water maze training, the number of BrdU-labeled cells in dentate gyrus of hippocampus was compared. In addition, hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Notch 1 receptor were characterized using Western blot. Serum corticosterone levels were also measured using enzyme immunoassay. Results showed that HP task and DMTP task did not change the number of BrdU-labeled cells produced during the early or late phase of training. As expected, the HP task increased the number of BrdU-labeled cells produced 1 week prior to training. However, DMTP task decreased the number of BrdU-labeled cells produced 1 week prior to training. Both tasks lead to a significant increase in serum corticosterone levels and did not change the expression of BDNF and Notch 1 receptor in hippocampus. Taken together, these results demonstrate that WMT has different effects on survival of immature neurons, and therefore suggests immature neurons may have more than one role depending on the demands of the tasks.  相似文献   
思维定势有权威定势、从众定势、经验定势、唯书本定势、情感定势。思维定势制约我们创新思想的发展,要更好实践临床工作,必须客观评价各种思维定势,主动进行创新思维训练。本文分别对各种思维定势在临床工作中的体现、优劣进行表述,并举例说明。  相似文献   
埃琉息斯秘仪与奥尔菲斯教是古希腊文明中两个既相似、又不同的宗教文化现象。二者处于相同的社会环境之中,是同一类型的崇拜方式,都与生殖崇拜、冥府崇拜密切相关,强调个人与神灵的结合,具有广泛的社会基础,注重来世的生活和有一定的排外性及神秘性。但二者在仪式的举行、机制的管理、教义的传承方式、来世幸福的实现方式和与公共宗教的关系上有着极大的区别。  相似文献   
梁三才  游旭群 《心理科学》2011,34(2):293-290
通过建构一个反向扫描任务而形成任务冲突,在3个实验中考察了视觉表象扫描中认知控制与冲突解决机制。结果发现:(1)视觉表象扫描中出现了任务冲突效应;(2)外源性认知控制增强降低了任务冲突效应,但不影响扫描效率;(3)内源性认知控制增强既降低了任务冲突效应,也提高了反向扫描任务扫描效率。这些结果证实视觉表象扫描中存在一个认知控制机制,并发展了现有冲突解决理论。  相似文献   
This article describes Let's Talk, a counseling center outreach program. Counselors hold walk‐in hours across campus to engage students who might not otherwise seek counseling. Locations are chosen to reach underserved communities. Counselors offer informal consultation, a less formal alternative to traditional counseling. Este artículo describe Let's Talk (Hablemos), un programa de acercamiento a los centros de consejería. Los consejeros mantienen horas de puertas abiertas sin cita previa en distintos lugares del campus para atraer a estudiantes que de otra forma no buscarían acceso a la consejería. Las ubicaciones se eligen para alcanzar comunidades con servicios insuficientes. Los consejeros ofrecen consultas informales, una alternativa menos formal a la consejería tradicional.  相似文献   
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