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运用MSCS测量923名中国中学生自我概念,探查MSCS的跨组测量等价性。结果显示,MSCS具有跨性别、学校、城乡的严等价性。研究表明,MSCS是一个适应广泛的量表,可以基于观察数据进行跨性别、学校、城乡的平均数比较和方差齐性检验。  相似文献   
被自由误导的自由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要分析了自由以及表现为权利自由的政治哲学问题,其中着重批评了伯林的两种自由模式,试图论证,不自由切割为两种,将导致对自由的各种误解。所谓消极自由和积极自由只是同一种自由的两面,但伯林问题可以转换为消极权利和积极权利问题,这样就可以消除混乱。  相似文献   
网络游戏成瘾者认知功能损害的ERP研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许多研究证明,网络成瘾具有和物质依赖成瘾相同的成瘾症状:不仅有明显的社会功能损害,而且表现出抑郁、强迫、焦虑等精神症状.本研究采用事件相关电位技术,以网络游戏成瘾大学生为被试,探索了网络游戏成瘾者脑认知功能的变化.结果发现:①成瘾者听觉P300的波幅显著低于非成瘾者,说明网络成瘾者可能存在认知功能的损害;②成瘾者听觉N1的波幅显著高于非成瘾者,提示成瘾者可能存在感觉功能的易化,或者受到感觉寻求人格特质的影响.  相似文献   
组织公正管理对组织意义重大,心理契约的提出给我们动态的管理组织公正提供了指导,心理帐户的提出使我们对组织公正的评判过程有了进一步的了解.其中经济帐户主要与交易型心理契约关联,而情感帐户主要与关系型心理契约关联.并最终影响公平感.  相似文献   
佛教地狱思想传入中国后,受到中国文化的影响,到南北朝时期基本完善并趋于复杂化.佛教的地狱思想具有内容丰富、系统复杂、传播迅速、影响巨大等特点,对中国人的宇宙观、世界观、人生观、生死观、道德观以及中国本土宗教、社会风俗等方面都产生了深刻的影响,并有力地推动了佛教在中国的传播.  相似文献   
青州修真宫现存十六块碑刻,除去三块与道教无关和一块残损严重无法辨认外,剩余十二块碑刻都或多或少地提供了关于修真宫的信息.以修真宫现存碑刻与相关方志为主要史料,本文对修真宫的创建时间、宗派归属与历史兴衰进行了考察,最终得出以下三点结论:其一,元元统元年(1333)以前修真宫已经存在.其二,明大德至清嘉庆年间,修真宫一直由全真龙门派道士住持,清嘉庆年间开始转变为由全真嵛山派道士住持;且由修真宫的传承情况,推算出龙门派极有可能创派于元代中期.其三,修真宫为明清道教历史兴衰的缩影.  相似文献   
Team tenure is a key component of models of team effectiveness. However, the nature of the relationship between team tenure and team performance is unclear due to underdeveloped theory on the nature of team tenure, various unintegrated theoretical conceptualizations of team tenure, and mixed empirical findings. Further, there is a lack of theory as to the intervening team processes and emergent states that account for the “black box” of the team tenure–team performance relationship. Accordingly, we conducted meta-analyses of the relationships of team tenure with team processes and performance. Our results, based on 622 effect sizes reported in 169 studies, show that team tenure, conceptualized as additive team tenure, collective team tenure, and team tenure dispersion, is positively related to team performance. Relative weights analysis found additive team tenure to be a relatively more important predictor of team performance than collective team tenure or team tenure dispersion. We found that team cognition, motivational-affective states, and behavioral processes mediate the relationships of additive team tenure, collective team tenure, and team tenure dispersion with team performance, respectively. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice.  相似文献   
汤用彤留学汉姆林大学时期哲学文稿探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵样永 《世界哲学》2008,(3):105-112
汤用彤在美国汉姆林大学时所写哲学、心理学论文手稿,幸承汤一介先生保藏,使我们得以了解他留学期间所受严格学术训练,领略那个时代前辈学者对西方哲学的系统研究和深刻理解。这些成果成为汤用彤后来著述的来源,反映出学衡派形成的思想轨迹。留关所学新知奠定了汤用彤的治学基础和方向,通过其传介,推进了国人的文化研究,具有思想启蒙和为现代中国学术奠基的历史作用。它的整理与发掘,为我们重新审视西学东渐史上一些重要问题提供了珍贵资源。  相似文献   
The Spatial Numerical/Temporal Association of Response Codes (SNARC/STEARC) effects are considered evidence of the association between number or time and space, respectively. As the SNARC effect was proposed by Dehaene, Bossini, and Giraux in 1993, several studies have suggested that different tasks and cultural factors can affect the flexibility of the SNARC effect. This study explored the influence of time units on the flexibility of the SNARC effect via materials with Arabic numbers, which were suffixed with time units and subjected to magnitude comparison tasks. Experiment 1 replicated the SNARC effect for numbers and the STEARC effect for time units. Experiment 2 explored the flexibility of the SNARC effect when numbers were attached to time units, which either conflicted with the numerical magnitude or in which the time units were the same or different. Experiment 3 explored whether the SNARC effect of numbers was stable when numbers were near the transition of two adjacent time units. The results indicate that the SNARC effect was flexible when the numbers were suffixed with time units: Time units influenced the direction of the SNARC effect in a way which could not be accounted for by the mathematical differences between the time units and numbers. This suggests that the SNARC effect is not obligatory and can be easily adapted or inhibited based on the current context.  相似文献   
本文是芬兰学派之父曼多马教授于20世纪90年代在美国向英语世界介绍芬兰学派的文章。它通过探索路德为什么如此迷人的原因,对路德研究的芬兰学派的过程及出版情况、路德研究的认识论和本体论预设、路德的"分享和(或)圣化"概念、分享和爱进行了介绍,最后从五个方面简要地总结了路德迷人的原因。  相似文献   
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