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采用文献计量学的方法,以2007至2009年《心理学报》、《心理科学》、《心理发展与教育》、《心理与行为研究》、《应用心理学》、《中国临床心理学杂志》刊载的2907篇学术论文为研究对象,统计在合作情况、研究机构、研究领域、研究内容、研究方法、统计方法等方面的情况。试图通过对各项统计结果的定量分析,描述我国心理学研究的发展现状,并分析未来发展的趋势。  相似文献   
正念注意觉知量表IRT分析研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正念注意觉知量表(MAAS)是测量正念注意水平最常用的量表之一,以中小学教师为被试,以项目反应理论用方法与技术对量表各项目的区分度、域值和信息函数峰值4个参数做了分析探讨。结果显示MMAS支持单维性假设,具有良好的心理测量学指标,对正念注意水平的测量具有较高的精准性。量表存在6个信息量很高的项目,其信息量之和接近量表总信息量的70%,提示这几个项目可以构成一个简式量表。对新量表做验证性因素分析,各项指标达到要求。  相似文献   
有意遗忘是指个体主动忘记无用和过时的信息,本质是记忆的主动抑制,包括定向遗忘和压抑遗忘。在定向遗忘中,记忆抑制既发生在编码阶段也发生在提取阶段,脑机制研究支持编码抑制理论和提取抑制理论;在压抑遗忘中,think和No-think所激活的脑区不同,No-think引起前额区域的激活增强和海马的激活减弱。未来应开展定向遗忘和压抑遗忘的脑机制差异研究,注重记忆抑制和其他心理活动抑制之间的差异研究,关注创伤个体的有意遗忘研究,拓展记忆控制神经网络的可塑性研究。  相似文献   
2003年5月26日俄罗斯科学院主席团例会。会上全体委员听取了俄罗斯科学院反伪科学委员会和反科学造假主席、科学院院士Э·П·克鲁格利亚科夫所做的题为:“伪科学以什么威胁科学和社会”主题报告。以下是其报告的主要内容。他说,俄罗斯政府对科学的态度正在向好的方面转变,但社会上存在着有影响的故意降低科学作用的势力。比如国内一份发  相似文献   
赵沛 《管子学刊》2006,(2):91-96
廖平对《春秋》经的认识,有前后两个阶段的变化。在廖平的经学史研究阶段,认为《春秋》是孔子所制作的“经”,包含了孔子的“素王制作”之义,即为后世的“一王之法”;在其经学理论的建构时期,《春秋》经被廖平作为其建构孔经“人学”的经典。事实上,《春秋经》廖平的孔经天人体系中只不过是一种工具符号,且随着廖平经学理论的变化,被不断地赋予不同的功能。  相似文献   
汉代齐都临淄的青铜冶铸业在承袭东周时期青铜冶铸业的基础上得以发展。同时,随着汉廷集权政治的逐渐强化,齐国封域动态萎缩,对铜矿等矿产资源的掌控力度愈显弱化。汉武帝时期,临淄的青铜冶铸业独立发展的地域性变成不可能,甚而衰落。  相似文献   
儒家文化在心理健康教育中的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵颖  焦玉珍 《管子学刊》2006,(3):108-110
“健康是人类的肉体、精神和社会康乐的完美状态,而不是仅仅指无疾病或无体弱的状态。”随着医疗卫生事业的发展,身体疾病对人类健康的威胁已相对减少,而因生活中的各种矛盾使人遭受挫折所引起的心理疾病却日益增多。作为人类智慧结晶的儒家文化,对于提高现代人的心理素质和增进心理健康会起到潜移默化的积极作用。  相似文献   
认知诊断作为21世纪一种新的测量范式,在国内外越来越受到重视。该文运用MCMC算法实现了R-RUM的参数估计,并采用Monte Carlo模拟方法探讨其性能。研究结果表明:(1)R-RUM参数估计方法可行,估计精度较高;(2)Q矩阵复杂性和模型参数水平对模型参数估计精度有较大影响,随着r_(jk)*值的增大和Q矩阵复杂性的增加,项目参数和被试参数估计精度逐渐下降;(3)在特定情形下,R-RUM具有一定的稳健性。  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that observation of object automatically elicits the activation of a reach-to-grasp response specifically directed to interact with the object, which is termed affordance. Recent findings provide evidences that even dangerous objects can evoke aversive affordances. However, these studies only focused on avoidance effect emerged with dangerous objects. It remains unclear whether the neutral object and dangerous object share a common mechanism for the processing of affordance information. The affordance effect is considered to be a type of conflict between the afforded response and the response required by the task. In a symbol judgment task, we simultaneously presented the neutral object and dangerous object to investigate whether the congruency sequence effects (congruency effects following incongruent trials are smaller than those following congruent trials) occurred across the two types of affordance conflict, which is typically assumed that such flexible adjustments can only be observed between the same conflict types. It was found that congruency sequence effects were only generated between the same types of affordance conflict (e.g., neutral object or dangerous object), but not between two different affordance conflict types (e.g., neutral object and dangerous object). These results indicate there may be two different pathways for the processing of affordance of the neutral and dangerous object.  相似文献   
A growing body of research suggests that many voters rely on facial cues from political candidates to elect their leaders. Our study proposes that having a baby face could be an asset for a political candidate in a collectivist culture. Using election bulletin photographs from Taiwan's 2004, 2008 and 2012 legislative election, we look at the extent to which a candidate's baby face is related to election outcomes. Our multilevel modelling includes the number of candidates as Level 1 units, and the number of counties in which the candidates competed as Level 2 units. Vote share is the outcome variable. After considering the candidates' traits (perceived babyfacedness, competence, attractiveness and warmth) and background characteristics, babyfacedness was the strongest predictor of vote share. Results across three elections show consistent patterns: the more babyfaced the candidate, the greater the percentage of votes a candidate received, regardless of the candidate's gender, political affiliation or incumbency status. Babyfacedness is more influential than perceived competence, attractiveness and warmth.  相似文献   
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