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对肾移植输血问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就肾移植受者输血的几个问题进行了回顾和探讨。提出肾移植受者输血应该考虑的问题有:如何权衡输血对肾移植受者的有益作用与输血风险,输血医学的发展如何为肾移植提供更有力的保障,应该深入探讨输血有益于肾移植的机制,推进供者特异性输血在我国的应用。  相似文献   
齐鲁大地,海岱之间,古道众多,但据严耕望先生考证"有东西两条重要之南北交通线",现代考古发现也证实了此观点。春秋末发源于鲁的儒学在战国时期兴盛于齐,既而在西汉成为"罢黜百家,独尊儒术"的显学。这一过程背后有很多因素,本文仅从儒学传播的地理途径——齐鲁古道入手,以孔子、孟子来往于齐鲁两地的行迹为中心,将史籍文献、历代地理变迁之大势以及迄今所存之历史遗迹等线索汇集一起,阐释齐鲁古道在"鲁学"北渐中的特殊意义。  相似文献   
通过两个实验考查了非临床抑郁者未来想象的异常是否受到个人目标相关性的调节。实验1采用未来想象任务, 实验2采用可能性评估范式, 两个实验一致发现, 抑郁倾向者想象未来积极事件的异常, 受到了与个人目标相关性的调节:相对于非抑郁倾向者, 抑郁倾向者对未来与个人目标相关的积极事件的预期减弱, 而对未来与个人目标无关的积极事件的预期则没有表现出异常; 同时还发现, 抑郁倾向者表现出了对未来消极预期的普遍增强, 不受与个人目标相关性的影响。  相似文献   
健康危险因素评价是研究危险因素与慢性病发病及死亡之间的数量依存关系.进行健康危险评价对传播健康知识,提高社会对健康危险因素的认识,促使人们改变不良行为和生活方式,减少危险因素,提高健康水平和生活质量,具有重要意义.  相似文献   
赵文洪 《学海》2011,(2):158-165
中世纪的欧洲公地共同体公共事务的管理,一定程度上体现着民主、平等和法治的精神:民主精神体现在共同体全体成员广泛直接参与庄园法庭和村民会议的立法、决策、司法活动以及选举和担任共同事务管理者;平等精神体现于共同体成员公共权利价值的平等、在村规面前的平等;在管理共同事务的资格方面的平等。法治精神体现于法律至上、法律面前人人平等、重视法律程序。民主平等法治精神,是公地制度留给后世的政治学遗产。  相似文献   

The present study sought to extend work on subjective well-being using Lent’s (2004) model. Specifically, the role of goal attainment in the academic and social domains, and the value accorded these domains, in the pathway to life satisfaction was examined using self-report data from 354 Singapore university students. Results demonstrated a role for goal attainment and domain value. For goal attainment, it was found to be able to predict life satisfaction and to play a mediating role in the pathway to life satisfaction – specifically for the link between domain goal progress and domain satisfaction – although the full serial mediation model (from positive affect to life satisfaction) was supported only for the social domain. As for domain value, a moderating role was found in one instance, where the value of benevolence in the social domain moderated the link between social satisfaction and life satisfaction. Overall, the inclusion of both goal attainment and domain value can thus enable a better understanding of subjective well-being.

海克尔在《宇宙之谜》*第十七章"科学和基督教"中除了破题指出科学和基督教之间的矛盾日益尖锐化,是动荡的十九世纪的显著特征之一外,  相似文献   
一、养生的最高境界———和养生之道的最高境界是达到“和”的状态。养生得和是在与外物交接中保持内心平和,静默恬淡,做到物欲与情欲不患于心,神、形、气、物兼养而不伤的自身和谐的理想境界。养者,养神为本,养形为末。本者,天也,根也,原也;末者,逐也,随也。养神与养形互为本  相似文献   
宗教本质新论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对现代意义上的宗教学诞生以来的各种宗教本质观作了回顾,着重探讨了对我国学界影响较大的几种宗教本质观之间的分歧及其各自的理论缺陷,提出了"宗教是一种特殊形态的精神货币,宗教起源于人类为满足自己物质和精神需要所进行的人与异己力量之间的特殊的交换活动"的宗教本质观与宗教起源说。并对宗教的核心─-信仰问题发表了独到的见解,认为,宗教的本质是中性的,无褒贬之分,宗教的积极意义与消极意义是宗教与政治挂钩的产物。  相似文献   
Although the experience of insight has long been noted, the essence of the ‘Aha!’ experience, reflecting a sudden change in the brain that accompanies an insight solution, remains largely unknown. This work aimed to uncover the mystery of the ‘Aha!’ experience through three studies. In Study 1, participants were required to solve a set of verbal insight problems and then subjectively report their affective experience when solving the problem. The participants were found to have experienced many types of emotions, with happiness the most frequently reported one. Multidimensional scaling was employed in Study 2 to simplify the dimensions of these reported emotions. The results showed that these different types of emotions could be clearly placed in two‐dimensional space and that components constituting the ‘Aha!’ experience mainly reflected positive emotion and approached cognition. To validate previous findings, in Study 3, participants were asked to select the most appropriate emotional item describing their feelings at the time the problem was solved. The results of this study replicated the multidimensional construct consisting of approached cognition and positive affect. These three studies provide the first direct evidence of the essence of the ‘Aha!’ experience. The potential significance of the findings was discussed.  相似文献   
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