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In social and economic interactions, people often decide differently for others, as against for themselves, under situations involving risks. This sometimes leads to conflicts or contradictions. Although previous studies have explored such contradictions, the findings have been inconsistent. To reconcile these inconsistencies, this paper investigates the role played by the different domains and probabilities in the self-other differences under risk. Two groups of participants completed a gambling task combining different domains (gain vs. loss) and probabilities (small vs. large). One group made decisions for others and the other group made decisions for themselves. The results revealed a four pattern of discrepancy: the ones who made decisions for others were less risk-seeking than those who made decisions for themselves over the small probability gains. This was reversed over the large probability gains. Conversely, the participants who made decisions for others were more risk-seeking than those who made decisions for themselves over the small probability losses. The results were reversed over the large probability losses. These results reconcile the contradictory findings of the previous studies and suggest the significant role played by contextual factors in such discrepancies.  相似文献   
本研究遵循PRISMA-Protocol, 运用元分析的技术, 以心理健康素养的知识、污名态度和求助为结果变量, 考察干预效果及影响因素, 以期为更高效地提升心理健康素养提供参考。元分析共纳入38项研究。结果发现:干预对知识、污名态度和求助的即时效果量达到显著的中到大的效果(知识:g = 0.70, 污名态度:g = -0.52, 求助:g = 1.18)。亚组分析结果表明:心理健康素养的干预效果受地域、被干预者类型、干预中的互动与接触以及试验类型等多个变量的影响。后续研究应进一步探索心理健康素养的调节变量, 并结合中国文化, 制定针对不同干预对象的个性化干预方案, 以提升干预效益。  相似文献   
In teaching conditional discriminations to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), practitioners may progress from simple to conditional discriminations or may teach conditional discriminations from the onset of instruction. Some research indicates that teaching simple discriminations first may be unnecessary and that teaching may more efficiently focus on conditional discriminations exclusively. This study replicated comparisons of simple-to-conditional and conditional-only discrimination training methods in teaching audio-visual conditional discriminations to Chinese preschoolers with ASD. Results indicated the conditional-only training method appeared to be more efficient in teaching these skills.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating role of maternal sensitivity on the association between prenatal adversity and externalizing behaviors at 24 months of age in a diverse, high-risk sample. We hypothesized that among children with higher prenatal adversity, high maternal sensitivity would serve as a protective factor. Participants were 247 primarily low-income, diverse dyads. Results indicated a significant interaction effect of maternal sensitivity and prenatal adversity on externalizing problems. The association between prenatal adversity and externalizing behaviors was significant only among children who experienced low prenatal adversity, with higher maternal sensitivity associated with lower externalizing behaviors. These findings indicate that, in the absence of high prenatal risk, responsive and sensitive parenting can buffer children in an otherwise high-risk sample from the development of externalizing behaviors.  相似文献   
以多重威胁框架为理论基础,探讨了刻板印象威胁来源对防御反应的影响。实验一和实验二选取了性别-数学刻板印象威胁,分别考察了自我概念威胁和群体概念威胁对女性防御反应的影响。结果发现,不管是自我概念威胁还是群体概念威胁,女性尝试数学题目数量都显著小于语文题目数量,表明产生了领域回避。两项研究共同说明,以自我为刻板印象威胁来源对防御反应产生影响  相似文献   
从《封神演义》到《哪吒闹海》,再到《哪吒之魔童降世》,哪吒的形象不断改变,其中反映出的人伦关系也发生了"古今之别"。《封神演义》更强调"父子相敬",并由之与古典政治相联通;《哪吒闹海》则突出"师"的地位,注重"师"对青年的引导;而《哪吒之魔童降世》则反映出当代家庭伦理的基本样态,更强调亲子之间的"亲",追求纯粹的"爱","敬"则从家庭关系中隐去。  相似文献   
目的:修订中文版正念教学量表并检验其在中国教师群体中的信效度。方法:使用样本1(n1=302)进行项目分析探索性因素分析; 样本2(n2=185)进行验证性因素分析; 使用样本1和2检验量表的跨组测量不变性,并考察效标效度; 样本3(n3=30)进行重测信度检验。结果:中文版正念教学量表为二因子结构,包括个体内正念和人际间正念两个分量表,具有良好的结构效度、效标效度及信度。且该量表在小学、初中及高中教师中达到部分测量强等值。结论:该量表适宜在我国中小学教师群体中使用。  相似文献   
1908-1932年基督会档案和传教士的记述等文献,从交通旅行、通信往来、包裹邮递及货物运输等方面,记录了巴塘经由滇越铁路、缅甸的出海通道及与美国、印度等国的联系。该时期,地处西南一隅的巴塘不通公路,交通运输极为艰险,美国传教士的上述活动虽出于宣教目的和需要,但在客观上促使巴塘与世界发生了多种联系。然而,也正因与外界交往和联系的困难,基督会在巴塘的宣教事工面临诸多问题,事工的开展和维持变得异常艰难。加之当地发生武装冲突,劫匪活动猖獗,1932年基督会便撤离了巴塘。  相似文献   
There is ample evidence in the relevant literature to show that self‐identity threat affects consumers' behavior, psychological needs, purchasing behavior, and product choice. The present research takes self‐identity threat to another level with a focus on the moderating role of power distance belief (PDB) in the relation to self‐identity threat and status consumption. The research involves two studies. Study 1 shows that threatened participants with a high PDB prefer status goods to nonstatus goods. By contrast, the low‐PDB group is indifferent to the status of goods. Study 2 reexamines the results of Study 2 with different participants and goods and tests the moderated mediation of symbolic compensatory need in the status consumption of high‐PDB participants. The results and implications of our findings are presented in the Discussion section.  相似文献   
通过两个词汇识别任务,考察词汇加工过程中的无关言语效应。实验1采用真假词判断任务,考察有意义言语、无意义言语、白噪音和安静的背景声音对不同具体性的词汇识别的影响。结果发现,仅有意义言语干扰了词汇识别,且主要体现在对低具体性词汇判断的反应时显著增加。实验2采用了语义范畴判断任务,同样发现有意义言语条件下被试的反应时显著大于其他声音条件。结果表明,中文词汇加工过程中存在无关言语效应,且当任务强调语义加工时,干扰主要源于无关言语的语义成分,支持了语义干扰假说。  相似文献   
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