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Parallel analysis has been well documented to be an effective and accurate method for determining the number of factors to retain in exploratory factor analysis. The O'Connor (2000) procedure for parallel analysis has many benefits and is widely applied, yet it has a few shortcomings in dealing with missing data and ordinal variables. To address these technical issues, we adapted and modified the O'Connor procedure to provide an alternative method that better approximates the ordinal data by factoring in the frequency distributions of the variables (e.g., the number of response categories and the frequency of each response category per variable). The theoretical and practical differences between the modified procedure and the O'Connor procedure are discussed. The SAS syntax for implementing this modified procedure is also provided.  相似文献   
海马CA_3区在长时记忆的保持中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作将M-胆碱能受体阻断剂东莨菪碱,r-氨基丁酸及其受体阻断剂印防己毒素,经埋植的慢性导管注入家兔双侧海马CA_3区,观察上述药物对已巩固的操作式食物性条件反应的影响。发现东莨菪碱(每侧45微克/5微升)、r-氨基丁酸(每侧3毫克/5微升)均使条件反应抑制;若注r-氨基丁酸之前先加注印防己毒素,则抑制时间缩短,且剂量愈大时间更为缩短。抑制期间动物的摄食和运动功能正常,抑制后条件反应皆恢复;注生理盐水作自身对照则均无抑制效应。这表明海马CA_3区在长时记忆的保持上起着重要作用,且此种作用有胆碱能突触和GABA能突触参与。  相似文献   
Many intensive longitudinal measurements are collected at irregularly spaced time intervals, and involve complex, possibly nonlinear and heterogeneous patterns of change. Effective modelling of such change processes requires continuous-time differential equation models that may be nonlinear and include mixed effects in the parameters. One approach of fitting such models is to define random effect variables as additional latent variables in a stochastic differential equation (SDE) model of choice, and use estimation algorithms designed for fitting SDE models, such as the continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter (CDEKF) approach implemented in the dynr R package, to estimate the random effect variables as latent variables. However, this approach's efficacy and identification constraints in handling mixed-effects SDE models have not been investigated. In the current study, we analytically inspect the identification constraints of using the CDEKF approach to fit nonlinear mixed-effects SDE models; extend a published model of emotions to a nonlinear mixed-effects SDE model as an example, and fit it to a set of irregularly spaced ecological momentary assessment data; and evaluate the feasibility of the proposed approach to fit the model through a Monte Carlo simulation study. Results show that the proposed approach produces reasonable parameter and standard error estimates when some identification constraint is met. We address the effects of sample size, process noise variance, and data spacing conditions on estimation results.  相似文献   
母语不同者在汉字及英文辨认中大脑两半球的功能特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用半视野速示术对以拼音文字为母语的外国留学生(30人)和以表意文字为母语拼音文字为第二语言的中国英语专业大学生(30人),进行对汉字、英文辨认上大脑两半球的功能特点的对比研究,并以不懂汉字的外籍教师(10人)对英文的辨认作对照。大学生年龄为18~25岁,教师为20~40岁。结果表明:在汉字辨认上无论是单个汉字或双字词,中国英语专业大学生及外国留学生均为两半球功能均势;在英文单词辨认上,两者也均为两半球均势,但外籍教师则是左半球优势;对作为中性刺激材料的阿拉伯数字的辨认,各组结果与前人一致是两半球均势。文中对上述结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   
简论社会信息的复杂性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会的信息化凸现了信息在社会生活中的地位与作用.对于信息的研究也已成为当代科学中最为活跃的方面.  相似文献   
白鸥 《管子学刊》2013,(1):70-72,76
历史上齐鲁文化曾孕育了无数杰出的人物和作品,蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》就带有鲜明的齐鲁文化特色。青柯亭本《聊斋志异》是《聊斋志异》的原始木刻本,在《聊斋志异》的传播史上有着重要的地位,它是由同为齐鲁人的赵起果主持刻印出版的,其面世过程及背后的成因反映了齐鲁文化所蕴含的丰富内涵和深刻影响。  相似文献   
面孔吸引力的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李鸥  陈红 《心理科学进展》2010,18(3):472-479
面孔吸引力是传递社会情感性信息的重要来源。面孔的平均化、对称性、性别二态性特征等因素会影响对面孔吸引力的评价。近年来, 研究者对面孔吸引力的研究已拓展到动态面孔上, 并采用fMRI技术发现当让被试评价有吸引力的面孔时, 杏仁核、眶额叶、腹侧枕叶等脑区被激活。研究者从进化论取向与认知取向两方面来解释人们为何偏好有吸引力的面孔。以往研究在研究内容、研究材料和研究对象等方面尚存不足, 这正是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
This research explores how and when constructive controversy enhances creative process engagement. We identify positive conflict value and cognitive flexibility as two mediating processes that transmit the effect of constructive controversy on creative process engagement. We further theorize that psychological safety shows opposing moderating effects: It strengthens the positive conflict value–creative process engagement link, whereas weakens the cognitive flexibility–creative process engagement link. Moreover, we propose that psychological safety strengthens and weakens the two mediating pathways through positive conflict value and cognitive flexibility, respectively. Results based on a multiwave data involving 239 employees from the research and development division of a large high‐technology company provide support for our hypotheses. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
肝癌的手术治疗中肝切除和肝移植在适应证的选择、手术方式、围手术期的管理上有很大的不同,但在治疗目的、手术和解剖技术上又有共同之处.这种对立统一的关系对指导临床工作有重要意义.结合我国实际,用辩证的方法和发展的观点选择恰当的方法是手术治疗肝癌的关键.  相似文献   
习得性长时程突触增强在学习各阶段中的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用慢性埋植技术以电生理学结合行为学的方法,观察大鼠海马CA_3区锥体细胞在明暗辨别反应的建立、巩固、消退和再建立的连续过程中,突触效应的变化规律。结果:在条件反应的建立过程中,产生突触效应长时程增强(LTP);在条件反应的巩固过程中,LTP继续保持;在条件反应的消退过程中,LTP消退;在条件反应的再建立过程中,再次产生LTP。而这种习得性LTP的发展和变化超前于习得性行为的产生和改变。这是在同一动物身上实现了以往多项工作的连贯性观察,表明在动物学习活动的连贯的迅速改变的各个阶段,海马CA_3区有相应的对条件性行为有制约作用的习得性LTP的发生和改变。它为论证习得性LTP可能是学习和记忆的神经基础之一,提供了新的有力证据。  相似文献   
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