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聆听自然 随道而动——简论道教生态智慧的现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,有一个有关生态的热议话题——全球气候变暖。9月22日各国领导人齐聚联合国总部纽约联合国气候变化峰会,共商应对气候变化的大计。  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that on the path from a creative idea to a creative outcome, high creativity motivation and self-efficacy do not necessarily lead to creative behavior. The present study proposed and examined the notion that daily creativity planning could promote creative behavior and contribute to the cultivation of creativity. A total of 77 middle school students (39 students in the experimental group and 38 in the control group) participated in this study, for which a quasi-experimental design was administered. The experimental group conducted a two-week daily planning for creative activities, while the control group did not conduct any intervention. The results showed that students' creativity motivation and creative self-efficacy were at relatively high levels overall and were positively and moderately correlated with creative behavior. Daily planning could effectively facilitate students' creative behavior. These findings point to a promising and simple creativity enhancement strategy for cultivating students to develop the habit of making creative plans in their daily lives.  相似文献   
The type of experience involved with an object category has been regarded as one important factor in shaping of the human object recognition system. Laboratory training studies have shown that different kinds of learning experience with the same set of novel objects resulted in different perceptual and neural changes. Whether this applies to natural real-world objects remains to be seen. We compared two groups of observers who had different learning experiences with faces, using holistic processing as a dependent measure. We found that, while ordinary observers had extensive individuation experience with faces and displayed typical holistic face processing, art students who had acquired additional experience in drawing faces, and thus in attending to parts of a face, showed less holistic processing than did ordinary observers. These results converge with laboratory training studies on the role of type of experience in the development of different perceptual markers for different object categories. It is thus insufficient to categorize expertise simply in terms of object domains (e.g., expertise with faces). Instead, perceptual expertise should be classified in terms of the underlying process or task demand.  相似文献   
张丰乾 《现代哲学》2008,(1):109-116
历代儒者引经据典,从"民之父母"的角度出发,对统治者提出了亲民、爱民、保民、富民等要求.但是,近现代以来的思想史研究者,对于古代社会君民关系的这一基本理论似乎未着笔墨.本文集中讨论了孔子、曾子、子思、孟子、荀子等早期儒家学派关于"民之父母"的思想,归纳出其中至少包含了"民之父母"需要符合"必达于礼乐之原"、"使民富且寿"、"同于民之好恶"、"顺而教之"、"有父之尊,有母之亲"等原则.孟子则借用"民之父母"的理论痛斥当政者"以政杀人"、"率兽食人"、"使老稚转乎沟壑".荀子指出当天下的最高统治者堕落为"民之怨贼"的地步,统治阶级内部其他符合"民之父母"标准的领袖可以以"革命"方式取而代之.在今人看来是"乌托邦"的这种构想,在儒家看来是应该而且能够实现的蓝图.儒家之外,<管子>提出,"法"才是"民之父母",在"法"的层面,即使是有所过错,也可以有办法弥补,不至于酿成大患,可以看成是儒家思想的重要补充.  相似文献   
张奇  王霞 《心理学报》2007,39(5):777-784
为了检验工作记忆广度有限性的3种假说,即资源限制假说、记忆消退假说和转换机制假说,实验要求被试首先完成一项转换效率任务,然后完成工作记忆广度任务。结果发现,加工负荷对工作记忆广度具有重要影响,保持时间不影响工作记忆广度,转换效率与工作记忆广度也没有显著相关。实验结果支持工作记忆广度受认知资源限制的观点  相似文献   
Sun  Juan  Zhang  Qiang 《Cognitive processing》2021,22(2):171-181
Cognitive Processing - Mandarin speakers, similar to speakers of most other languages around the world, tend to conceptualize time in terms of space. However, it has been supposed that Mandarin...  相似文献   
在民国时期穆斯林新文化运动中,穆斯林学者对中国传统文化与伊斯兰文化做了深入的分析与对比,并对它们之间的关系问题作了深刻的反思,促进了中国传统文化与伊斯兰文化的互相交流与相互理解。民国时期穆斯林学者们的探索历程是一种积极的文明对话行为,有着很强的文化自觉意识。他们的这种文化认知行为和理论解释范式不仅是时代背景下文化多元意识的需要,而且也是推动跨文明对话的精神动力和有效途径。  相似文献   
缺陷儿童人格诊断量表的修订   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缺陷儿童人格诊断量表是日本特殊教育领域的一种专门用于测量缺陷儿童人格的著名量表。作者用三年时间对其进行了修订,建立了包括弱智、聋哑、盲等缺陷儿童的中国常模。该量表具有较高的信度与效度,是一个较好的心理测量工具。  相似文献   
汉字词笔划数对短时记忆容量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
短时记忆容量的测量有两种主要观点,即组块说和复诵回路说。本报告通过三项实验表明对汉字词短时记忆容量的测量应考虑字词的笔划复杂性。实验一使用频率相同的少笔划和多笔划汉字相比较,笔划少的字比笔划多的字记忆广度大;实验二用笔划数相近但音节长度不同的日本汉字相比较,发现音节长短对容量影响无显著差别;第三项实验是语音掩蔽对汉字词视听短时记忆的影响。结果表明视、听容量都下降,但视觉仍比听觉好。再一次指出汉字词短时记忆容量的测量应考虑其视觉特点。最后对汉字词笔划复杂性影响短时记忆容量的可能原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   
道安作为中土早期佛教的一代宗师,于佛教戒定慧三学均有卓越之发明,思想宏富深厚.文章分疏、论析了道安有关戒定慧三学的理趣要旨,阐释了其由早期禅观向般若学转变的理论进路及其弥勒净土信仰之衷曲,力图突显其佛学思想及信仰之于早期中土佛理建设的胜义.  相似文献   
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