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刘范  赵淑文 《心理学报》1983,16(2):30-35
本文探讨了8—15岁儿童掌握交集概念的发展水平及解答交集应用题的过程,分析了儿童认知过程中各认知成分的交互作用。 实验结果表明:小学儿童已具有掌握简单交集概念的心理基础;对交集的认知包括概念、表象、感知操作等成分的交互作用,其中表象、感知操作成分具有重要意义;儿童解交集课题是一种主动积极的认知活动,他们主动思考,采取策略,通过实物和图片的帮助而上升到概念水平上的理解。  相似文献   
实验性诱发情绪的测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张雨新 《心理学报》1991,24(1):101-108
本文报告了在真实情境中用多种情绪形容词检核表(MAACL)测量被试的被诱发出的情绪体验的实验研究。MAACL由敌意检核表,抑郁检核表,和焦虑检核表组成,它们的心理测量学指标,如信度和效度,分别在三个实验中得到证实。MAACL使用方便,是临床评估和实验室研究中常用工具之  相似文献   
根据对视觉功能影响的观点,眩光是视场内由于亮度不均匀,或由于亮度变化的幅度太大,或由于空间和时间上存在极端对比,以致引起不舒适,甚至视力降低或失能,在人们的心理、生理上产生影响。人们在长时间内处于过亮的光源下而发生不舒适感的眩光称  相似文献   
情绪活动和某些生理机能或心理过程的关系很久以来就已进行过大量的研究。外科手术前患者的情绪状态及其相应的生理机能的变化,也曾受到注意。患者在意识清醒状态下进行针麻手术,他的情绪状态对针麻过程及其效果的作用如何,这种情绪状态和某些心理、生理机能有什么联系?这是针麻临床上和理论上应予探讨的问题之一。本工作试图综合分析患者的情绪状态和与之伴随的某些生理生化指标变化,以探讨  相似文献   
从犹太教到儒教:开封犹太人同化的内在因素之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史上的开封犹太人问题一直是学术界所关注的话题。国内外学者充分地肯定其外在环境与外来影响,而恰恰忽略了从犹太人自身的角度探讨其内在的、也是最主要的因素。本文认为,开封犹太人同化的最根本动力来自犹太社团内部思想观念上的转变,即犹太人对犹太教信仰的逐步淡化和对儒教的深层次认同,犹太教的儒化过程正是开封犹太人的同化过程。文章试图以儒家思想所造就的文化氛围为宏观背景,探讨犹太教与儒教的文化交往与涵化,分析开封犹太人认同儒教的种种表象以及形成这些表象的原因。  相似文献   
自尊与人际互动:理论、研究与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于自我确认理论开展的大量研究,有助于理解自尊对人际互动行为的调节作用。然而,研究者对自尊的测量工具不尽相同,筛选实验被试的标准也不尽一致,实验范式忽略了对实际人际互动情境的操纵,单纯采用人际选择反应作为测量自我确认的指标,因而难以形成具有整合性的理论模型。今后的研究有必要在编制合适的测量工具的基础上,将整体自尊与特殊自尊作为两个独立的变量置于整合性实验范式下开展研究,同时采用对人际评价信息的认知判断和对评价者的交往选择的双维指标,以全面揭示整体自尊与特殊自尊对自我确认过程的相对作用及其心理机制。  相似文献   
群体绩效和团队效能研究的新进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
近几年来 ,在群体和团队方面的研究比较活跃 ,并取得了不少新的进展。本文在近几年的国内外文献的基础上 ,着重讨论几个与群体绩效有关的长期存在的问题 ,主要包括群体构成、凝聚力、激励、领导、群体目标等因素。同时探讨团队与组织之间的内在联系。然后 ,讨论团队效能研究中的几个开放性问题 ,以及将来研究的新动向新趋势。最后 ,对影响团队效能的几个关键的调节因素作一简要的讨论。  相似文献   
Why do we adopt new rules, such as social distancing? Although human sciences research stresses the key role of social influence in behaviour change, most COVID-19 campaigns emphasize the disease’s medical threat. In a global data set (n = 6,675), we investigated how social influences predict people’s adherence to distancing rules during the pandemic. Bayesian regression analyses controlling for stringency of local measures showed that people distanced most when they thought their close social circle did. Such social influence mattered more than people thinking distancing was the right thing to do. People’s adherence also aligned with their fellow citizens, but only if they felt deeply bonded with their country. Self-vulnerability to the disease predicted distancing more for people with larger social circles. Collective efficacy and collectivism also significantly predicted distancing. To achieve behavioural change during crises, policymakers must emphasize shared values and harness the social influence of close friends and family.  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that implicit theories of creativity are crucial in shaping an individual’s behavior and real‐life decisions toward being creative. The present study proposed and examined the underlying mechanisms of how two kinds of implicit theories—the growth mindset of the creative self and the stereotype of creative others—are associated with creative achievements through the mediating role of creativity motivation. Participants were 606 undergraduate students who were enrolled in an education major in two universities in China. Overall, the study found that Chinese students held a positive image toward a creative student, regarding him or her as highly competent, warm, and popular. Student perceptions of a creative other were positively related to their growth mindset of creativity. Moreover, results verified both the mediating role of creativity motivation on growth mindset, as well as the effect of positive stereotyping of the creative other on students’ creative achievement. These findings point to promising creativity motivation strategies including the cultivation of a malleable view of creativity and of creative role models, that may, in turn, promote creative achievement by encouraging students to do, learn, and accomplish new things.  相似文献   
赵立春 《法音》2021,(1):63-66
地论学派是指南北朝时期以弘扬《十地经论》为主的一个佛教学派,主要流行在北朝,且历经北魏、东魏、北齐、北周、隋等朝代而经久不衰。《十地经论》是印度大乘瑜伽学系的重要典籍。作者世亲初从声闻乘出家,后闻其兄无著讲《十地经》,便改变所宗而先撰成《十地经论》,对《十地经》进行了解释和阐述,以赞扬大乘,巩固了瑜伽学说的理论基础。  相似文献   
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