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司徒雷登是近代基督教传教士的典型人物。他一生做了两件对中国社会有影响的大事,一是办教育,尤其是成功创办燕京大学,获得中美各界赞誉;二是当美国驻华大使,以失败告终。他在中国办教育、出任大使,是为了同一个目的:以基督教精神改造中国。他爱中国,但更爱美国。他努力融合中西文化,提倡基督教本色化。从司徒雷登身上,可以看出:中国近代基督教传教运动是列强对外扩张的组成部分,而传教士往往是出于宗教热情参与其中。传教士主观上是传教,客观上促进了中西文化交流。今天,在殖民体系崩溃、全球经济一体化、区域文化多元化的时代背景下,依附于殖民体系的"差传"模式已成历史,取而代之的只能是相互交流和合作。  相似文献   
Using Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we examined effective connectivity between three left hemisphere brain regions (inferior frontal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, fusiform gyrus) and bilateral medial frontal gyrus in 12 children with reading difficulties (M age=12.4, range: 8.11-14.10) and 12 control children (M age=12.3, range: 8.9-14.11) during rhyming judgments to visually presented words. More difficult conflicting trials either had similar orthography but different phonology (e.g. pint-mint) or similar phonology but different orthography (e.g. jazz-has). Easier non-conflicting trials had similar orthography and phonology (e.g. dime-lime) or different orthography and phonology (e.g. staff-gain). The modulatory effect from left fusiform gyrus to left inferior parietal lobule was stronger in controls than in children with reading difficulties only for conflicting trials. Modulatory effects from left fusiform gyrus and left inferior parietal lobule to left inferior frontal gyrus were stronger for conflicting trials than for non-conflicting trials only in control children but not in children with reading difficulties. Modulatory effects from left inferior frontal gyrus to inferior parietal lobule, from medial frontal gyrus to left inferior parietal lobule, and from left inferior parietal lobule to medial frontal gyrus were positively correlated with reading skill only in control children. These findings suggest that children with reading difficulties have deficits in integrating orthography and phonology utilizing left inferior parietal lobule, and in engaging phonological rehearsal/segmentation utilizing left inferior frontal gyrus possibly through the indirect pathway connecting posterior to anterior language processing regions, especially when the orthographic and phonological information is conflicting.  相似文献   
日本的宗教法与宗教管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1946年颁布宗教法人令,日本的宗教法历经十余次修订,但其一贯的原则都是宗教自由、政教分离,政府对宗教法人的自治权和自律权给予充分的尊重。在宗教界内部的管理方面,宗议会制度和责任役员制度体现了民主的原则和平等的原则,为战后宗教的发展提供了制度性保障。由于宽松的政策环境和民主化管理,宗教在日本战后获得了很大发展。但1995年的奥姆真理教事件之后,日本政府对宗教法做出了重大修改,在尊重教团的自律性前提下强化了政府对宗教教团的管理,宗教团体的活动空间受到一定的限制。  相似文献   
人类最初的生存状态是群聚,群聚是人的类属性的自发聚集,它使人类本能地意识到人类的同一性;群聚之后人类走向群居,群居是人的群体属性的自觉结合,它体现了人类的同一性之外的群体差异性.类同一性使人类能够彼此交往,是道德产生的可能性主体基础;群体差异性使人类必须交往,是道德产生的必然性主体基础,二者都是道德产生的主体基础.  相似文献   
聆听自然 随道而动——简论道教生态智慧的现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,有一个有关生态的热议话题——全球气候变暖。9月22日各国领导人齐聚联合国总部纽约联合国气候变化峰会,共商应对气候变化的大计。  相似文献   
<正>杨庆堃的《中国社会中的宗教》中译本问世后,产生了很大的影响。人们在阅读之后,有所消化和吸收,有些学者在学术上深入"反刍",提出了许多值得进一步思考的问题。《世界宗教文化》编辑部特邀《中国社会中的宗教》的主译者、上海复旦大学的范丽珠教授,上海复旦大学  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that on the path from a creative idea to a creative outcome, high creativity motivation and self-efficacy do not necessarily lead to creative behavior. The present study proposed and examined the notion that daily creativity planning could promote creative behavior and contribute to the cultivation of creativity. A total of 77 middle school students (39 students in the experimental group and 38 in the control group) participated in this study, for which a quasi-experimental design was administered. The experimental group conducted a two-week daily planning for creative activities, while the control group did not conduct any intervention. The results showed that students' creativity motivation and creative self-efficacy were at relatively high levels overall and were positively and moderately correlated with creative behavior. Daily planning could effectively facilitate students' creative behavior. These findings point to a promising and simple creativity enhancement strategy for cultivating students to develop the habit of making creative plans in their daily lives.  相似文献   
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