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从孟子在齐看稷下学宫的人才政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟子先后两次至齐,在齐国的时间长达二十余年,是稷下先生的代表性人物。孟子在齐国的经历,充分体现了稷下学宫的人才政策:给予优越的社会地位、丰厚的物质待遇,营造了百家争鸣的学术氛围,注重发挥稷下先生议政、参政的政治作用,提供了来去自由的宽松环境。  相似文献   
This short‐term longitudinal study examined the reciprocal associations among shyness, interpersonal relationships, and loneliness in a sample of 361 Chinese college freshmen (138 male students, mean age = 18.57 years). A fully cross‐lagged panel design was used in which shyness, interpersonal relationships, and loneliness were assessed at three time points separated by 8 months. The results indicated that the associations among shyness, interpersonal relationships, and loneliness were dynamic and bidirectional. The self‐report scores and the pattern of cross‐lagged associations among shyness, interpersonal relationships, and loneliness were the same for male and female students at all three times. Implications for loneliness interventions and future research directions are provided.  相似文献   
南宋金元时期,随着道教教派的勃兴,神仙传记也大量产生.此时的神仙传记尽管大多沿用了北宋前的基本形式,但取材更加广泛,反映的道教思想也更加丰富多彩.从艺术的角度看,南宋金元的神仙传记的表现手法也灵活多样.作者通过神仙故事素材的重新组合,建构了生命理想的符号艺术空间;通过场景的铺叙,表征人类生命的无限奥秘和个体生命境界的升华.  相似文献   
徐展  李毕琴 《心理学报》2009,41(9):802-811
工作记忆中的反词长效应(reverse word-length effect)指在对长词和短词混合的词表进行即时序列回忆时, 独立长词回忆成绩优于独立短词的现象。以汉字词语为材料通过3个实验探讨反词长效应的机制。实验1采用纯粹词表和长短词混合词表, 既得到纯粹词词长效应, 也得到独立词反词长效应。实验2削弱了长短词之间的词长差异, 结果独立词反词长效应消失, 且独立词回忆成绩优于纯粹词。实验3设计了视觉延迟条件, 得到与实验1类似的结果, 只是独立词反词长效应有所削弱。三个实验的结果并不一致, 无法用现有的语音回路理论或SIMPLE理论进行很好地解释, 理论的整合与创新显得非常重要。因此, 提出多重编码以既相互竞争又相互补充方式进行平行加工的观点进行更完整地解释。  相似文献   
Prosocial behaviours and their correlates have been extensively studied; however, few studies have examined the linkage between self‐disclosure and prosocial behaviours. Three studies were conducted aimed at examining the relationship between self‐disclosure and prosocial tendencies, as well as the moderating role of feedback from the help provider's perspective. We hypothesized that participants' self‐disclosure was positively associated with his/her prosocial tendencies and that this association would be moderated by feedback received. The results generally support our hypotheses, and reveal that participants with higher levels of self‐disclosure tend to exhibit more prosocial tendencies (Studies 1 and 2), but this association was only true for those participants that received self‐disclosure feedback (Study 3). The present study suggests that, other than self‐disclosure, reciprocal feedback also plays an important role in promoting prosocial behaviours.  相似文献   
"正义是社会制度的首要美德"之学理根据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个人能具备美德是人们都能理解的,但制度能具备美德却是需要加以严密论证的.在当代社会中,制度具备美德是一种普遍的诉求,正义是社会制度的美德,而且是首要美德.在一个具备了正义秩序和正义美德的社会制度中,社会才能获得发展的前提,个人才能合理追求自己的幸福,同时其他美德也能得以塑造成型.  相似文献   
《智者》是晚期柏拉图的一篇对话体著作,它的表层主题是明显的,这就是为“智者”寻找一个定义。但是它的深层主题是什么,却不容易确认。对此问题的各种回答就形成了理解《智者》的不同视域。历史上出现的主要视域有:(1)传统的存在论视域,它认为实在(to on,being)和非实在(to mēon,not-being)的问题是《智者》的核心主题;(2)理念论视域,它将该篇对话看做柏拉图理念论发展的一个阶段;(3)分析哲学的视域,它拒绝从存在论层面来阅读《智者》,而倾向于将这篇对话当做早期的逻辑学和语言哲学文本来阅读,认为柏拉图在此关注的是命题的“意义”和“…  相似文献   
采用新的研究范式,探讨长期认同和短期认同同时存在条件下的社会认同与群体参照效应,并通过二者的比较来考察两种认同共存下集体自我的趋向。结果表明:在社会身份长期认同和短期认同同时存在的条件下,社会认同与群体参照效应的变化一致,均没有向内群体取向;集体自我对共存的两种认同条件均有趋向;同时验证了文化背景对个体集体自我的影响。  相似文献   
Stress induces cardiac dysfunction and cardiomyocyte injury, and while current data indicate that mitochondria play a key role in this process, the mechanisms remain unknown. In this study, we found that in rats, restraint stress induced nerve growth factor-induced clone B (NGFI-B) translocation from the nucleus to mitochondria in cardiomyocytes. This translocation promoted cytochrome c release from mitochondria to the cytoplasm, which ultimately resulted in cardiomyocyte apoptosis. We also found that stress induced oversecretion of glucocorticoids and activated the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway in cardiomyocytes. Enhanced PKA activity increased NGFI-B serine phosphorylation, which caused NGFI-B to translocate from the nucleus to mitochondria. Moreover, a PKA peptide inhibitor blocked NGFI-B serine phosphorylation and translocation. Our data demonstrate that stress affects cardiomyocytes by inducing NGFI-B mitochondrial translocation via serine phosphorylation, which in turn initiates mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   
该研究采用新的研究范式在加工深度与随意编码条件下将母亲与自我进行对比研究.结果发现,在新的加工深度与随意编码研究范式下自我参照条件与母亲参照条件下的人格特质形容词的自由回忆率均没有显著差异.结果说明,新的研究范式可以用来探究母亲参照效应;中国人的自我概念中包括母亲.这一发现既是对前人研究结果的一种验证也是对母亲参照效应研究范式的一种扩展.  相似文献   
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