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The traditional approach to the study of selective attention in animal discrimination learning has been to ask if animals are capable of the central selective processing of stimuli, such that certain aspects of the discriminative stimuli are partially or wholly ignored while their relationships to each other, or other relevant stimuli, are processed. A notable characteristic of this research has been that procedures involve the acquisition of discriminations, and the issue of concern is whether learning is selectively determined by the stimulus dimension defined by the discriminative stimuli. Although there is support for this kind of selective attention, in many cases, simpler nonattentional accounts are sufficient to explain the results. An alternative approach involves procedures more similar to those used in human information-processing research. When selective attention is studied in humans, it generally involves the steady state performance of tasks for which there is limited time allowed for stimulus input and a relatively large amount of relevant information to be processed; thus, attention must be selective or divided. When this approach is applied to animals and alternative accounts have been ruled out, stronger evidence for selective or divided attention in animals has been found. Similar processes are thought to be involved when animals search more natural environments for targets. Finally, an attempt is made to distinguish these top-down attentional processes from more automatic preattentional processes that have been studied in humans and other animals.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that memory for personal experiences (episodic memory, rather than semantic memory) relies on the conscious review of past experience and thus is unique to humans. In an attempt to demonstrate episodic-like memory in animals, we first trained pigeons to respond to the (nonverbal) question "Did you just peck or did you just refrain from pecking?" by training them on a symbolic matching task with differential responding required to the two line-orientation samples and reinforcing the choice of a red comparison if they had pecked and the choice of a green comparison if they had not pecked. Then, in Experiment 1, after providing the conditions for (but not requiring) the pigeons to peck at one new stimulus (a yellow hue) but not at another (a blue hue), we tested them with the new hue stimuli and the red and green comparisons. In Experiment 2, we tested the pigeons with novel stimuli (a circle, which they spontaneously pecked, and a dark response key, which they did not peck) and the red and green comparisons. In both experiments, pigeons chose the comparison appropriate to the response made to the test stimulus. Thus, the pigeons demonstrated that they could remember specific details about their past experiences, a result consistent with the notion that they have the capacity for forming episodic-like memories.  相似文献   
There is evidence that impulsive decision-making is associated with errors in timing. However, there has been little attempt to identify the putative mechanism responsible for impulsive animals’ timing errors. One means of manipulating impulsivity in non-human animals is providing different levels of access to conspecifics. These preclinical models have revealed that social isolation increases impulsive responding across a wide range of tasks. The goal of the present study was to determine whether social isolation modulates time perception in pigeons by inducing more variability or a bias to underestimate the passage of time in temporal judgments. A temporal bisection task was used to characterize time perception. One group of pigeons performed the bisection following social enrichment, and the remaining half of the pigeons were tested following social isolation. Results revealed pigeons in the social isolation condition categorized a temporal stimulus sample as “long” at shorter durations than pigeons in the social enrichment condition. These data highlight the mechanism(s) thought to underlie timing-based interventions aimed at reducing impulsivity in humans. Future work should consider whether impulsivity is produced by misperceptions of time or a reduced threshold for a response.  相似文献   
It is well known that when humans are given a choice between two options, their preference is affected by the presence of a third. Generally, there is an increase in preference for the option closer to the third. We show that a shift in preference in the direction away from the third option can occur in animals. We gave pigeons a choice between A, reinforcement following 10 pecks and a 0.5‐s delay, and B, reinforcement following 5 pecks and a 1.5‐s delay. Once stable preferences were established, we introduced a third stimulus, less preferred than the other two: C, reinforcement following 20 pecks and a 0.5‐s delay or D, reinforcement following 5 pecks and a 4.5‐s delay. We found that pigeons presented with C showed an increased preference for B, whereas pigeons presented with D showed an increased preference for A. Our results were consistent with the similarity or attentional hypothesis, which suggests that the third option should interfere with the option more similar to it or would draw attention to the less preferred component of the third option and generalize to the option more similar to it. Possible accounts for the differences in outcomes are suggested.  相似文献   
Using a radial maze analog task, T. R. Zentall, J. N. Steirn, and P. Jackson-Smith (1990) found evidence that when a delay was interpolated early in a trial, pigeons coded locations retrospectively, but when the delay was interpolated late in the trial, they coded locations prospectively (support for a dual coding hypothesis). In Experiment 1 of the present study, the authors replicated the original finding of dual coding. In Experiments 2 and 3, they used a 2-alternative test procedure that does not require the assumption that pigeons' choice criterion, which changes over the course of the trial, is the same on delay and control trials. Under these conditions, the pigeons no longer showed evidence for dual coding. Instead, there was some evidence that they showed prospective coding, but a more parsimonious account of the results may be that the delay produced a relatively constant decrement in performance at all points of delay interpolation. The original finding of dual coding by Zentall et al. might have been biased by more impulsive choices early in control trials but not in delay trials and by a more stringent choice criterion late in delay trials.  相似文献   
Dogs were tested for object permanence using an invisible displacement in which an object was hidden in one of two containers at either end of a beam and the beam was rotated. Consistent with earlier research, when the beam was rotated 180°, the dogs failed to find the object. However, when the beam was rotated only 90°, they were successful. Furthermore, when the dogs were led either 90° or 180° around the apparatus, they were also successful. In a control condition, when the dogs could not see the direction of the 90° rotation, they failed to find the object. The results suggest that the 180° rotation may produce an interfering context that can be reduced by rotating the apparatus only 90° or by changing the dogs’ perspective. Once the conflict is eliminated, dogs show evidence of object permanence that includes invisibly displaced objects.  相似文献   
Guilt by association and honor by association are two types of judgments that suggest that a negative or positive quality of a person or object can transfer to another person or object, merely by co-occurrence. Most examples have been demonstrated under conditions of direct associations. Here, we provide experimental evidence of guilt by association and honor by association via indirect associations. We show that participants may treat two individuals alike if they have been separately paired with a common event using an acquired-equivalence paradigm. Our findings suggest that association fallacies can be examined using a paradigm originally developed for research with nonhuman animals and based on a representation mediation account.  相似文献   
Dogs’ memory for properties of occluded objects was assessed using a looking-time procedure. The looking-time procedure has been used to indicate that a change in expectation has been observed, with longer looking times associated with change as compared with no change. In our experiments, a bone-shaped dog biscuit (bone) was placed behind a horizontal screen that then rotated up to occlude the object before the screen returned to its horizontal position. Dogs were shown one of two test events. In one (congruent) event, the screen rotated up to obscure the bone and then rotated back down to reveal the unchanged bone. In the other (incongruent) event, the screen rotated up to obscure the bone and then rotated back down to reveal a bone that had changed in size (Experiment 1) or color (Experiment 2). Looking times were measured to assess which events represented the detection of a change. Increased looking time on incongruent trials indicated that the dogs remembered the size and color of the occluded object.  相似文献   
In a simple simultaneous discrimination involving a positive stimulus (S+) and a negative stimulus (S-), it has been hypothesized that positive value can transfer from the S+ to the S- (thus increasing the relative value of the S-) and also that negative value can transfer from the S- to the S+ (thus diminishing the relative value of the S+; Fersen, Wynne, Delius, & Staddon, 1991). Evidence for positive value transfer has been reported in pigeons (e.g. Zentall & Sherburne, 1994). The purpose of the present experiments was to determine, in a simultaneous discrimination, whether the S- diminishes the value of the S+ or the Sis contrasted with the S+ (thus enhancing the value of the S+). In twoexperiments, we found evidence for contrast, rather than value transfer, attributable to simultaneous discrimination training. Thus, not only does the S+ appear to enhance the value of the S-, but the S appears to enhance rather than reduce the value of the S+.  相似文献   
The role of context was examined in human acquired equivalence. Participants were trained on two conditional discriminations. In the first conditional discrimination, if sample A1 was presented, choice of comparison B1, but not B2, was correct, and if sample A2 was presented, choice of comparison B2, but not B1, was correct. In the second conditional discrimination, if sample X1 was presented, choice of comparison Y1, but not Y2, was correct, and if sample X2 was presented, choice of comparison Y2, but not Y1, was correct. In each conditional discrimination, one of the conditional relations was trained in context 1 (e.g., A1 → B1 and X1 → Y1) and the other was trained in context 2 (i.e., A2 → B2 and X2 → Y2). On test trials, when conditional stimuli from the two conditional discriminations were interchanged (e.g., sample A1 was presented with comparisons Y1 and Y2) and were presented in a neutral context, positive transfer resulted. That is, in the absence of the training context, stimuli that shared a common context on different trials in training came to be treated as equivalent.  相似文献   
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