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From 20 to 26 June 2016, following a century of preparatory work, the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church met on the island of Crete. Among the various documents agreed by the council, the most controversial before, during, and after the council was the one on “The Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World.” This article sets out the importance of this statement, and considers and responds to the various criticisms of it that have emerged among certain Orthodox groups and individuals. The article concludes that despite such objections, the statement has a crucial ecumenical significance, and that, for the first time in its history, the Orthodox Church has taken a conciliar decision with regard to participation in the ecumenical movement and engagement in theological dialogue with other Christian churches and confessions.  相似文献   
刘超  刘军  朱丽  武守强 《心理学报》2017,(7):966-979
基于规则适应及资源依赖理论的解释视角,本研究考察了下属工作绩效与政治技能对上级辱虐的影响。通过对采集自两家企业的243对领导-下属的配对问卷进行分析,本研究的多项式回归与响应面分析表明,当下属的工作绩效(遵循做事显规则)与政治技能(遵循做人潜规则)在较高水平上保持一致时,其遭受的上级辱虐最少。但这种较高水平的一致只能维持在特定范围内,当两者过高时,反而易遭致上级的辱虐行为。同时,在工作绩效与政治技能存在差异的情境下,相比于"高工作绩效,低政治技能"的下属,"低工作绩效,高政治技能"的下属遭受的上级辱虐要更少。文章分析并证明了遵循不同规则的下属会导致不同程度的上级辱虐。  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the extent to which cognitive measures can predict progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer’s type dementia (AD), assess the predictive accuracy of different cognitive domain categories, and determine whether accuracy varies as a function of age and length of follow-up. We systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed data from longitudinal studies reporting sensitivity and specificity values for neuropsychological tests to identify individuals with MCI who will develop AD. We searched articles in Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and the Web of Science. Methodological quality was assessed using the STARDem and QUADAS standards. Twenty-eight studies met the eligibility criteria (2365 participants) and reported predictive values from 61 neuropsychological tests with a 31-month mean follow-up. Values were pooled to provide combined accuracy for 14 cognitive domains. Many domains showed very good predictive accuracy with high sensitivity and specificity values (≥ 0.7). Verbal memory measures and many language tests yielded very high predictive accuracy. Other domains (e.g., executive functions, visual memory) showed better specificity than sensitivity. Predictive accuracy was highest when combining memory measures with a small set of other domains or when relying on broad cognitive batteries. Cognitive tests are excellent at predicting MCI individuals who will progress to dementia and should be a critical component of any toolkit intended to identify AD at the pre-dementia stage. Some tasks are remarkable as early indicators, whereas others might be used to suggest imminent progression.  相似文献   
社会认知神经科学是运用认知神经科学的研究手段,探讨社会科学问题与理论的多学科交叉领域。近来,功能性近红外光学成像技术(functional near-infrared spectroscopy,fNIRS)凭借生态效度高、成像安全、对头动耐受性高、成本低等优势,成为了该领域新兴的热点技术。无论是在婴儿发育和社会经济决策的单脑研究中,还是在人际互动的多脑研究中,它都有广泛应用。未来近红外光学成像的应用可以向多脑神经反馈、脑机接口技术、设备无线化和多模态成像做进一步探索。  相似文献   
自然关联性是指人们主观上感到与自然融为一体的程度,包括对自然的认知、情感和行为三个维度。自然关联性的测量主要采用自陈式量表和内隐联系测验从外显和内隐两个层面进行。已有理论与实证研究发现,与自然接触能够帮助恢复心理疲劳、改善认知表现、缓解身心症状、提升幸福感、促进亲社会行为。研究者采用了多种干预方式提升自然关联性。未来的研究需要进一步探究自然关联性的概念、研究方法、积极效应的条件、以及文化的影响等。  相似文献   
教育工效学是工效学研究中长期被忽视的重要研究领域,其发展以各教育工效学模型的提出为主线。本文从模型设计、模型应用和学习论视角出发,分析了Kao模型,Smith模型和六角轴模型的理论基础,发现现有的这三个模型在设计上多从工效学角度出发,与学习论的结合不够紧密。为了给信息化教学系统设计提供更有价值的理论模型和更可行的设计方法,有必要从工效学原理与教学理论的深度衔接入手,并基于学习论的视角给模型应用和完善提供一些可行的建议。  相似文献   
工作中能量的研究经历了个体-交互-集体的发展历程。基于权变视角,本文对工作中能量的表现形态进行内涵解读与构念辨析,依托互动仪式理论,构建并解读能量表现形态的对流转化模型,为组织中工作能量的维持和补充提供思考。未来研究应重视关系能量与集体能量在组织中产生的双重效应,开展工作中能量构念的跨层面本土化实证研究。  相似文献   
采用问卷法对3056名青少年进行调查研究,考察了学校氛围对青少年病理性网络游戏使用(Pathological online game use, POGU)的影响,同时考察了学校参与在其中的中介作用,以及该过程是否受到父子关系或母子关系的调节.结果发现:(1)在控制了性别、年龄、父母受教育水平、亲子关系、家庭收入和冲动性后,学校氛围对POGU仍具有显著的负向预测作用;(2)学校氛围不仅可以直接负向预测POGU,还可以通过影响学校参与进而间接预测青少年POGU;(3)母子关系显著调节学校氛围对学校参与的影响,而父子关系显著调节学校参与对青少年POGU的作用.总之,在学校氛围影响青少年POGU的过程中,既存在中介效应,又存在调节效应.实际干预时,可以通过提高学校参与降低青少年POGU,父子关系和母子关系可以进一步调节该过程.  相似文献   
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