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In recent years, there has been an increase in the research on reflective supervision, including the development of tools designed to measure reflective practice in the context of reflective supervision. The Reflective Supervision Self-Efficacy Scale for Supervisees (RSSESS) is a self-report measure that has been used in previous evaluations and is designed to assess perceived reflective practice self-efficacy for Infant Mental Health-Home Visiting (IMH-HV) therapists. Properties of the RSSESS including factor structure and reliability are explored in a first study that lays the foundation for the use of the RSSESS in an IMH-HV evaluation in the State of Michigan. IMH-HV therapists completed the RSSESS at 4 time points over a 12-month period and also completed a Clinician Profile Form that included questions about their IMH background and their work experience, including job satisfaction and burnout. Results indicated that the RSSESS is a reliable tool to measure change in reflective practice skills. IMH-HV therapists demonstrated growth in their use of reflective practice skills with families and their observational skills over the 12-month period. In addition, results indicated correlations between reflective supervision self-efficacy and job satisfaction as well as burnout.  相似文献   
Implementation research suggests that fidelity to a therapeutic model is important for enhancing outcomes, yet can be difficult to achieve in community practice settings. Furthermore, few published studies have reported on characteristics of treatment fidelity. The present study examined fidelity to the Infant Mental Health Home Visiting (IMH-HV) model among 51 therapists with a range of experience practicing in community settings across the state of Michigan. IMH therapists completed fidelity checklists after every session with participating families to track use of 15 treatment strategies central to the IMH-HV model across the 12-month study period. Results indicated that the most commonly endorsed components utilized in home visits were developmental guidance and infant–parent psychotherapy, followed by the provision of emotional support. Use of IMH-HV components did not vary over time for the entire sample; however, patterns of strategies used showed somewhat more variability among more experienced therapists and when serving higher risk families. Findings demonstrate that IMH-HV therapists report a range of adherence to the model in community settings, with greatest fidelity to several model core components. Ongoing training in the flexible use of all core strategies may further enhance fidelity and contribute to positive outcomes for caregivers and their children receiving IMH-HV services.  相似文献   
老年人的发展是人的发展的伦理应然和社会发展的伦理必然.老年人的发展包括老年人的健康发展、角色发展、认知发展和价值发展等四个主要方面.我们要通过构筑适合老年人生存发展的社会伦理环境和幸福生活的家庭伦理环境,发展老年教育和社会保障事业,开发老年人力资源,促进老年人的全面发展.  相似文献   
操纵资源价值与数量的比例关系,形成互不影响的数量平等与价值平等,考察5~10岁儿童在不同卷入情境中公平分配发展的特点。结果发现:(1)6岁以后儿童公平分配发展存在数量平等“消”和价值平等“长”的特点;(2)与第一方卷入情境相比,在第三方卷入情境中9~10岁儿童公平行为发展存在差异,而公平认知不受卷入情境影响;(3)儿童公平认知发展能正向指导公平行为表现,但会受卷入情境、年龄和性别影响。  相似文献   
清晨,迎着灿烂的朝阳驱车前往镇海寺。虽然刚进入冬季,但这清凉圣地五台山已被晶莹透亮的白雪装扮得更加美丽圣洁。转眼间即至镇海寺脚下,因路滑坡陡,汽车只好停在路边,徒步向上攀登。漫山遍地的皑皑白雪在太阳的照射下熠熠生辉,十分耀眼。再看那碧绿的松枝上好象是盛开着朵朵洁白如玉的圣洁莲花。白色不象红、绿、紫等色那么娇艳,但她给人一种精神上的升华、思  相似文献   
病人在诊疗中的自主性是医学发展及病人权利意识增长的产物,它有利于尊重病人的权利及人格,使病人对诊疗有更好的认同和依从性,提升诊疗效果和减少医疗纠纷,但尊重病人的自主性也有一定的限度,医生有特殊干涉权。  相似文献   
本文用系统科学方法分析了化学物致癌机制,化学致癌是一个长期的,多基因,多阶段,多病因过程已被公认,研究者们认为化学致癌系统由基因和非基因因素构成,在此系统中存在若干系统属性,如整体性,综合性,动态性等,医学研究者要在癌症病因,治疗和预防中取得的半功倍成效,就应该科学地运用致癌系统中的这些系统属性。  相似文献   
Social motivation—the psychobiological predisposition for social orienting, seeking social contact, and maintaining social interaction—manifests in early infancy and is hypothesized to be foundational for social communication development in typical and atypical populations. However, the lack of infant social-motivation measures has hindered delineation of associations between infant social motivation, other early-arising social abilities such as joint attention, and language outcomes. To investigate how infant social motivation contributes to joint attention and language, this study utilizes a mixed longitudinal sample of 741 infants at high (HL = 515) and low (LL = 226) likelihood for ASD. Using moderated nonlinear factor analysis (MNLFA), we incorporated items from parent-report measures to establish a novel latent factor model of infant social motivation that exhibits measurement invariance by age, sex, and familial ASD likelihood. We then examined developmental associations between 6- and 12-month social motivation, joint attention at 12–15 months, and language at 24 months of age. On average, greater social-motivation growth from 6–12 months was associated with greater initiating joint attention (IJA) and trend-level increases in sophistication of responding to joint attention (RJA). IJA and RJA were both positively associated with 24-month language abilities. There were no additional associations between social motivation and future language in our path model. These findings substantiate a novel, theoretically driven approach to modeling social motivation and suggest a developmental cascade through which social motivation impacts other foundational skills. These findings have implications for the timing and nature of intervention targets to support social communication development in infancy.


  • We describe a novel, theoretically based model of infant social motivation wherein multiple parent-reported indicators contribute to a unitary latent social-motivation factor.
  • Analyses revealed social-motivation factor scores exhibited measurement invariance for a longitudinal sample of infants at high and low familial ASD likelihood.
  • Social-motivation growth from ages 6–12 months is associated with better 12−15-month joint attention abilities, which in turn are associated with greater 24-month language skills.
  • Findings inform timing and targets of potential interventions to support healthy social communication in the first year of life.
就<文心雕龙>撰著体例而言,刘勰依据汉易象数原则及马融对"大衍之数"的解释,原本只将全书定为五十章并分为上下两篇;依汉易对"太极"及"三才"说的解释,由<原道>、<征圣>、<宗经>三篇构成总论,<原道>则相当于"其一不用"的"太极".由<辨骚>至<书记>为上篇文体论,依"取象"原则,旨在论文体渊源与流变;下篇旨在论"问数",而<神思>至<总术>又是集中阐述"驭文之术";上篇<原道>以下及下篇<神思>以下各篇篇第次序都是依取"两两相偶"的解易体例排定的,故<文心雕龙>通行本各篇篇第次序当为原貌.依象数不离及八宫卦原则,上篇与下篇又存在着对应关系.总之,刘勰<文心雕龙>的撰著体例是依取汉易象数学的解易体例而确立的.  相似文献   
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