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本研究从谈判者本身的情绪以及谈判对手的情绪两个方面着手,以224名被试和两个实验室实验考察电子化谈判中情绪的内部效应和外部效应.结果发现在电子化谈判中:(1)谈判者自身的情绪状态对谈判结果的影响显著;(2)谈判者的情绪是否与谈判对手有关,对谈判结果的影响不显著;(3)谈判对手的情绪状态,对谈判者的谈判结果影响显著;(4)谈判对手的情绪是否真实,对谈判者谈判结果的影响不显著;(5)谈判对手情绪和情绪的真实性这二者在谈判者的谈判结果上存在显著的交互效应.  相似文献   
宋枝璘  郭磊  郑天鹏 《心理学报》2022,54(4):426-440
数据缺失在测验中经常发生, 认知诊断评估也不例外, 数据缺失会导致诊断结果的偏差。首先, 通过模拟研究在多种实验条件下比较了常用的缺失数据处理方法。结果表明:(1)缺失数据导致估计精确性下降, 随着人数与题目数量减少、缺失率增大、题目质量降低, 所有方法的PCCR均下降, Bias绝对值和RMSE均上升。(2)估计题目参数时, EM法表现最好, 其次是MI, FIML和ZR法表现不稳定。(3)估计被试知识状态时, EM和FIML表现最好, MI和ZR表现不稳定。其次, 在PISA2015实证数据中进一步探索了不同方法的表现。综合模拟和实证研究结果, 推荐选用EM或FIML法进行缺失数据处理。  相似文献   
刘潞潞  卢家楣  和美  周建设  肖晶  罗劲 《心理学报》2017,(11):1414-1427
运用功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术探索了乐学英语的大学生在对中、英文材料的学习、记忆及成绩反馈过程中的情绪和脑活动特征。结果发现,被试学习英文较之学习中文积极情绪更少且伴随更强的前部脑岛的激活;但当他们获得关于英文成绩的正反馈时,中脑奖赏区的激活却明显高于获得中文成绩正反馈时的情形,且中脑激活与英语乐学呈正相关。这说明乐学是"苦中作乐",人们虽在学习时并未体验到更多快乐,但其成功却带来了更大的心理奖赏。  相似文献   
为探讨自1999年高校国家助学贷款政策出台以来,我国贫困大学生心理健康状况的变迁,本研究对106篇1998至2015年间采用SCL-90量表的研究进行了横断历史元分析,考察了贫困大学生心理健康状况随年代的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)SCL-90量表中9个因子的分数均值均与年代呈负相关,年代对各因子变异的解释在4%至16%之间;1998年到2015年这18年来,各因子均值平均下降范围(效果量d)在0.24至0.55个标准差之间,其中强迫、抑郁和精神病3个因子均值变化尤为明显。这表明贫困大学生整体心理健康的状况在缓慢提升。(2)与中部地区相比,东部和西部地区贫困大学生心理健康水平18年来提高更明显。(3)虽然不同性别贫困大学生各因子历年变化差异并不明显,但女生抑郁和精神病两方面改善略快。此外,普通元分析结果表明总体上贫困男大学生比女大学生心理健康状况要好。  相似文献   
随着社会老龄化的加剧,盆底功能障碍性疾病的发病率日益上升.之前热门的盆底重建术随着时间的推移,并发症相继出现.美国食品药品管理局(FDA)连续两次发布了关于经阴道网片的警告,使专家们认识到了问题的严重性.经过30余年的发展,腹腔镜技术已经被广泛地应用于各类妇科手术中.腹腔镜在女性盆底修复术中的应用重新得到了关注.自1991年腹腔镜技术首次应用于女性盆底修复手术中以来,国内外不断有新的腹腔镜下盆底修复术式的报道.现就各种腹腔镜下盆底修复手术做一综述.  相似文献   
This study of Asian American, Caucasian American, and Chinese college students examined the relationship between participants' career choices and parental influence. The results showed that the Asian American and Chinese college students were more likely than were Caucasian American students to choose Investigative occupation types (J. L. Holland, 1985) and that their choices were more likely to be influenced by their family. Este estudio de estudiantes universitarios Asiático Americanos, Caucásico Americanos, y Chinos examino la relación entre la elección de carrera de los participantes y la influencia de los padres. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes universitarios Asiático Americanos y Chinos fueron más probables a escojer los tipos de ocupación Investigativos (J. L. Holland, 1985) y a ser mas influenciados por su familia, que los estudiantes Caucásico Americanos.  相似文献   
复合命题理解能力的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用命题-图形匹配实验法,探讨了儿童、少年和青年人三个阶段的5种类型复合命题理解能力的发展.结果表明:(1)随着年龄增长,复合命题理解能力迅速提高;(2)对复合命题理解的难易,决定于构建的心理模型的数目.理解能力的发展根据心理模型的类型呈现不同的步调,单模型命题的理解在小学阶段已经很好地获得发展,双模型命题则在初中阶段获得较好的发展,三模型命题发展较迟,直至成年仍需发展.  相似文献   
陈虬创立的利济医学堂是我国第一所中医专门学校,在中国近代史上拥有特殊的重要地位.介绍了陈虬的生平、政治思想及医学思想、利济医学堂的历史及沿革;简述利济医学堂创立与陈虬所在时代的社会历史背景、永嘉学派"学以致用"的文化学术渊源及其自身年轻时患疾不第密切相关.  相似文献   
The lack of measures that systematically evaluate the characteristics and functioning of Chinese families is hindering the development of appropriate family interventions for schizophrenia in China. We assessed the reliability and validity of revised and adapted Chinese versions (CV) of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES-II-CV) and the Family Environment Scales (FES-CV) and administered these instruments to 120 respondents from families with a schizophrenic member and 126 respondents from control families. The psychometric properties of the FACES-II-CV and of the FES-CV Cohesion, Conflict, Intellectual-Cultural Orientation, and Active-Recreational Orientation scales are satisfactory, so they are appropriate for use in China; the remaining six FES-CV scales require further culturally appropriate revision. Compared to control families, families with schizophrenic patients in China have higher conflict, lower cohesion, poor adaptability, and are less likely to be involved in intellectual and recreational activities. These differences remained significant after adjusting for family and respondent characteristics.  相似文献   
Extracting general rules from specific examples is important, as we must face the same challenge displayed in various formats. Previous studies have found that bimodal presentation of grammar‐like rules (e.g. ABA) enhanced 5‐month‐olds’ capacity to acquire a rule that infants failed to learn when the rule was presented with visual presentation of the shapes alone (circle‐triangle‐circle) or auditory presentation of the syllables (la‐ba‐la) alone. However, the mechanisms and constraints for this bimodal learning facilitation are still unknown. In this study, we used audio‐visual relation congruency between bimodal stimulation to disentangle possible facilitation sources. We exposed 8‐ to 10‐month‐old infants to an AAB sequence consisting of visual faces with affective expressions and/or auditory voices conveying emotions. Our results showed that infants were able to distinguish the learned AAB rule from other novel rules under bimodal stimulation when the affects in audio and visual stimuli were congruently paired (Experiments 1A and 2A). Infants failed to acquire the same rule when audio‐visual stimuli were incongruently matched (Experiment 2B) and when only the visual (Experiment 1B) or the audio (Experiment 1C) stimuli were presented. Our results highlight that bimodal facilitation in infant rule learning is not only dependent on better statistical probability and redundant sensory information, but also the relational congruency of audio‐visual information. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KYTyjH1k9RQ  相似文献   
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