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排序方式: 共有217条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Children and adults quantified random patterns of dots, under unlimited exposure duration. For adults and children two distinct processes appear to operate. For adults the quantification of collections of from one to three dots is essentially errorless, and proceeds at the rate of 46 msec per item, while the quantification rate for from 4 to 10 dots is 307 msec per dot. For children the same operating ranges appear to hold, however children are much slower. The lower slope is 195 msec per dot, while the upper is 1049. Although the results for adults and children are similar except for the overall rates, the nature of the isomorphism between children and adults is unclear.  相似文献   
It is known that, on average, people adapt their choice of memory strategy to the subjective utility of interaction. What is not known is whether an individual's choices are boundedly optimal. Two experiments are reported that test the hypothesis that an individual's decisions about the distribution of remembering between internal and external resources are boundedly optimal where optimality is defined relative to experience, cognitive constraints, and reward. The theory makes predictions that are tested against data, not fitted to it. The experiments use a no‐choice/choice utility learning paradigm where the no‐choice phase is used to elicit a profile of each participant's performance across the strategy space and the choice phase is used to test predicted choices within this space. They show that the majority of individuals select strategies that are boundedly optimal. Further, individual differences in what people choose to do are successfully predicted by the analysis. Two issues are discussed: (a) the performance of the minority of participants who did not find boundedly optimal adaptations, and (b) the possibility that individuals anticipate what, with practice, will become a bounded optimal strategy, rather than what is boundedly optimal during training.  相似文献   
该文就先天性红-绿色觉异常者对非彩色系表色色差的辨别展开了研究。结果表明,先天性红-绿色觉异常者色差识别的量值△E随目视评价的等级不同而异;先天性红-绿色觉异常者与色党正常者在非彩色表色辨别上存在一定的差异;同一明度等级上、下限的变化对先天性红-绿色觉异常者的非彩色表色辨别存在影响,这种影响与明度的级别有关。  相似文献   
池忠军  亓光 《学海》2008,1(3):62-66
重新审视<宣言>的政治哲学思想,意味着在对政治哲学基本概念的分析基础上,能够把握马克思的政治哲学与马克思主义政治哲学之间的关系,并且在存在、建构和超越的逻辑进路下辨明马克思的政治哲学在<宣言>中是通过三个核心范畴的命题而确立的.通过对<宣言>具体内容的抽象,<宣言>在三大范畴性进步的基础上,成功地从本体论、认识论和方法论三个方面体现了马克思的政治哲学的科学性、进步性、前瞻性和先进性.  相似文献   
试论理论心理学及其应用价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理论心理学是近20年来涌现出的新学科。这是一门以理论思维方法对心理学的基本问题和规律进行探索的科学,已逐渐汇成为心理学各分支学科的理论基础。理论心理学在心理学中的地位,就应像理论物理学、理论化学在物理学和化学中一样,是心理学的学科体系中一个极为重要和不可缺少的组成部分。理论心理学并不是抽象的哲学建构,它也十分关注实践应用问题。当前理论心理学在西方已出现了两种比较成熟的行动应用模式。  相似文献   
该研究以广州市与台中市大学生为被试,抽取500人为预测样本及800人为正式施测样本,通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析编制生命意义量表,并通过t检验和潜在剖面分析考察两岸大学生生命意义现况的差异.结果表明:(1)编制的生命意义量表由存在意义、追寻意义、存在盈实、苦难接纳、死亡接纳以及求意义的意志等6个维度组成,具有良好的信度和效度.(2)两岸大学生生命意义总体无显著差异;存在盈实、苦难接受与死亡接纳维度有显著或非常显著的差异.(3)潜在剖面分析结果显示,两岸大学生生命意义类型相似.Wald检验结果表明,对于“死亡接纳”维度,台湾与大陆学生在各潜在类别的均分上存在显著的差异.  相似文献   
目的:检验儿童青少年正念量表(CAMM)在中国青少年群体中应用的信效度,为青少年正念研究提供科学工具。方法:选取310名中学生(样本1)进行条目分析和探索性因素分析,再选取309名中学生(样本2)进行验证性因素分析、效标效度、增量效度和信度分析。结果:中文版CAMM抽取2个因素最为合适,并具有良好的结构效度、效标效度、增量效度及较高的信度。结论:中文版CAMM具有良好的心理测量学指标,可以在中国青少年群体中使用。  相似文献   
隆乳术不仅可以重塑女性的形体美,而且可以增强女性的自信心,在当前具有广阔的市场。纵观隆乳术的发展演变史,从最初的注射隆乳术到自体组织隆乳术,再到当前的假体隆乳术和自体脂肪移植隆乳术,经历了“实践、认识、再实践、再认识”的多次反复。各种隆乳方式各具特色,其间既有成功的经验,又有失败的教训。针对隆乳术安全性的改进推动了隆乳术的不断向前发展。寻找一种安全有效的隆乳方式和理想的隆乳材料成为当前隆乳术发展的关键和整形外科医师关注的重点。  相似文献   
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