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在《巴别塔之后》中,乔治·斯坦纳(1975,24)评论道,“文本内嵌于特定的历史事件”,所以,全面阅读一个文本,就涉及“尽可能地恢复价值与意图的直接性一一言语,实际上是在这样的直接性中发生的”。本文的目的,就是要恢复二十世纪六七十年代,伊斯兰研究一开始阅读和听闻克利福德·格尔茨的方式,并指出它在当代,对理解今天的伊斯兰的意义。  相似文献   
通过分析克尔凯郭尔和费耶阿本德共同对人性整体化阐释的批判,本文探讨了前者对后者的影响。他们都批评道,在方法论上致力于探究客观性和抽象的关于人性的哲学理论和科学理论无法捕捉人类经验的丰富性。二者论证说明:通过强加否定人性和实在具有复杂性的抽象理论,哲学和科学都有成为人类发展障碍的危险。他们二者采用的方式是在评价哲学理论和科学理论中坚持"存在主义"标准。克尔凯郭尔还评论认为,不宜把自然科学方法应用于人类;在批判"科学世界观"不能容纳丰富的人类生活所必需的价值时,费耶阿本德进一步阐述和发展了克尔凯郭尔的这些评论。本文的结论部分对二者主张中的一些分歧进行了评价,并肯定了对科学知识进行存在主义批判的价值。  相似文献   
本研究从三种宗教出发考查了一神论宗教的自我认知中的神圣和人类他者的表征。自我认知的概念是以叙事数据中的语义系统和情景知识为基础。考虑到认知图式形成中社会背景的重要性,本研究强调了比较宗教设计中的自我认知。样本包括60名指定的具有宗教背景的被试,对他们进行结构性访谈。在潜在语义分析(LSA)的计量模式中,通过比较自我和其它表征来绘出犹太教徒、伊斯兰教徒和基督教徒的图示。结果表明对所有的被试来说,在认知模式中的神圣表征与其父母相去甚远。与犹太教徒和基督教徒不同,伊斯兰教徒好像是以自我认知为基础来表征人性的其它方面,这种自我认知主要参考对神圣的理解。在考查计量语义空间的时候,被试通常是通过与神圣和类似人物相应的方式来表征自我的。  相似文献   
We investigated the implicit learning of a linguistically relevant variable (animacy) in a natural language context (namely, the relation of forms of determiners to semantics). Trial by trial subjective measures indicated that exposure to a form–animacy regularity led to unconscious knowledge of that regularity. Under the same conditions, people did not learn about another form–meaning regularity when a linguistically arbitrary variable was used instead of animacy (size relative to a dog). Implicit learning is constrained to acquire unconscious knowledge about features with high prior probabilities of being relevant in that domain.  相似文献   
This study examined the concordance between parental and youth's perceptions regarding open communication in their families and its association with youth's psychosocial adjustment. The relative importance of parental and adolescents' perceptions of open family communication in relation to youth's psychosocial adjustment was also investigated. Participants were 336 parent-youth dyads from inner-city low-income communities in an eastern city in the United States. Both parental and youth's perceptions of open communication in the family were categorized into "high" and "low" groups using a median split in scores. Four parent-youth concordance groups (i.e. high-high, high-low, low-high and low-low) were derived based on the combination of the levels of parental and youth's perceptions. Parental and youth's perceptions about open communication were modestly correlated (r = 0.129, p < 0.05). The level of concordance differed by youth gender with male adolescents and their parents being more likely to perceive lower levels of open communication (i.e. "low-low") than females and their parents (32% versus 19%, p < 0.05). In general, youth demonstrated poorer psychosocial adjustment if they perceived a lower level of open communication between them and their parents, independent of the level of their parents' perceptions (e.g. "high" or "low"). The findings suggest an important role of adolescents' own perceptions of the openness of the family communication in relation to adolescent psychosocial adjustment. Developmentally and gender appropriate intervention programs are needed to improve the openness of parent-adolescent communication, to help both parents and youth to recognize the significant preventive role of open communication in the family, especially, the socioeconomically disadvantaged families.  相似文献   
Although the majority of research focuses on the risks and disadvantages of online gaming, the present authors suggest that online games also represent new ways of satisfying basic human needs within the conditions of modern society. The aim of our present study was to reveal and operationalize the components of the motivational basis of online gaming. A total 3,818 persons (90.6% males; mean age 20.9 years, SD = 5.81) were recruited through websites providing online games. A combined method of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was applied. The results confirmed our preliminary model as we identified seven motivational factors (social, escape, competition, coping, skill development, fantasy, and recreation), which were used to develop the 27-item Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ). The seven dimensions identified seem to cover the full range of possible motives for gaming, and the MOGQ proved to be an adequate measurement tool to assess these motives.  相似文献   
Previous research has established that holding a stimulus in working memory (WM) facilitates the deployment of visual attention to that stimulus relative to other stimuli. The present study examined whether maintaining a specific task in WM would also bias the allocation of attention to the stimuli associated with that task. Participants performed a speeded letter search task while simultaneously keeping in WM one of two task cues shown at the beginning of each trial. The results showed that task-based WM guidance of attention was modulated by response latencies. Whereas the participants with fast reaction times showed little influence of WM contents, the participants with slow reaction times took longer to respond when the letter target appeared in a distractor stimulus consistent with the task cue held in mind. A subsequent Stroop experiment found a larger Stroop interference effect from the participants in the slow group compared with those in the fast group, suggesting that the differential WM effect between the two groups may be associated with an individual's ability to inhibit task-irrelevant information. Taken together, these results expanded the realm of previous research and provided further evidence for a close link between attention and WM.  相似文献   
辩证唯物主义的产生——哲学上的伟大的革命变革——是由科学和实践的整个发展过程所准备和推动的。辩证唯物主义的产生,除了在其中起主要作用的工人阶级革命运动的发展以外,同样也需要科学理论的前提条件,其中包括自然科学的前提条件。十九世纪四十年代前,自然科学的发展提供了大量的材料。这些材料证明了马克思以前哲学唯物主义的形而上学的、机械的局限性,阐明了自然界现象的客观的唯物主义辩证法,提出了必须创造新的辩证唯物主义的自然观。马克思和恩格斯在创造辩证唯物主义世界观时就是以这些自然科学的材料为  相似文献   
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